Re: [Vm-dev] One can pass events from EventSensor to the    StackInterpreterSimulator

tim Rowledge tim at
Fri Jan 31 22:46:27 UTC 2014

On 31-01-2014, at 2:24 PM, Bert Freudenberg <bert at> wrote:
> Not necessarily. There should be a SimulatorMorph that holds onto the simulator itself and embeds the image morph. That could present a nice UI, and could either handle events itself, or register event handlers with the image morph.

A useful UI for the simulator would allow pushing in events that are *not* those going on in the outer world; some way to send in a variety of keyboard/button events would help with making sure that the event handling can cope with variations not provided by your host. For example, some platforms send a triple of keydown/keystroke/keyup for each keyboard press. Some do it quite differently. Or say one is trying to develop handling for a new event that isn’t actually provided by any VM yet (OS_TeaTime_Alert, for example) and you want to make sure it can work.

At the very least it might lead to some decent documentation of WTF goes on down there.

tim Rowledge; tim at;
"How many Slavers does it take to change a lightbulb?" "Dunno. How susceptible are lightbulbs to telepathy?"

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