[Vm-dev] Re: [Pharo-dev] Cog in the cloud

Alain Rastoul alf.mmm.cat at gmail.com
Mon Dec 22 21:50:49 UTC 2014

Le 22/12/2014 13:14, Ben Coman a écrit :
> Ben Coman wrote:
>> (whoops forgot to cross-post)
>> Eliot Miranda wrote:
>>> Hi Ben,
>>> On Dec 19, 2014, at 8:08 PM, Ben Coman <btc at openInWorld.com> wrote:
>>>> Just some thoughts that arose as I skipped along the web...
>>>> With the idea of using Pharo in the cloud, I was thinking of how
>>>> PharoNOS[1] is basing off top of the Linux kernel, but the examples
>>>> indicate its operating in User Mode.  So I was wondering about
>>>> performance being greater[2] if the CogVM ran in Kernel Mode.
>>>> However maybe this could get tangled in the GPL license of the kernel.
>>>> Now I believe FreeBSD/NetBSD license is compatible with COG's MIT
>>>> license, so that seems a better option for eliminating layers of the
>>>> operating system.  They both[3][4] have pre-built Amazon Machine
>>>> Images to run on EC2, as well as instructions[5] to build your own
>>>> AMI.  So potentially we could build an AMI with the CogVM linked to
>>>> the FreeBSDKernel operating in Kernel Mode, with no User Mode. The
>>>> lack of direct access to memory from the Image, and probably single
>>>> application focus should be sufficient security to forgo User Mode,
>>>> and run faster.
>>>> But we could go a step further.  Runing in the cloud relies heavily
>>>> on virtualisation, and for performance[6], most likely on the OS's
>>>> paravirtualisation interface - to Xen for example.  So from Cog, why
>>>> not interface direct to the Xen FrontEndDriver[7] and eliminate the
>>>> DomU operating system all together.  What I understand from [6] is
>>>> that Xen's paravirtualisation hooks makes it much easier to boot,
>>>> than booting on the bare metal of a fully-virtualised system. So the
>>>> former seems more achievable than the latter (which was the only
>>>> option in years past), and also be more portable as technology
>>>> evolves, to any platform Xen runs on.
>>>> Squeak/Pharo on Cog-Xen could be a good choice for a Cloud Operating
>>>> System[8]. Maybe a good student research project?
>>> This sounds really cool, but could you analyse a bit further?
>>> - what key economic and managerial benefits accrue from this
>>> configuration?
>> I'll put some more thought into this, but just off the top of my head
>> (so it turned out more technical than economic/managerial):
>> * Eliminates performance overhead of system call context switching.
>> Although this is replaced by hypercalls, it removes one layer on
>> hypervisor systems, which plausibly is going to be EVERYTHING in the
>> future.
>> * Eliminate performance overhead of OS networking stack
>> http://roscidus.com/blog/blog/2014/08/15/optimising-the-unikernel/
>> * Data from virtual devices is event driven.
>> * More easily portable to different ARM platforms.  Xen will present a
>> common interface to hide platform idiosyncrasies.
>> --> More widespread embedded use Cog.
>> http://www.slideshare.net/xen_com_mgr/free-rtos-xensummit
>> * Run databases in their own domain.
>> * Isolate plugin memory space. Rather than linking plugins into Cog,
>> potentially threatening its stability, run them in a separate domain and
>> use high-speed inter-domain shared memory.
>> http://www.cs.ucsb.edu/~nanli/projects/cs270.pdf
>> * Have a cloud community of thousands** of Images running each in their
>> own domain, communicating with high-speed inter-domain shared memory.
>>    ** presumptive figure - would need to check scaling ability
>> * Data sharing on high density hosting providers. Not sure if its there
>> yet, but may get Copy-On-Write
>> http://www-archive.xenproject.org/files/xensummit_fall07/18_GregorMilos.pdf
>> * In very large Images, which Spur will allow, perhaps a better way to
>> snapshot an Image is via virtual machine snapshotting using Copy-On.
>> http://www.cercs.gatech.edu/tech-reports/tr2010/git-cercs-10-05.pdf
>> * Rather than convert the Cog/Image to be multi-threaded, could have
>> many grid nodes running their own domain, communicating with high speed
>> shared memory.
>> http://www.cs.ucsb.edu/~nanli/projects/cs270.pdf
>> http://osnet.cs.binghamton.edu/publications/hines07memx.pdf
>> * AMD's hardware virtualisation eliminated a Ring and also segmented
>> memory protection used by virtualisation to separate address spaces, so
>> 64-bit AMD can be slower.  Eliminating the OS kernel layer probably
>> bypasses this limitation since there would be only two levels -
>> Hypervisor & Cog.
>> https://lse.epita.fr/data/2011-lse-summer-week/xen.pdf
>> * Its where all the cool kids hang out --> marketing opportunity
> * Security versus lines of code...
>    Linux = 15.9 million (3.6 Kernel)
>    OSX = 86 million
>    FreeBSD = 6.25 million
>    OpenSolaris = 10 million
>    Windows = 64 million
>    Xen-ARM = 90,000
>    Xen-x86 = 140,000
> https://www.google.com/fusiontables/DataSource?docid=12Eg7Ru1CH5MIjomcfjaGKe2qBd9ynmSQni5CAioK
> http://wiki.xen.org/wiki/Xen_ARM_with_Virtualization_Extensions_whitepaper
>>> - what infrastructure is missing?  (e.g. what key drivers need
>>> implementing?)
>> I'll need to understand Cog more. As a start, here are some porting and
>> API docs...
>> http://events.linuxfoundation.org/sites/events/files/slides/Porting%20FreeBSD%20on%20Xen%20on%20ARM%20.pdf
>> http://oss.org.cn/ossdocs/server_storage/xen/interface/interface.html
>> http://www.informit.com/articles/article.aspx?p=1160234&seqNum=4
>> https://lse.epita.fr/data/2011-lse-summer-week/xen.pdf
>> https://github.com/cloudius-systems/osv/blob/master/drivers/xenfront-xenbus.cc
>> cheers -ben
>>>> [1] http://pillarhub.pharocloud.com/hub/mikefilonov/pharonos
>>>> [2] http://blog.codinghorror.com/understanding-user-and-kernel-mode/
>>>> [3] http://www.daemonology.net/freebsd-on-ec2/
>>>> [4] http://wiki.netbsd.org/amazon_ec2/amis/
>>>> [5] http://wiki.netbsd.org/amazon_ec2/build_your_own_ami/
>>>> [6] http://wiki.xen.org/wiki/Virtualization_Spectrum
>>>> [7] http://wiki.xen.org/wiki/FrontendDriver
>>>> [8] http://wiki.xen.org/wiki/Cloud_Operating_Systems
>>> Eliot (phone)
Very interesting thread.

You can also add Docker, an epitech guy's startup

And about the "key economic and managerial benefits" from this kind of 
system : on-demand "elasticity" : to pay only for needed cpu, and to 
avoid the slashsdot effect
link from Sven: http://zerg.erlangonxen.org/
100 ms to boot a VM gest to serve an http request and then exit ... very 

The PharoNOS project looks great.

I just tried it on an ubuntu+xen and windosw8.1+hyperv dual boot 
desktop, and it runs better on a guest VM with one core and 1GB RAM than
on the desktop host with 12 cores and 16 GB,  on both boot 
configurations (almost every times not always)

test is 0 tinyBenchmarks with a Pharo 3.0 VM:

config 1
Host = Ubuntu 14.04 + Xen 4.4.1, core i7  6 cores, 12 vcpu , 16 GB
Guest VM = PharoNOS (TinyCorelinux, 1 vcpu, 1GB)
(1) Ubuntu 14.04 on host : '1,523,809,523 bytecodes/sec; 219,893,944 
(2) PharoNOS Xen VM guest : 1,728,270,042 bytecodes/sec; 224,211,429 

config 2: same hardware, booting on Windows8.1 pro with HyperV hypervisor:
Host = Windows 8.1 pro, 12 vcpu, 16 GB
Guest VM = PharoNOS , 1 vcpu, 1GB
(3) Host, Win 8.1 pro:   '1,595,015,576 bytecodes/sec; 206,330,393 
(4) PharoNOS Hyper-V VM guest :  1,651,612,903 bytecodes/sec; 
201,435,694 sends/sec

Unfortunatly, I can't test it much, I have no network on my Xen vms for 
now (it will come), I tested the available iso of the PharoNOS project



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