[Vm-dev] StackUnixDebugConfig gcc3x-interp.c .. conflicting types

Ben Coman btc at openinworld.com
Mon Dec 14 17:58:43 UTC 2015

I'm trying to generate a debug VM from
https://github.com/pharo-project/pharo-vm.git.  I've backtracked to
try without the rump toolchain, using standard Debian 8 buildtools.

This works fine....
    StackUnixConfig generateWithSources

but this produces "conflicting types" (see [1])...

I am guessing that after the gnuifying step when interp.c gets
replaced with gcc3x-interp.c, something else causes interp.c to be
included again, but I'm yet to track that down.

I've banged my head on this for a couple of hours. Now looking for some hints...
btw, is trying this with the StackInterpreter first the best approach?

error: conflicting types for ‘isNegativeIntegerValueOf’
error: conflicting types for ‘magnitude64BitIntegerForneg’
error: conflicting types for ‘magnitude64BitValueOf’
error: conflicting types for ‘addressIsInPage’
error: conflicting types for ‘pruneStackstackp’
error: conflicting types for ‘oopisGreaterThanOrEqualTo’
error: conflicting types for ‘oopisGreaterThanOrEqualToandLessThan’
error: conflicting types for ‘oopisGreaterThanandLessThan’
error: conflicting types for ‘oopisLessThan’

cheers -ben

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