[Vm-dev] VM Maker: VMMaker.oscog-cb.1619.mcz

commits at source.squeak.org commits at source.squeak.org
Thu Jan 7 14:32:51 UTC 2016

Eliot Miranda uploaded a new version of VMMaker to project VM Maker:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: VMMaker.oscog-cb.1619
Author: cb
Time: 7 January 2016, 3:31:37.651 pm
UUID: 6db8b900-9c8b-4328-a246-58ecc53178fb
Ancestors: VMMaker.oscog-eem.1618

Fixed all the instructions in the 3 bytecode sets that needs to be mapped if Immutability is turned on.

I introduced #isMappedIfImmutability, which sets isMapped to true if Immutability is turned on (based on Eliot's suggestion a few months ago)

I also introduced a new needsFrameFunction, called needsFrameIfImmutability:, which does what the name suggests :-)

=============== Diff against VMMaker.oscog-eem.1618 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Cogit class>>generatorTableFrom: (in category 'class initialization') -----
  generatorTableFrom: anArray
  	| blockCreationBytecodeSize |
  	generatorTable := CArrayAccessor on: (Array new: 256).
  	anArray do:
  		[:tuple| | descriptor |
  		(descriptor := CogBytecodeDescriptor new)
  						numBytes: tuple first;
  						generator: tuple fourth;
  						isReturn: (tuple includes: #return);
+ 						isMapped: ((tuple includes: #isMapped) or: [IMMUTABILITY and: [ tuple includes: #isMappedIfImmutability]]);
- 						isMapped: (tuple includes: #isMapped);
  						isMappedInBlock: (tuple includes: #isMappedInBlock);
  						isBlockCreation: (tuple includes: #block);
  						spanFunction: (((tuple includes: #block) or: [(tuple includes: #branch)]) ifTrue:
  										[tuple detect: [:thing| thing isSymbol and: [thing numArgs = 4]]]);
  						isBranchTrue: (tuple includes: #isBranchTrue);
  						isBranchFalse: (tuple includes: #isBranchFalse);
  						isExtension: (tuple includes: #extension);
  						isInstVarRef: (tuple includes: #isInstVarRef);	"for Spur"
  						hasIRC: (tuple includes: #hasIRC);			"for Newspeak"
  		"As a hack to cut down on descriptor flags, use opcode to tag unusedBytecode for scanning.
  		 Currently descriptors are exactly 16 bytes with all 8 flag bits used (in Newspeak at least 17 bytes,
  		 9 flag bits).  As another hack to eliminate a test in scanMethod mark unknowns as extensions."
  		descriptor generator == #unknownBytecode ifTrue:
  			[descriptor opcode: Nop; isExtension: true].
  		descriptor isBlockCreation ifTrue:
  				ifNil: [blockCreationBytecodeSize := descriptor numBytes]
  				ifNotNil: [self assert: blockCreationBytecodeSize = descriptor numBytes]].
  		tuple do:
  			thing isSymbol ifTrue:
  				[(thing beginsWith: #needsFrame) ifTrue:
  					[descriptor needsFrameFunction: thing].
  				 (CogRTLOpcodes classPool at: thing ifAbsent: []) ifNotNil:
  					[:opcode| descriptor opcode: opcode]]].
  		tuple last isInteger
  			ifTrue: [descriptor stackDelta: tuple last]
  				[descriptor needsFrameFunction ifNotNil:
  					[self error: 'frameless block bytecodes must specify a stack delta']].
  		tuple second to: tuple third do:
  			generatorTable at: index put: descriptor]].
  	BlockCreationBytecodeSize := blockCreationBytecodeSize.

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Cogit>>needsFrameIfImmutability: (in category 'compile abstract instructions') -----
+ needsFrameIfImmutability: stackDelta

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: StackToRegisterMappingCogit class>>initializeBytecodeTableForNewspeakV4 (in category 'class initialization') -----
  	"StackToRegisterMappingCogit initializeBytecodeTableForNewspeakV4"
  	numPushNilsFunction := #v4:Num:Push:Nils:.
  	pushNilSizeFunction := #v4PushNilSize:numInitialNils:.
  	NSSendIsPCAnnotated := true. "IsNSSendCall used by SendAbsentImplicit"
  	FirstSpecialSelector := 80.
  	NumSpecialSelectors := 32.
  	self flag:
  'Special selector send class must be inlined to agree with the interpreter, which
   inlines class.  If class is sent to e.g. a general instance of ProtoObject then unless
   class is inlined there will be an MNU.  It must be that the Cointerpreter and Cogit
   have identical semantics.  We get away with not hardwiring the other special
   selectors either because in the Cointerpreter they are not inlined or because they
   are inlined only to instances of classes for which there will always be a method.'.
  	self generatorTableFrom: #(
  		"1 byte bytecodes"
  		(1    0   15 genPushReceiverVariableBytecode isInstVarRef needsFrameNever: 1)
  		(1  16   31 genPushLiteralVariable16CasesBytecode needsFrameNever: 1)
  		(1  32   63 genPushLiteralConstantBytecode needsFrameNever: 1)
  		(1  64   75 genPushTemporaryVariableBytecode needsFrameIfMod16GENumArgs: 1)
  		(1  76   76 genPushReceiverBytecode needsFrameNever: 1)
  		(1  77   77 genExtPushPseudoVariableOrOuterBytecode needsFrameIfExtBGT2: 1)
  		(1  78   78 genPushConstantZeroBytecode needsFrameNever: 1)
  		(1  79   79 genPushConstantOneBytecode needsFrameNever: 1)
  		(1   80   80 genSpecialSelectorArithmetic isMapped AddRR)
  		(1   81   81 genSpecialSelectorArithmetic isMapped SubRR)
  		(1   82   82 genSpecialSelectorComparison isMapped JumpLess)
  		(1   83   83 genSpecialSelectorComparison isMapped JumpGreater)
  		(1   84   84 genSpecialSelectorComparison isMapped JumpLessOrEqual)
  		(1   85   85 genSpecialSelectorComparison isMapped JumpGreaterOrEqual)
  		(1   86   86 genSpecialSelectorComparison isMapped JumpZero)
  		(1   87   87 genSpecialSelectorComparison isMapped JumpNonZero)
  		(1   88   93 genSpecialSelectorSend isMapped)	 " #* #/ #\\ #@ #bitShift: //"
  		(1   94   94 genSpecialSelectorArithmetic isMapped AndRR)
  		(1   95   95 genSpecialSelectorArithmetic isMapped OrRR)
  		(1   96 101 genSpecialSelectorSend isMapped) "#at: #at:put: #size #next #nextPut: #atEnd"
  		(1 102 102 genSpecialSelectorEqualsEquals needsFrameNever: notMapped -1) "not mapped because it is directly inlined (for now)"
  		(1 103 103 genSpecialSelectorClass needsFrameIfStackGreaterThanOne: notMapped 0) "not mapped because it is directly inlined (for now)"
  		(1 104 111 genSpecialSelectorSend isMapped) "#blockCopy: #value #value: #do: #new #new: #x #y"
  		(1 112 127 genSendLiteralSelector0ArgsBytecode isMapped)
  		(1 128 143 genSendLiteralSelector1ArgBytecode isMapped)
  		(1 144 159 genSendLiteralSelector2ArgsBytecode isMapped)
+ 		(1 160 175	genSendAbsentImplicit0ArgsBytecode isMapped hasIRC)
- 		(1 160 175	genSendAbsentImplicit0ArgsBytecode isMapped hasIRC)),
- 		"N.B. not frameless if immutability"
- 		((initializationOptions at: #IMMUTABILITY ifAbsent: [false])
- 			ifTrue: [#((1 176 183 genStoreAndPopReceiverVariableBytecode isMapped isInstVarRef -1))]
- 			ifFalse: [#((1 176 183 genStoreAndPopReceiverVariableBytecode isInstVarRef needsFrameNever: -1)) ]),
+ 		(1 176 183 genStoreAndPopReceiverVariableBytecode isInstVarRef isMappedIfImmutability needsFrameIfImmutability: -1)
+ 		(1 184 191 genStoreAndPopTemporaryVariableBytecode)
- 		#((1 184 191 genStoreAndPopTemporaryVariableBytecode)
  		(1 192 199 genShortUnconditionalJump	branch v3:ShortForward:Branch:Distance:)
  		(1 200 207 genShortJumpIfTrue			branch isBranchTrue isMapped "because of mustBeBoolean"
  		(1 208 215 genShortJumpIfFalse			branch isBranchFalse isMapped "because of mustBeBoolean"
  		(1 216 216 genReturnReceiver				return needsFrameIfInBlock: isMappedInBlock 0)
  		(1 217 217 genReturnTopFromMethod		return needsFrameIfInBlock: isMappedInBlock -1)
  		(1 218 218 genExtReturnTopFromBlock	return needsFrameNever: -1)
  		(1 219 219 duplicateTopBytecode			needsFrameNever: 1)
  		(1 220 220 genPopStackBytecode			needsFrameNever: -1)
  		(1 221 221 genExtNopBytecode			needsFrameNever: 0)
  		(1 222 223	unknownBytecode)
  		"2 byte bytecodes"
  		(2 224 224 extABytecode extension					needsFrameNever: 0)
  		(2 225 225 extBBytecode extension					needsFrameNever: 0)
  		(2 226 226 genExtPushReceiverVariableBytecode isInstVarRef)
  		(2 227 227 genExtPushLiteralVariableBytecode		needsFrameNever: 1)
  		(2 228 228 genExtPushLiteralBytecode					needsFrameNever: 1)
  		(2 229 229 genExtPushIntegerBytecode				needsFrameNever: 1)
  		(2 230 230 genLongPushTemporaryVariableBytecode)
  		(2 231 231 genPushNewArrayBytecode)
+ 		(2 232 232 genExtStoreReceiverVariableBytecode isInstVarRef isMappedIfImmutability)
- 		(2 232 232 genExtStoreReceiverVariableBytecode isInstVarRef)
  		(2 233 233 genExtStoreLiteralVariableBytecode)
  		(2 234 234 genLongStoreTemporaryVariableBytecode)
+ 		(2 235 235 genExtStoreAndPopReceiverVariableBytecode isInstVarRef isMappedIfImmutability)
- 		(2 235 235 genExtStoreAndPopReceiverVariableBytecode isInstVarRef)
  		(2 236 236 genExtStoreAndPopLiteralVariableBytecode)
  		(2 237 237 genLongStoreAndPopTemporaryVariableBytecode)
  		(2 238 238 genExtSendBytecode isMapped)
  		(2 239 239 genExtSendSuperBytecode isMapped)
  		(2 240 240 genExtSendAbsentImplicitBytecode isMapped hasIRC)
  		(2 241 241 genExtSendAbsentDynamicSuperBytecode isMapped hasIRC)
  		(2 242 242 genExtUnconditionalJump	branch isMapped "because of interrupt check" v4:Long:Branch:Distance:)
  		(2 243 243 genExtJumpIfTrue			branch isBranchTrue isMapped "because of mustBeBoolean" v4:Long:Branch:Distance:)
  		(2 244 244 genExtJumpIfFalse			branch isBranchFalse isMapped "because of mustBeBoolean" v4:Long:Branch:Distance:)
  		(2 245 245	genExtSendAbsentSelfBytecode isMapped hasIRC)
  		(2 246 248	unknownBytecode)
  		"3 byte bytecodes"
  		(3 249 249 genCallPrimitiveBytecode)
  		(3 250 250 genPushRemoteTempLongBytecode)
  		(3 251 251 genStoreRemoteTempLongBytecode)
  		(3 252 252 genStoreAndPopRemoteTempLongBytecode)
  		(3 253 253 genExtPushClosureBytecode block v4:Block:Code:Size:)
  		(3 254 254	genExtSendAbsentOuterBytecode isMapped hasIRC)
  		(3 255 255	unknownBytecode))!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: StackToRegisterMappingCogit class>>initializeBytecodeTableForSistaV1 (in category 'class initialization') -----
  	"StackToRegisterMappingCogit initializeBytecodeTableForSistaV1"
  	numPushNilsFunction := #sistaV1:Num:Push:Nils:.
  	pushNilSizeFunction := #sistaV1PushNilSize:numInitialNils:.
  	BytecodeSetHasDirectedSuperSend := true.
  	FirstSpecialSelector := 96.
  	NumSpecialSelectors := 32.
  	self flag:
  'Special selector send class must be inlined to agree with the interpreter, which
   inlines class.  If class is sent to e.g. a general instance of ProtoObject then unless
   class is inlined there will be an MNU.  It must be that the Cointerpreter and Cogit
   have identical semantics.  We get away with not hardwiring the other special
   selectors either because in the Cointerpreter they are not inlined or because they
   are inlined only to instances of classes for which there will always be a method.'.
  	self generatorTableFrom: #(
  		"1 byte bytecodes"
  		(1    0   15 genPushReceiverVariableBytecode isInstVarRef		needsFrameNever: 1)
  		(1  16   31 genPushLitVarDirSup16CasesBytecode				needsFrameNever: 1)
  		(1  32   63 genPushLiteralConstantBytecode					needsFrameNever: 1)
  		(1  64   75 genPushTemporaryVariableBytecode				needsFrameIfMod16GENumArgs: 1)
  		(1  76   76 genPushReceiverBytecode							needsFrameNever: 1)
  		(1  77   77 genPushConstantTrueBytecode						needsFrameNever: 1)
  		(1  78   78 genPushConstantFalseBytecode					needsFrameNever: 1)
  		(1  79   79 genPushConstantNilBytecode						needsFrameNever: 1)
  		(1  80   80 genPushConstantZeroBytecode						needsFrameNever: 1)
  		(1  81   81 genPushConstantOneBytecode						needsFrameNever: 1)
  		(1  82   82 genExtPushPseudoVariable)
  		(1  83   83 duplicateTopBytecode								needsFrameNever: 1)
  		(1  84   87 unknownBytecode)
  		(1  88   88 genReturnReceiver				return needsFrameIfInBlock: isMappedInBlock 0)
  		(1  89   89 genReturnTrue					return needsFrameIfInBlock: isMappedInBlock 0)
  		(1  90   90 genReturnFalse					return needsFrameIfInBlock: isMappedInBlock 0)
  		(1  91   91 genReturnNil					return needsFrameIfInBlock: isMappedInBlock 0)
  		(1  92   92 genReturnTopFromMethod		return needsFrameIfInBlock: isMappedInBlock -1)
  		(1  93   93 genReturnNilFromBlock			return needsFrameNever: -1)
  		(1  94   94 genReturnTopFromBlock		return needsFrameNever: -1)
  		(1  95   95 genExtNopBytecode			needsFrameNever: 0)
  		(1  96   96 genSpecialSelectorArithmetic isMapped AddRR)
  		(1  97   97 genSpecialSelectorArithmetic isMapped SubRR)
  		(1  98   98 genSpecialSelectorComparison isMapped JumpLess)
  		(1  99   99 genSpecialSelectorComparison isMapped JumpGreater)
  		(1 100 100 genSpecialSelectorComparison isMapped JumpLessOrEqual)
  		(1 101 101 genSpecialSelectorComparison isMapped JumpGreaterOrEqual)
  		(1 102 102 genSpecialSelectorComparison isMapped JumpZero)
  		(1 103 103 genSpecialSelectorComparison isMapped JumpNonZero)
  		(1 104 109 genSpecialSelectorSend isMapped)	 " #* #/ #\\ #@ #bitShift: //"
  		(1 110 110 genSpecialSelectorArithmetic isMapped AndRR)
  		(1 111 111 genSpecialSelectorArithmetic isMapped OrRR)
  		(1 112 117 genSpecialSelectorSend isMapped) "#at: #at:put: #size #next #nextPut: #atEnd"
  		(1 118 118 genSpecialSelectorEqualsEquals needsFrameNever: notMapped -1) "not mapped because it is directly inlined (for now)"
  		(1 119 119 genSpecialSelectorClass needsFrameIfStackGreaterThanOne: notMapped 0) "not mapped because it is directly inlined (for now)"
  		(1 120 127 genSpecialSelectorSend isMapped) "#blockCopy: #value #value: #do: #new #new: #x #y"
  		(1 128 143 genSendLiteralSelector0ArgsBytecode isMapped)
  		(1 144 159 genSendLiteralSelector1ArgBytecode isMapped)
  		(1 160 175 genSendLiteralSelector2ArgsBytecode isMapped)
  		(1 176 183 genShortUnconditionalJump	branch v3:ShortForward:Branch:Distance:)
  		(1 184 191 genShortJumpIfTrue			branch isBranchTrue isMapped "because of mustBeBoolean"
  		(1 192 199 genShortJumpIfFalse			branch isBranchFalse isMapped "because of mustBeBoolean"
+ 													v3:ShortForward:Branch:Distance:)
+ 		(1 200 207 genStoreAndPopReceiverVariableBytecode isInstVarRef isMappedIfImmutability needsFrameIfImmutability: -1)
+ 		(1 208 215 genStoreAndPopTemporaryVariableBytecode)
- 													v3:ShortForward:Branch:Distance:)),
- 		"stores"
- 		((initializationOptions at: #IMMUTABILITY ifAbsent: [false])
- 			ifTrue: [#((1 200 207 genStoreAndPopReceiverVariableBytecode isInstVarRef isMapped -1))]
- 			ifFalse: [#((1 200 207 genStoreAndPopReceiverVariableBytecode isInstVarRef needsFrameNever: -1)) ]),
- 		#((1 208 215 genStoreAndPopTemporaryVariableBytecode)
  		(1 216 216 genPopStackBytecode needsFrameNever: -1)
  		(1 217 217 genUnconditionalTrapBytecode isMapped)
  		(1 218 223 unknownBytecode)
  		"2 byte bytecodes"
  		(2 224 224 extABytecode extension)
  		(2 225 225 extBBytecode extension)
  		(2 226 226 genExtPushReceiverVariableBytecode isInstVarRef)		"Needs a frame for context inst var access"
  		(2 227 227 genExtPushLitVarDirSupBytecode			needsFrameNever: 1)
  		(2 228 228 genExtPushLiteralBytecode					needsFrameNever: 1)
  		(2 229 229 genLongPushTemporaryVariableBytecode)
  		(2 230 230 genPushClosureTempsBytecode)
  		(2 231 231 genPushNewArrayBytecode)
  		(2 232 232 genExtPushIntegerBytecode				needsFrameNever: 1)
  		(2 233 233 genExtPushCharacterBytecode				needsFrameNever: 1)
  		(2 234 234 genExtSendBytecode isMapped)
  		(2 235 235 genExtSendSuperBytecode isMapped)
  		"sista bytecodes"
  		(2 236 236 unknownBytecode)
  		(2 237 237 genExtUnconditionalJump	branch isMapped "because of interrupt check" v4:Long:Branch:Distance:)
  		(2 238 238 genExtJumpIfTrue			branch isBranchTrue isMapped "because of mustBeBoolean" v4:Long:Branch:Distance:)
  		(2 239 239 genExtJumpIfFalse			branch isBranchFalse isMapped "because of mustBeBoolean" v4:Long:Branch:Distance:)
+ 		(2 240 240 genExtStoreAndPopReceiverVariableBytecode isInstVarRef isMappedIfImmutability)
- 		(2 240 240 genExtStoreAndPopReceiverVariableBytecode isInstVarRef)
  		(2 241 241 genExtStoreAndPopLiteralVariableBytecode)
  		(2 242 242 genLongStoreAndPopTemporaryVariableBytecode)
+ 		(2 243 243 genExtStoreReceiverVariableBytecode isInstVarRef isMappedIfImmutability)
- 		(2 243 243 genExtStoreReceiverVariableBytecode isInstVarRef)
  		(2 244 244 genExtStoreLiteralVariableBytecode)
  		(2 245 245 genLongStoreTemporaryVariableBytecode)
  		(2 246 247	unknownBytecode)
  		"3 byte bytecodes"
  		(3 248 248 genCallPrimitiveBytecode)
  		(3 249 249 unknownBytecode) "reserved for Push Float"
  		(3 250 250 genExtPushClosureBytecode block v4:Block:Code:Size:)
  		(3 251 251 genPushRemoteTempLongBytecode)
  		(3 252 252 genStoreRemoteTempLongBytecode)
  		(3 253 253 genStoreAndPopRemoteTempLongBytecode)
  		(3 254 254	genExtJumpIfNotInstanceOfBehaviorsOrPopBytecode branch v4:Long:BranchIfNotInstanceOf:Distance:)
  		(3 255 255	unknownBytecode))!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: StackToRegisterMappingCogit class>>initializeBytecodeTableForSqueakV3PlusClosures (in category 'class initialization') -----
  	"StackToRegisterMappingCogit initializeBytecodeTableForSqueakV3PlusClosures"
  	numPushNilsFunction := #v3:Num:Push:Nils:.
  	pushNilSizeFunction := #v3PushNilSize:numInitialNils:.
  	FirstSpecialSelector := 176.
  	NumSpecialSelectors := 32.
  	self flag:
  'Special selector send class must be inlined to agree with the interpreter, which
   inlines class.  If class is sent to e.g. a general instance of ProtoObject then unless
   class is inlined there will be an MNU.  It must be that the Cointerpreter and Cogit
   have identical semantics.  We get away with not hardwiring the other special
   selectors either because in the Cointerpreter they are not inlined or because they
   are inlined only to instances of classes for which there will always be a method.'.
  	self generatorTableFrom: #(
  		(1    0   15 genPushReceiverVariableBytecode isInstVarRef needsFrameNever: 1)
  		(1  16   31 genPushTemporaryVariableBytecode needsFrameIfMod16GENumArgs: 1)
  		(1  32   63 genPushLiteralConstantBytecode needsFrameNever: 1)
+ 		(1  64   95 genPushLiteralVariableBytecode needsFrameNever: 1)
+ 		(1  96 103 genStoreAndPopReceiverVariableBytecode isInstVarRef isMappedIfImmutability needsFrameIfImmutability: -1)
+ 		(1 104 111 genStoreAndPopTemporaryVariableBytecode)
- 		(1  64   95 genPushLiteralVariableBytecode needsFrameNever: 1)) ,
- 		"N.B. not frameless if immutability"
- 		((initializationOptions at: #IMMUTABILITY ifAbsent: [false])
- 			ifTrue: [#((1  96 103 genStoreAndPopReceiverVariableBytecode isInstVarRef isMapped -1))]
- 			ifFalse: [#((1  96 103 genStoreAndPopReceiverVariableBytecode isInstVarRef needsFrameNever: -1)) ]),
- 		#((1 104 111 genStoreAndPopTemporaryVariableBytecode)
  		(1 112 112 genPushReceiverBytecode needsFrameNever: 1)
  		(1 113 113 genPushConstantTrueBytecode needsFrameNever: 1)
  		(1 114 114 genPushConstantFalseBytecode needsFrameNever: 1)
  		(1 115 115 genPushConstantNilBytecode needsFrameNever: 1)
  		(1 116 119 genPushQuickIntegerConstantBytecode needsFrameNever: 1)
  		"method returns in blocks need a frame because of nonlocalReturn:through:"
  		(1 120 120 genReturnReceiver				return needsFrameIfInBlock: isMappedInBlock 0)
  		(1 121 121 genReturnTrue					return needsFrameIfInBlock: isMappedInBlock 0)
  		(1 122 122 genReturnFalse					return needsFrameIfInBlock: isMappedInBlock 0)
  		(1 123 123 genReturnNil					return needsFrameIfInBlock: isMappedInBlock 0)
  		(1 124 124 genReturnTopFromMethod		return needsFrameIfInBlock: isMappedInBlock -1)
  		(1 125 125 genReturnTopFromBlock		return needsFrameNever: -1)
  		(1 126 127 unknownBytecode)
  		(2 128 128 extendedPushBytecode isInstVarRef) "well, maybe inst var ref"
+ 		(2 129 129 extendedStoreBytecode isInstVarRef isMappedIfImmutability) "well, maybe inst var ref"
+ 		(2 130 130 extendedStoreAndPopBytecode isInstVarRef isMappedIfImmutability) "well, maybe inst var ref"
- 		(2 129 129 extendedStoreBytecode isInstVarRef) "well, maybe inst var ref"
- 		(2 130 130 extendedStoreAndPopBytecode isInstVarRef) "well, maybe inst var ref"
  		(2 131 131 genExtendedSendBytecode isMapped)
  		(3 132 132 doubleExtendedDoAnythingBytecode isMapped) "well, maybe inst var ref"
  		(2 133 133 genExtendedSuperBytecode isInstVarRef isMapped)
  		(2 134 134 genSecondExtendedSendBytecode isMapped)
  		(1 135 135 genPopStackBytecode needsFrameNever: -1)
  		(1 136 136 duplicateTopBytecode needsFrameNever: 1)
  		(1 137 137 genPushActiveContextBytecode)
  		(2 138 138 genPushNewArrayBytecode)),
  		((initializationOptions at: #SpurObjectMemory ifAbsent: [false])
  			ifTrue: [#((3 139 139 genCallPrimitiveBytecode))]
  			ifFalse: [#((1 139 139 unknownBytecode))]),
  		(3 140 140 genPushRemoteTempLongBytecode)
  		(3 141 141 genStoreRemoteTempLongBytecode)
  		(3 142 142 genStoreAndPopRemoteTempLongBytecode)
  		(4 143 143 genPushClosureCopyCopiedValuesBytecode block v3:Block:Code:Size:)
  		(1 144 151 genShortUnconditionalJump			branch v3:ShortForward:Branch:Distance:)
  		(1 152 159 genShortJumpIfFalse					branch isBranchFalse isMapped "because of mustBeBoolean"
  		(2 160 163 genLongUnconditionalBackwardJump	branch isMapped "because of interrupt check"
  		(2 164 167 genLongUnconditionalForwardJump		branch v3:Long:Branch:Distance:)
  		(2 168 171 genLongJumpIfTrue					branch isBranchTrue isMapped "because of mustBeBoolean"
  		(2 172 175 genLongJumpIfFalse					branch isBranchFalse isMapped "because of mustBeBoolean"
  		(1 176 176 genSpecialSelectorArithmetic isMapped AddRR)
  		(1 177 177 genSpecialSelectorArithmetic isMapped SubRR)
  		(1 178 178 genSpecialSelectorComparison isMapped JumpLess)
  		(1 179 179 genSpecialSelectorComparison isMapped JumpGreater)
  		(1 180 180 genSpecialSelectorComparison isMapped JumpLessOrEqual)
  		(1 181 181 genSpecialSelectorComparison isMapped JumpGreaterOrEqual)
  		(1 182 182 genSpecialSelectorComparison isMapped JumpZero)
  		(1 183 183 genSpecialSelectorComparison isMapped JumpNonZero)
  		(1 184 189 genSpecialSelectorSend isMapped)	 " #* #/ #\\ #@ #bitShift: //"
  		(1 190 190 genSpecialSelectorArithmetic isMapped AndRR)
  		(1 191 191 genSpecialSelectorArithmetic isMapped OrRR)
  		(1 192 197 genSpecialSelectorSend isMapped) "#at: #at:put: #size #next #nextPut: #atEnd"
  		(1 198 198 genSpecialSelectorEqualsEquals needsFrameNever: notMapped -1) "not mapped because it is directly inlined (for now)"
  		(1 199 199 genSpecialSelectorClass needsFrameIfStackGreaterThanOne: notMapped 0) "not mapped because it is directly inlined (for now)"
  		(1 200 207 genSpecialSelectorSend isMapped) "#blockCopy: #value #value: #do: #new #new: #x #y"
  		(1 208 223 genSendLiteralSelector0ArgsBytecode isMapped)
  		(1 224 239 genSendLiteralSelector1ArgBytecode isMapped)
  		(1 240 255 genSendLiteralSelector2ArgsBytecode isMapped))!

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