[Vm-dev] Making a Slower VM

David T. Lewis lewis at mail.msen.com
Mon Feb 10 20:51:42 UTC 2014

I was looking at the trunk VMM yesterday and found that most of the issues
were just caused by accessor methods, where #foo and #foo: generate
conflicting foo(void) and foo(aParameter). In most cases, a convention of
#setFoo: rather than #foo: takes care of the problem. There were a few
other miscellaneous issues as well, but nothing that looked serious.

The variable 'memory' is a challenge because it is used extensively both
directly and through #memory and #memory:. I was considering changing the
variable name to something like memoryBase, and leaving the accessors
alone though I'm not sure that would be a very good idea.

I ran out of time yesterday and did not pursue it beyond this.


> On 10-02-2014, at 11:53 AM, Eliot Miranda <eliot.miranda at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I *think* the issue is the internal/external split brought abut by the
>> introduction of the localFoo variables, such as localSP and localIP.
> It’s really hard to be sure but I suspect that this isn’t the (only)
> issue. IIRC we used to be able to make non-inlined VMs at one point and
> that was well after the internalFoo code was added.
> OK, some quick email searching reveals some work done in ’03 by johnMcI,
> Craig & me.
> Craig found the following code helped -
> !'From Squeak3.6alpha of ''17 March 2003'' [latest update: #5325] on 21
> July 2003 at 1:11:25 pm'!
> !Interpreter methodsFor: 'contexts' stamp: 'crl 7/19/2003 15:59'!
> primitiveFindNextUnwindContext
> 	"Primitive. Search up the context stack for the next method context
> marked for unwind handling from the receiver up to but not including the
> argument. Return nil if none found."
> 	| thisCntx nilOop aContext isUnwindMarked header meth pIndex |
> 	aContext _ self popStack.
> 	thisCntx _ self fetchPointer: SenderIndex ofObject: self popStack.
> 	nilOop _ nilObj.
> 	[(thisCntx = aContext) or: [thisCntx = nilOop]] whileFalse: [
> 	header _ self baseHeader: aContext.
> 	(self isMethodContextHeader: header)
> 		ifTrue: [
> 			meth _ self fetchPointer: MethodIndex ofObject: aContext.
> 			pIndex _ self primitiveIndexOf: meth.
> 			isUnwindMarked _ pIndex == 198]
> 		ifFalse: [isUnwindMarked _ false].
> 		isUnwindMarked ifTrue:[
> 			self push: thisCntx.
> 			^nil].
> 		thisCntx _ self fetchPointer: SenderIndex ofObject: thisCntx].
> 	^self push: nilOop! !
> !Interpreter methodsFor: 'interpreter shell' stamp: 'crl 7/19/2003 15:33'!
> interpret
> 	"This is the main interpreter loop. It normally loops forever, fetching
> and executing bytecodes. When running in the context of a browser plugin
> VM, however, it must return control to the browser periodically. This
> should done only when the state of the currently running Squeak thread is
> safely stored in the object heap. Since this is the case at the moment
> that a check for interrupts is performed, that is when we return to the
> browser if it is time to do so. Interrupt checks happen quite
> frequently."
> 	"record entry time when running as a browser plug-in"
> 	"self browserPluginInitialiseIfNeeded"
> 	self internalizeIPandSP.
> 	self fetchNextBytecode.
> 	[true] whileTrue: [self dispatchOn: currentBytecode in: BytecodeTable].
> 	localIP _ localIP - 1.  "undo the pre-increment of IP before returning"
> 	self externalizeIPandSP.
> ! !
> !Interpreter methodsFor: 'return bytecodes' stamp: 'crl 7/19/2003 16:05'!
> returnValueTo
> 	"Note: Assumed to be inlined into the dispatch loop."
> 	| nilOop thisCntx contextOfCaller localCntx localVal isUnwindMarked
> header meth pIndex |
> 	self inline: true.
> 	self sharedCodeNamed: 'commonReturn' inCase: 120.
> 	nilOop _ nilObj. "keep in a register"
> 	thisCntx _ activeContext.
> 	localCntx _ cntx.
> 	localVal _ val.
> 	"make sure we can return to the given context"
> 	((localCntx = nilOop) or:
> 	 [(self fetchPointer: InstructionPointerIndex ofObject: localCntx) =
> nilOop]) ifTrue: [
> 		"error: sender's instruction pointer or context is nil; cannot return"
> 		^self internalCannotReturn: localVal].
> 	"If this return is not to our immediate predecessor (i.e. from a method
> to its sender, or from a block to its caller), scan the stack for the
> first unwind marked context and inform this context and let it deal with
> it. This provides a chance for ensure unwinding to occur."
> 	thisCntx _ self fetchPointer: SenderIndex ofObject: activeContext.
> 	"Just possibly a faster test would be to compare the homeContext and
> activeContext - they are of course different for blocks. Thus we might be
> able to optimise a touch by having a different returnTo for the
> blockreteurn (since we know that must return to caller) and then if
> active ~= home we must be doing a non-local return. I think. Maybe."
> 	[thisCntx = localCntx] whileFalse: [
> 		thisCntx = nilObj ifTrue:[
> 			"error: sender's instruction pointer or context is nil; cannot return"
> 			^self internalCannotReturn: localVal].
> 		"Climb up stack towards localCntx. Break out to a send of
> #aboutToReturn:through: if an unwind marked context is found"
> 	header _ self baseHeader: thisCntx.
> 	(self isMethodContextHeader: header)
> 		ifTrue: [
> 			meth _ self fetchPointer: MethodIndex ofObject: thisCntx.
> 			pIndex _ self primitiveIndexOf: meth.
> 			isUnwindMarked _ pIndex == 198]
> 		ifFalse: [isUnwindMarked _ false].
> 		isUnwindMarked ifTrue:[
> 			"context is marked; break out"
> 			^self internalAboutToReturn: localVal through: thisCntx].
> 		thisCntx _ self fetchPointer: SenderIndex ofObject: thisCntx.
> ].
> 	"If we get here there is no unwind to worry about. Simply terminate the
> stack up to the localCntx - often just the sender of the method"
> 	thisCntx _ activeContext.
> 	[thisCntx = localCntx]
> 		whileFalse:
> 		["climb up stack to localCntx"
> 		contextOfCaller _ self fetchPointer: SenderIndex ofObject: thisCntx.
> 		"zap exited contexts so any future attempted use will be caught"
> 		self storePointerUnchecked: SenderIndex ofObject: thisCntx withValue:
> nilOop.
> 		self storePointerUnchecked: InstructionPointerIndex ofObject: thisCntx
> withValue: nilOop.
> 		reclaimableContextCount > 0 ifTrue:
> 			["try to recycle this context"
> 			reclaimableContextCount _ reclaimableContextCount - 1.
> 			self recycleContextIfPossible: thisCntx].
> 		thisCntx _ contextOfCaller].
> 	activeContext _ thisCntx.
> 	(thisCntx < youngStart) ifTrue: [ self beRootIfOld: thisCntx ].
> 	self internalFetchContextRegisters: thisCntx.  "updates local IP and SP"
> 	self fetchNextBytecode.
> 	self internalPush: localVal.
> ! !
> Shortly after that I released the VMMaker3.6 with a note that it couldn’t
> produce a completely non-inlined VM because of a problem in fetchByte if
> globalstruct was enabled, and some odd problems in B2DPlugin. When
> VMMaker3.7 was released a year late (march 04) I apparently thought it
> could make the core vm non-inlined. Since this is all a bazillion years
> ago I can’t remember any context to help extend the history.
> tim
> --
> tim Rowledge; tim at rowledge.org; http://www.rowledge.org/tim
> Science is imagination equipped with grappling hooks.

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