[Vm-dev] InterpreterSimulator

Clément Bera bera.clement at gmail.com
Sat Mar 12 19:44:59 UTC 2016

Skipped content of type multipart/alternative-------------- next part --------------
  A Sketch for an Adaptive Optimizer for Smalltalk written in Smalltalk
    Eliot Miranda
    with contributions from Paolo Bonzini, Steve Dahl, David Griswold,
    Urs Hölzle, Ian Piumarta and David Simmons.
    October 2002

Change History:
[1] 9 Nov 2002 eem
    Added description of intercession of sends during development phase.
    Added handling of doesNotUnderstand: entries in send data.
[2] 3 Dec 2002 eem
    Extended discussion of profiling alternatives.  Changed spec of send data
    primitive to include loop and/or basic block counts.
    Added no-check inst var store bytecode.
[3] 27 Jan 2003 eem
    Changed callbacks to eliminate pc parameter.  Clarified performance of
    conditional counters.  Noted that the sketch is indeed real and partially
    implemeted for HPS.  Described the VW registration facility.  Added a mod
    bytecode.  Added ikp's dependency management suggestion.

1. Adaptive Optimization In Smalltalk

This is a design sketch for an adaptive optimizer implemented in Smalltalk
above a conventional "jitting" virtual machine with "minor" extensions. 
Adaptive optimization as we are discussing it here was invented by Urs Hölzle
and is described in [Hölzle94].  The sketch is far from complete, focussing
instead on the interface between the optimizer and the virtual machine, hence
outlining a potentially portable architecture where an optimizer written in
Smalltalk can be hosted above a range of specific virtual machines.  This
portability is intended to allow us to collaborate on the project without
having to define and implement a common vm, with all the difficulties of
migrating current systems to a new VM, allowing us to apply the optimizer
within our current systems.  Of course, this architecture still requires
significant extensions to the execution machinery of extant VMs but these
extensions amount to something far from a rewrite.

To ground the sketch in an extant VM the sketch will be specific to HPS, the
VisualWorks virtual machine, which is a second generation implementation of
Peter Deutsch's classic PS Smalltalk described in the Deutsch-Schiffman paper
"Efficient Implementation of the Smalltalk-80 System".  I'm only intimately
familiar with this VM and the BrouHaHa bytecode and threaded code VMs, and I
need to base the sketch in HPS to make it as real as possible.  I do expect
the sketch to apply more broadly but it may not.  I also assume that you all
won't be bound by the sketch and will freely propose alternatives as well as
extensions.  The sketch is current;ly functioning as a specification for the
HPS implementation. [3]

My terminology will be erratic.  I prefer the term "dynamic translation" for
the compilation of bytecode to executable machine code to "jitting", but am
too lazy to type it.  I shall use terminology from HPS design documents where
V-methods (V for "virtual") are image-level bytecoded methods, and the code
contained in them is called V-code.  The executable form of a method is
called an N-method (N for "native"), and the code in an N-method (which is
assumed to be native code, but might conceivably be threaded code)  is called
N-code.  Spelling will reflect my increasingly schizophrenic confusion of
U.S. and English norms.  (* N) marks a footnote.

OK then.

2. Introduction

Adaptive optimization (AO) aims to apply a number of profitable optimizations
dynamically as the program runs, guided by type information gathered by the
system as it runs.  Optimization is performed when execution profiling
detects an expensive computation and causes the optimizer to be invoked.  To
preserve accurate debugging, and to assist subsequent re- or de-optimization,
mapping information is included that permits optimized activations to be
dynamically deoptimized into unoptimized ones. Let's describe these four
components briefly.

2.1 Execution Profiling

The running program is instrumented with some form of execution profiling. 
It may be based on periodic sampling of the program counter, or it may be
based upon counters planted in the code. The thesis describes invocation
counters incremented in the prolog of a method (termed node counters since
they count the nodes in the call graph), which we shall assume are used and
are augmented with loop counters.  On every method invocation or backward
branch a counter is incremented and if it reaches some settable limit the
optimizer is invoked.

The assumptions are that a counter will either trip long before a computation
invoking it completes, or soon enough before it is repeated that optimization
will pay back more than it takes to apply, and that the computation is
actually optimizable. The thesis presents algorithms for ameliorating
situations when these assumptions are invalid.

Explicit invocation, conditional and loop counters turn out to be expensive
but affordable in HPS, where Smalltalk-intensive computational benchmarks
slow down by as much as 25% on contemporary hardware, depending on the
counting scheme.  This is unsurprising; adding a read-modify-write to each
procedure call is a large overhead.  But the assumptions are that the program
will spend the majority of its time running optimized code and that this
optimized code will spend much less time tripping counters because, for
example, optimized code will eliminate loop counters and only count on
invocation.  Further, research in Jikes [Arnold01][Arnold02] shows how hybrid
sampling and explicit profiling approaches can provide accurate data more
cheaply. [2][3]

The advantages that explicit counters have over statistical profiling is that
they are predictable, making the optimizer synchronous and hence more easily
debuggable, and that they are reasonably fine grain.  Send-site counters
(termed edge counters because they count the edges in the call graph) would
be more accurate since two different send sites that invoked the same target
method would have distinct counts, but code density would be far worse. 
Experience with the Jalapeño VM shows that edge counters can significantly
out-perform node counters [Arnold00].  [Arnold02] points out that accurate
edge counts can be inferred from conditional branch counters. [2]

2.2 Type Information

The type information available to the optimizer is that present (or absent)
in the in-line caches of sends in the executable code for the language. 
Excuse me getting concrete here but we have gone a little further than the
original PIC paper and I think its worth describing.

In the HPS implementation when a method is first jitted the code generated
for a send is the load of a register with the message's selector followed by
a call on some run-time lookup routine.

When first executed the lookup routine will be invoked, and will lookup the
message selector in the receiver's class and rewrite the send site to load
the register with the receiver's class and to call the cache checking
entry-point of the method found in the lookup.  The lookup routine will then
jump to the prolog of the method proper.

When subsequently executed the send will directly call the cache checking
entry-point which will extract the current receiver's class and compare it
against that loaded at the send site.  If they match control continues to the
method's prolog.  If they don't match the send site will be rewritten to call
a polymorphic inline cache (PIC).

A PIC is a jump table that extracts the current receiver's class and does a
series of compare-with-constant, conditional jump, where the constants are
classes and the conditionals jump to the prologs of the relevant methods on a
match.  Typically PICs are fixed size, initially having two cases, the
original target of the send and the new method that was found in the new
receiver's class when the monomorphic send failed.  If control falls through
the type cases a call is made to code that adds a new type case to the PIC if
there is room.  In HPS PICs have up to 8 type cases.  These I'll call
"Closed" PICs because they support up to some closed set of classes.

In the original PIC paper [Hölzle91] once a PIC was full falling through
resulted in a conventional message lookup (e.g. hash into the first-level
method lookup cache and then walk the class hierarchy).  In HPS
falling-through instead causes the run-time to replace the send site's call
on of the closed PIC with a call to an "Open" PIC, which is a code sequence
that does a hash table lookup of the first-level method lookup cache, calling
the run-time if it fails.  "Open" PICs then handle "megamorphic" send sites.
(* 1).  During normal execution our system typically has about 40% of sends
un-taken, and of the remaining 60%, 90% are monomorphic send sites, 9% are
polymorphic and 1% are megamorphic.

The insight that concludes the original PIC paper is that the system collects
precise concrete type information in the inline caches at send sites.  This
information can be used by an optimizer to generate more efficient code for
that which execution profiling guesses is worth optimizing.

2.3 Adaptive Optimization

2.3.1 What scope to Optimize?

Using invocation counters to choose when to optimize and in-line cache data
to know what's what the system can then apply whatever profitable
optimizations apply to the code in question.  "What code to optimize?" is an
interesting question.  Invocation counters trip at some point in the
execution of a program and the optimizer is then able to examine the stack of
activations below this point and the methods invoked from these activations'

In Urs' thesis there is discussion of the difficulty in defining heuristics
that chose suitable units for optimization.  Invocation counters directly
identify high-frequency callers and long loops.  Not looking further up the
stack, and simply optimizing up to the callee might waste time in the long
run by requiring the system to reoptimize subsequently when the initially
optimized code is invoked frequently.  Looking further up the stack at their
callers may enable further optimization within the callers and loops, e.g. by
inlining a block invoked in a do: method within the caller of the do: when
the block value: method trips its invocation counter.

But looking too far up the stack might result in the optimizer trying to
optimize a collection of method activations so large that the compilation
pause becomes noticeable, or might attempt to optimize too much, spending
effort optimizing outer loops that only contribute small fractions to overall
execution time.  Urs' thesis describes heuristics such as following the
static chain of a block to select the activation to attempt to optimize.  But
David Griswold informs us that experience with the Animorphic VM is that
always choosing just the caller of the invocation count results in better
overall performance than using heuristics.  So the KISS principle wins and
the decision is simple; simply look one frame down.  If the optimized code is
itself invoked frequently enough the optimizer will be invoked again and the
optimized method's caller will be optimized, and so on, for as long as the
code in question continues to trip counters. (* 2)

2.3.2 What optimizations to apply?

Essentially any profitable optimization one can think of that can be applied
without high computational effort can be applied.  Pauses due to optimizing
compilation must be short enough (* 3) that for the given application the
system's responsiveness is adequate.  Different applications will differ
markedly in what is acceptable, animation having vastly different
requirements from batch calculation.  I am assuming that some degree of
tailorability will be required for the optimizer to be effective in a broad
range of contexts, but I won't speculate on any such scheme at this point.

The need to provide good interactive response, the desire to make incremental
progress on the system, the desire to provide an architecture portable across
typical Smalltalk VM designs and the many obvious and simple opportunities
for performance improvement in typical Smalltalk programs on conventional VMs
all lead me to suggest we concentrate on some obvious targets:

- "splitting" at polymorphic dispatch points; i.e. creating multiple copies
  of a polymorphic code sequence such that the polymorphism is reduced or
  eliminated within the individual copies.  e.g. inlining a send at a point
  with two receiver classes might produce code that branches along two
  different paths depending on the actual receiver class.

- inlining blocks used in control structures to eliminate block invocation
  overhead and enable further optimizations

- inlining establishing exception-handlers (eliminating activations of
  ensure: and ifCurtailed:) for the same reasons

- eliminating interrupt points to allow other optimizations (such as type
  propagation, eliminating store checks, batching allocations, ...)

- combining instance creation and instance initialization to eliminate store

- type and range analysis on variables, especially loop variables, to
  eliminate bounds checks, tag tests and overflow tests in indexing and

- inlining instance variable accessor methods direct instance variable access
  of objects other than the receiver

- unboxing floating-point values on the stack (and possibly in pointer-object
  instances) to increase floating-point performance

Inlining per-se isn't necessarily a profitable optimization on current
processors where branch prediction hardware can very effectively
optimize-away call/return overhead, unless performed a number of times when
benefits are cumulative.  But inlining enables many other optimizations and
so is central to the optimizer.  Inlining short methods (such as instance
variable fetches) can also generate significantly shorter code sequences,
with indirect benefits in I-cache usage.

2.3.4 What to optimize to?

Urs' thesis describes an optimizing compiler that generates native code, but
this has to be excluded on portability grounds.  Instead we posit an extended
bytecode set that contains a number of specialised operations (for example,
an at: that does no tag and bounds checking on its index argument) from which
an underlying native code generator in the VM can generate native code that
is much more efficient than the code the VM is usually able to generate
directly from unoptimized bytecode.  Some of these bytecodes will be like an
extended set of special selector bytecodes, representing more efficient
versions of commonly executed primitives, while some will be more exotic
control-flow bytecodes (such as "test type cases and trap").  The Strongtalk
bytecode set http://www.cs.ucsb.edu/projects/strongtalk/big/bctable.pdf
certainly looks like part of such a set (it omits the set of primitives). 
Peter Deutsch added bytecodes that referenced a register allocator and a
subset of go-faster "in-line primitives", primitives that are included in
bytecode rather than invoked through message sends, to HPS in the late 80's. 
Peter's problem was how to generate such bytecodes, given that it appeared
one needed a typed language.  Adaptive optimization solves that problem
nicely.  Peter's bytecodes were one of the inspirations behind this design.

The "test type cases and trap" approach to ensuring optimization invariants
allows the optimizer to omit code for the general case, where for example
some new receiver class is encountered in the execution of optimized code. 
Within any scope in which particular receiver classes are assumed to be from
a known set (because inline cache data predicts the set) but where the
optimizer cannot prove that the receiver classes are restricted to this set
(for example because the potential receiver is  a method argument), the
optimizer simply has to output the relevant "test type cases and trap" code
at the beginning of the scope, avoiding wasting time and space generating
general code that is unlikely to be executed, and allowing type information
to propagate when the results of message sends to such a restricted set of
receiver classes return a known set of receiver types.

2.4 Dynamic Deoptimization

A method expressed in the go-faster bytecode set is typically the combination
of a number of distinct unoptimized methods.  To preserve source-level
debugging we need some way of mapping back from an activation of the
optimized method to activations of the unoptimized methods. [Hölzle92]   We
can also use the same facilities to map optimized activations back into a
format suitable for reoptimization when optimized code is invoked frequently
enough to be reconsidered or deoptimization when constraints in the optimized
code (as checked by "test type cases and trap") are violated.

In this architecture all such mapping is removed from the VM and moved up to
the image level.  Given that it is reported that dynamic deoptimization is
the trickiest and most bug-prone part of Self-93 [Wolczko96] this is
fortunate indeed.  Smalltalk code maps activations of optimized methods back
into activations of unoptimized methods which can then be used by the
debugger, the optimizer or any other client that must reflect on execution
but only understands the unoptimized format.

3. A Portable Interface for Adaptive Optimization.

3.1 Overview

Invocation counters send back into Smalltalk when they trip.  The optimizer
uses extended execution reflection facilities (Contexts and Methods) to
analyse execution, generates a new method using an extended bytecode set,
installs the optimized method in the relevant method dictionary and
constructs a suitable optimized context that resumes execution at the
interrupted point.  The optimizer then replaces the relevant activations with
the new one and allows execution to resume.

To be able to implement adaptive optimization portably above conventional
Smalltalk VMs the optimizer can use an extended form of the standard
execution reflection facilities to analyse execution and can express its
output as bytecoded methods that can use an extended set of bytecodes to
express more efficient operations.  There needs to be some means of rendering
the execution state stable when the optimizer is invoked so that the
execution of the optimizer itself does not affect that which it is analyzing.
 The next four sections will present invocation counters, execution
reflection facilities, the extended bytecode set and stabilizing execution
state respectively.  Much of the interface will be expressed as a set of
primitive methods, either on standard classes like CompiledCode, an abstract
superclass for all bytecoded method classes, and Context, an abstract
superclass for all execution classes.

I'm assuming that there is a one-to-one mapping from compiled methods in the
image to natively-compiled methods in the VM.  Some VMs (e.g. the BrouHaHa
threaded code VMs) do specialize, a la Self, producing different executable
versions of methods tailored to specific classes of receiver, but I'm not
aware of any VMs other than the Self VMs (and BHH).  If any of you do have
such a VM then that specificity can probably be accommodated by defining the
affected parts of interface on Context instead of CompiledCode.  In this
design it is the optimizer that produces more specific code, ensuring its
suitability either by placement in the class hierarchy or by inserting the
requisite type tests, and so I'm also assuming that any such specialization
done by the base VM will have little impact and its complication can be
discarded without difficulty or penalty.

A fundamental assumption in this design is that a stack-based bytecode set is
perfectly adequate as the source language of a native code generator on a
register machine. The HPS translator is an good existence proof.  HPS
generates register-based code using a stack simulation to collect operand
descriptors during the "interpretation" of source bytecodes, emitting
register-based code when other bytecodes consume operands on the stack
simulation.  So when you read about stacks and bytecodes you should the VM
will actually generate register code.  The Intel VTune Java JIT described in
PLDI '98 uses a scheme very similar to that of Peter Deutsch for HPS

3.2 Profiling Counters [2]

3.2.1 Choosing a Profiling Counter Mechanism (new for [2], rewritten for [3])

Profiling counters serve two basic functions.  Profiling counters serve as
trigger points at which the normal execution of the VM is interrupted and the
call-back into Smalltalk to invoke the optimizer is made.  Profiling counters
also inform the optimizer as to the dynamic execution frequency of code, and
hence guide the choice of what code to optimize, avoiding wasting time
optimizing infrequently executed code.  But profiling counters are expensive
(increasingly expensive the more efficient the base Smalltalk VM is) and so
there are interesting trade-offs between different profiling schemes.

In all schemes, choosing the value at which to trigger is important.  The
value determines the rate at which the VM calls-back to the optimizer.  There
are various events one can count. The ones considered here are message sends,
method invocations, backward branches and conditional branches.

The most accurate form of counter is an "call graph edge counter" that counts
specific sends, but these are the least affordable.  Ideally the code to
increment a send count is places in the callee, using the return address to
locate the actual counter.  For various reasons the return address may not
always point to the callee (* 7), and so care has to be taken to locate a
valid counter.  In fact, explicit edge counters seem so expensive that I've
not yet implemented them.  So this could be hot air.

A simpler form of counter is a "node counter", that counts invocations of a
method or block.  The code can be included in the prolog.  This provides
ambiguous data because a given method may be shared between send sites with
widely different invocation frequencies.  So the optimizer can be misled by
the shared invocation count into considering a rarely used send site to be of
high dynamic frequency.  This kind of count was used in the Self-3 an dSelf-4

Arnold et al [Arnold02] in the Java Jikes RVM point out that accurate edge
counters can be inferred from basic block counters.  If counters are placed
at conditional branches that count the taken and untaken frequencies (e.g. as
one executed counter and either the taken or untaken branch counter) the
invocation counts in a conditionally executed basic block are the same as the
untaken frequency of the conditional branch that precedes it.  If the
optimizer is invoked when a conditional branch counter trips then the counts
for all sends from that basic block can be found by following the call graph
through sends in the basic block and propagating the basic block's count.  So
from conditional counters one can derive accurate edge counters, with the
proviso that non-local returns (^-returns in blocks) take a short cut return
path that can leave sends unexecuted.  Since studies have shown that for
Smalltalk conditional branches are much less frequent than sends
[Krasner83][Ungar83] it would seem that conditional branch counters would be
less expensive than send counters.

Loop counters are the least expensive explicit counting mechanism I've looked
at.  Loops are not nearly as frequent as conditional branches, and yet loops
are reliable indications of potential hot spots for all but purely recursive
algorithms, and Smalltalk makes much heavier use of looping than it does of
recursion for iteration.  Because backward branches also have to poll for
events the relative cost of loop counts at backward branches are also
lowered.  But relatively few methods contain loops, so using only loop
counters provides very poor execution coverage information.

Dan Ingalls invented receiver-type prediction in Smalltalk-76, implementing
certain of the special selector bytecodes as open-coded implementations that
test for SmallInteger receiver,argument pairs and perform the relevant
operation (arithmetic or comparison), invoking a normal send on
non-SmallInteger arguments and overflow.  This is a significant optimization
but its use in this context would mean that many send sites would not contain
accurate receiver-class data, because SmallInteger receiver,argument pairs
would not be recorded.  So we must also consider disabling the optimization
in unoptimized methods so as to provide more accurate send-site data.

To help choose between these different schemes I benchmarked HPS with various
combinations, using the computational subset of the macro benchmarks.  The
first implementation placed counters in-line in the generated machine code. 
This produced very poor performance and David Simmons explained the issue is
to do with the flushing of the instruction cache caused by the write to data
space that is aliased with inmstructions in the processors cache.  He pointed
out that counters must be kept out of line at some distabnce away form teh
code.  I've used malloced space and the out-of-line counters perform makedly
better (* 11).  Here are results for a 600 Pentium III, and a 500 MHz PowerPC
750.  'Count Invocations' means an invocation counter in the prolog of
methods and blocks.  'NoInlineSS' means that all special selector inlining
(receiver type prediction) has been disabled and that hence all sends are
real sends.  'Count Conditionals' means that conditional branches are counted
for their executed frequency and their taken frequency (untaken frequency
being the difference between the two).  'Count Primitives' means that only
activations of methods containing primitives are counted.  'Count Blocks'
means that only block activations are counted.  'Backward Branches' means
that the backward branches in loops are counted.

600 MHz PIII (Linux)
'No InlineSS'->-12.1976->0.878024
'Count Invocations'->-12.7016->0.872984
'Count Invocations No InlineSS'->-24.7984->0.752016
'Count Invocations & Backward Branches'->-12.0968->0.879032
'Count Invocations & Backward Branches No InlineSS'->-26.1593->0.738407
'Count Conditionals'->-9.77823->0.902218
'Count Conditionals No InlineSS'->-16.8851->0.831149
'Count Primitives'->-3.22581->0.967742
'Count Primitives No InlineSS'->-19.6069->0.803931
'Count Blocks'->-0.806452->0.991935
'Count Blocks No InlineSS'->-13.6593->0.863407
'Backward Branches'->-1.41129->0.985887
'Backward Branches No InlineSS'->-13.8609->0.861391
'Count Primitives & Blocks'->-4.48589->0.955141
'Count Primitives & Blocks No InlineSS'->-18.246->0.81754

500 MHz PPC 750CX (Linux)
'No InlineSS'->-8.56463->0.914354
'Count Invocations'->-11.9746->0.880254
'Count Invocations No InlineSS'->-21.6495->0.783505
'Count Invocations & Backward Branches'->-15.3053->0.846947
'Count Invocations & Backward Branches No InlineSS'->-23.0769->0.769231
'Count Conditionals'->-11.8953->0.881047
'Count Conditionals No InlineSS'->-15.3846->0.846154
'Count Primitives'->-3.8065->0.961935
'Count Primitives No InlineSS'->-13.64->0.8636
'Count Blocks'->-0.396511->0.996035
'Count Blocks No InlineSS'->-8.96114->0.910389
'Backward Branches'->-1.34814->0.986519
'Backward Branches No InlineSS'->-12.4504->0.875496
'Count Primitives & Blocks'->-2.85488->0.971451
'Count Primitives & Blocks No InlineSS'->-14.1951->0.858049

The coice I'm investigating in the HPS implementation is to count
conditionals without inlining the special selectors.  This seems a good
trade-off between performance and coverage.  Note that counting conditionals
also counts finite loops, since all finite loops begin or end with a
conditional.  The cost for this is quite acceptable at about 15% total
slowdown.  This contrasts with about a 22% to 25% slowdown for counting
invocations without inlining the special selectors.

Reducing the set of methods counted to just primitives and blocks is unlikely
to be a wise choice, because certain codes would not be counted.  However, it
would be interesting to investigate not inlining the "macro selector" control
structures and counting block invocations.

I now take the position that the Jikes RVM hybid scheme of statistical
sampling and explicit profiling is complex, introduces difficulties with
reproducibility, and would only inctease base unoptimized performance by 10%
to 20%.  Since the system should spend most of its time in optimized code I
strongly suspect the gain ain't worth the pain.

3.2.2 The Hybrid Approach (new for [2])

In the hybrid approach described in [Arnold01] and [Arnold02] the pc is
sampled (e.g. at 100Hz) and methods that show up above some threshold are
instrumented.  [Arnold02] describes this being implemented by producing an
instrumented copy of the uninstrumented method, modifying the uninstrumented
method to jump to the instrumented method at various points (* 8).  I haven't
investigated this scheme, and while it is tempting as the cost of sampling
the PC is typically below 1% it is elaborate and introduces complications (*
12) to provide reproducible runs.  In any case, the presence of statistical
sampling doesn't remove the presence of profiling counters, it merely
restricts the set of native methods that contain them.  So its presence or
absence shouldn't affect the discussion in the next section.

3.2.3 Interfacing to the Plethora of Potential Profiling Counter Mechanisms

Its too early to commit to a profiling scheme and so the interface provides
for most of the above.  The base VM's N-code generator is extended to
generate invocation counters, either edge counters or node counters, and/or
loop counters or basic-block counters.  [2] The interface makes it appear
that counters count up towards the relevant limit, but in the VM it will be
more efficient to count down towards zero, initializing the counters from the
limits.  The counters shall be at least sixteen bit unsigned integers,
initialized from defaults held in variables in the VM and accessible from the

    CompiledCode class>>loopCountLimit
        Answer the value used to initialize loop counters

    CompiledCode class>>loopCountLimit: anInteger
        Set the value used to initialize loop counters.  Fail if the argument
        is not a SmallInteger between 0 and some platform-specific limit of
        at least 65535.  Setting the limit has no effect on currently cached
        VM code.  Only code executed for the first time after the setting of
        the limit will be affected by the new limit.

    CompiledCode class>>sendCountLimit
        Answer the value used to initialize invocation counters

    CompiledCode class>>sendCountLimit: anInteger
        Set the value used to initialize invocation counters.  Fail if the
        argument is not a SmallInteger between 0 and some platform-specific
        limit of at least 65535.  Setting the limit has no effect on
        currently cached VM code.  Only code executed for the first time
        after the setting of the limit will be affected by the new limit.

    CompiledCode class>>conditionalCountLimits [2]
        Answer the value used to initialize conditional branch counters.  The
        VM is free to arrange whether the conditional branch counters trip on
        the taken, untaken or executed frequencies, but it must provide two
        out of the three.

    CompiledCode class>>conditionalCountLimit: anInteger
        Set the value used to initialize conditional branch counters.  Fail
        if the argument is not a SmallInteger between 0 and some
        platform-specific limit of at least 65535.  Setting the limit has no
        effect on currently cached VM code.  Only code executed for the first
        time after the setting of the limit will be affected by the new limit.

[3] In the HPS implementation as implemented so far we use a trio of
primitives to communicate information such as the counter limits above.  This
scheme is simple and extensible, and can serve for more than just AOStA.  The
three primitives are
        "Answer an Array of the registration purposes supported by this VM."

    ObjectMemory>>objectRegisteredWithEngineFor: purposeString
        "Answer the object registered with the engine for the purpose
        specified by
         purposeString, or nil if none.  The set of purpose names is answered

    ObjectMemory>>registerObject: anObject withEngineFor: purposeString
        "Register the first argument, an arbitrary object, to be used for a
         specified by the second argument, a ByteString or ByteArray in ASCII

So, for example, to set the conditional count limit and callback selector in
the HPS implementation one can evaluate
        registerObject: 6000 withEngineFor: 'conditionalCountLimit';
         registerObject: #conditionalCountReached withEngineFor:

To allow the system to work with these various counts we do not specify
access to explicit per-method invocation counts.  Instead, access to counts
is included with in-line cache information (see below). [2]

Experience with the Animorphic VM suggests that 30,000 is a good initial
value for loop and invocation counters.  So we infer that 16 bit counters
give ample range.  Initializing a counter to non-zero and decrementing it,
tripping when it reaches zero, is just as functional as counting up but
allows much simpler code to be generated.  Keeping the count to 16 bits
allows platforms with good 16-bit support to save space storing counts but
doesn't prevent other platforms from using a 32-bit variable to hold the
count. (* 4)  Defining these via a primitive interface allows the VM to put
the actual variables only in generated native code, rather than paying the
overhead on every v-method.

When a loop count trips execution of the current context stops with the pc at
the backward branch, which is typically already a suspension point in
conventional VMs since they must check for interrupts in potentially infinite
loops, and the message loopCountReached is sent to the current context.  If
the image-level optimizer is interested it can find the pc by querying the
context.  When a method invocation count trips execution of the method is
suspended at the method's first pc, which is typically already a suspension
point because VMs must check for interrupts at frequent intervals in
execution and typically sends (or rather the activations of sends) are the
only reliable choice (* 5).  These two messages are the entry-point into the
optimization system.  As discussed below, on sending these messages the base
VM may take whatever measures necessary to "stabilize" execution so that the
optimizer observes a frozen execution state.

    Context>>loopCountReached [3]
        This message is sent by the VM when the receiver's method's loop
        count at pcInteger reaches the loopCountLimit.
    Context>>conditionalCountReached [2] [3]
        This message is sent by the VM when one of the receiver's method's
        conditional branch counts at pcInteger reaches the
        This message is sent by the VM when either the receiver's method's
        invocation count reaches the sendCountLimit or when a send resolving
        to the receiver's method reaches the sendCountLimit, depending on
        whether the system uses node counts or edge counts.

3.3 Execution Reflection Facilities

The optimizer needs to determine type information at send sites, which is
that present in in-line caches and send counters.  Hence the available type
information for a specific send site is that it may be un-taken (have not
been executed since the last time the send cache was voided (* 6)), may be
linked to a single target method for a single receiver class (monomorphic
send) with a given send count, may link up to n target methods for m receiver
classes, n <= m, (polymorphic send) each with a given send count, or may link
to an unknown set of target methods for an unknown set of target classes
(polymorphic send), with send count information unavailable (and irrelevant
since inlining is infeasible given the set of target methods is
indeterminate.  In the abstract a suitable definition would be

    CompiledMethod>>classesTargetsAndCountsForSendAt: pcInteger
        Answer the class, target method, send count triples for the send
        bytecode at pcInteger as a trio-wise array of class, method, count
        pairs. Fail if pcInteger is not an integer or is not the pc of a send
        bytecode, or if the result cannot be allocated.  If the send has not
        been taken answer nil.  If the send is a megamorphic send where the
        set of classes and target methods cannot be determined, answer an
        empty array.  For example, at a send of #+ where both SmallInteger
        and Float receivers have been encountered the answer might be equal to
                with: SmallInteger
                with: (SmallInteger compiledMethodAt: #+)
                with: 1234
                with: Float
                with: (Float compiledMethodAt: #+)
                with: 30000

But because of the implementation of the mapping from N-code PCs to V-code
PCs, such an interface may turn out to be O(N^2) when querying a sequence of
send sites.  Instead the interface method answers information for all sends
and for conditional and loop counts, if the VM is instrumenting them:

        Answer information describing sends, and conditional and backward
        branch counts as an Array.  The top level Array is organized as a
        sequence of pairs of bytecode pc followed by data for the particular
        send, conditional or loop.  Sends are represented as an Array of the
        class, target method, send count triples for a given send.  Backward
        branches are represented as their invocation count.  Conditional
        branches are represented as an Array of the taken and untaken branch
        counts. [2] Fail if the result cannot be allocated.  For each send in
        the receiver, if the send has not been taken the result omits the
        entry for that send; if the send is a megamorphic send where the set
        of classes and target methods cannot be determined, the entry is an
        empty array.  If any entry for a class is a doesNotUnderstand: case
        the method is nil [1]. For example, in the compiled method
                self <= 0
                    ifTrue: [^self truncated]
                    ifFalse: [^self negated floor negated]
        where the method has been used on positive Float and Double receivers
        in the SmallInteger range so that only the second arm of the
        ifTrue:ifFalse: has been taken the result might be equal to
                with: 3 with: (Array
                    with: Double
                    with: (Double compiledMethodAt: #<=)
                    with: 1234
                    with: Float
                    with: (Float compiledMethodAt: #<=)
                    with: 2345)
                with: 4 with: (Array with: 0 with: 3579)
                with: 8 with: (Array
                    with: Double
                    with: (ArithmeticValue compiledMethodAt: #negated)
                    with: 1234
                    with: Float
                    with: (ArithmeticValue compiledMethodAt: #negated)
                    with: 2345)
                with: 10 with: (Array
                    with: Double
                    with: (Number compiledMethodAt: #floor)
                    with: 1234
                    with: Float
                    with: (Number compiledMethodAt: #floor)
                    with: 2345)
                with: 11 with: (Array
                    with: SmallInteger
                    with: (Integer compiledMethodAt: #negated)
                    with: 3579)

The result of CompiledMethod>>sendAndBranchData should be computable by the
VM in a single pass, and can easily be parsed into something the optimizer
would find more useful such as a Dictionary from PCs to objects representing
send caches.

[1] One or more entries in a PIC for some class can be for
MessageNotUnderstood errors.  In this specification we require the method
entry to be nil.  This is potentially wasteful as one could imagine wanting
to in-line doesNotUnderstand:, and, since the underlying PIC might record
what doesNotUnderstand: method to activate for the case, not passing the
method discards that information.  But the optimizer does need to know if a
case is a MessageNotUnderstood case, and the optimizer can easily locate the
doesNotUnderstand: method at the image level.

The optimizer also needs to know the maximum size of a closed PIC that the VM
supports.  This can be either a manifest constant or a primitive.  if a
primitive then e.g.

        CompiledCode class>>vmClosedPICSize
            Answer the maximum number of type-cases in a closed PIC on the
            current VM

3.4 Extended Bytecode Set

The extended bytecode set needs to address a few different requirements.  One
is to generate "linked sends", sends with an in-line cache, so that optimized
code avoids lookups and runs with "hot" send caches immediately.  Another is
to implement efficient type-case and trap tests used to ensure the invariants
expected by optimized code and to invoke the optimizer when these invariants
are violated.  Another is to express efficient forms of operations such as
indexing and arithmetic.  I expect this last set to evolve and grow as we
gather experience with the system, and so the list here should not be
considered at all exhaustive.

This design does not determine how optimized v-methods that use the extended
bytecode set reference that bytecode set.  In the context of HPS there are
probably (hopefully?) sufficient unused bytecodes that the extended bytecode
set can be expressed using them, given that the set already includes a few
codes for expressing in-line primitives.  Claus Gittinger's eXcept VM
supports four distinct bytecode sets, selected by a two-bit field in the
method header, one of which is used for Smalltalk, and one of which is the
Java bytecode set.  So in Claus' case it might make much more sense to define
a new set for compactly and conveniently expressing optimized methods
[provided he hasn't used all four already ;) ].

I am assuming the optimizer-VM interface will be designed to abstract away
from specific bytecode set encodings, there being dialect-specific front-ends
mapping the execution state into suitable input for the optimizer, and
dialect-specific back-ends generating actual bytecode from the parse-tree(s)
built by the optimizer.  This degree of freedom will help us migrate the
optimizer to any new bytecode set(s) that evolve out of this project.

Given the extended bytecode set is portable (and potentially interpretable)
it should not express platform-specific issues such as register allocation. 
However, allocating variables to registers is a very important process in
generating efficient code on most of today's processors.  So while the
extended bytecode set is still a stack-based one, a simple scheme informs the
VM as to register allocation, prioritising temporaries according to the
likely profitability of housing them in registers.  The following sections
flesh out the bytecode set and the register allocation scheme.

Some of these bytecodes specify that under certain circumstances the system's
behaviour is undefined.  This means that the circumstances are an error that
should not normally occur and that behaviour may vary from an ungraceful
crash through to an orderly VM exit with error message to a send-back into
the optimizer.

3.4.1 Extended Bytecodes for Linked Sends

Conceptually only one bytecode is required whose operands are the number of
arguments, the literal index of the selector and the literal index of an
Array of class, target-V-method pairs that represent the in-line cache data
for the send.  An empty Array represents a megamorphic send.  The behaviour
of the bytecode with an Array larger than the maximum closed PIC size is
undefined.  A more compact representation would combine the selector and the
Array into a single literal Array whose first element is the message
selector.  Multiple versions of the bytecode may be present to provide
compact encodings.

It may prove useful to have a set of these bytecodes that parallel the
special selector bytecodes that predict SmallInteger as receiver types
(special selector bytecodes for #+ #- #* #// #< #> #<= #>= #= #~=).  These
would generate code that predicts SmallInteger operands, using tag tests that
branching to in-line code or to a linked send for the 
types in the Array.  But I would expect the optimizer to use in-line
primitives for many cases.  This reveals a problem with predicting
SmallInteger receivers for these special selectors.  If SmallInteger are
predicted (i.e. if the VM generates code that tag tests and does the
operation in-line for SmallInteger operands) and only SmallInteger operands
occur without overflow for #+ #- #* or divide-by-zero for #//, then the send
looks just like an un-taken send.  Experience will show if it is better to
not predict SmallInteger receivers and for the base VM to simply generate
normal sends, relying on the optimizer to recover performance given the more
accurate type information it can gather if ordinary sends are used.

3.4.2 Extended Bytecodes for Type-Cases

There are bytecodes that take as their operand the literal index of an Array
of classes and perform some action depending on whether the class of the top
of stack is a member of the Array.  

    Object trapIfClassNotMemberOf: anArrayLiteral
        If the class of the object on top of stack is not a member of
anArrayLiteral then send the message #typeCaseTrap to the current context [3]

    Object isTopOfStackAMemberOf: anArrayLiteral
        The top of stack is replaced by a boolean that is the value of
        whether the class of the object on top of stack is a member of

It is assumed that the VM generates code that tests the type cases in the
order they appear in the Array operand to permit the optimizer to benefit
from dynamic frequency information it may be able to derive from send counts.

It may be more convenient to include multiple versions of the bytecodes that
take as an additional operand how far down the stack to look for the object
to type case.  This would allow arguments to be marshaled before a type case
is applied, which might be convenient if the optimizer wanted to branch to
two different implementations of an inlined send, depending on a type case.

3.4.3 Extended Bytecodes for In-line Primitives

The set presented here is only an initial suggestion.  Experience with the
system and with specific applications may suggest new primitives.  Extending
the set should only be problematic if there turn out to be many (e.g. > 256)
primitives, which shouldn't happen too soon.  The set here is largely derived
from Peter Deutsch's set for HPS.  Specific encoding of primitives is left to
the encoding of each VM's particular bytecode set.  Most primitives have no
additional parameters beyond their arguments on the stack.  But some
primitives take an additional operand encoded in the bytecode (e.g. the
number of slots for instance creation primitives).

Peter's scheme also includes a bytecode that invokes an arbitrary primitive
that answers two results, the top of stack being a boolean indicating whether
the primitive succeeded or not.  I'm not sure yet if this is useful; after
all a primitive can be invoked just as well by an ordinary send, and if so,
the failure case is handled by the failure code in the method.  But the
general idea that there may be more primitives than described below which are
derived from the base set of primitives might be useful.

Some in-line primitives may fail (e.g. unchecked integer addition that checks
for overflow) and some may not (e.g. unchecked integer addition that wraps on
overflow).  Those that can fail must be followed by a conditional branch (to
test whether the primitive succeeded) or a pop (indicating that compiler
knows that the primitive will always succeed).  Unless otherwise noted below,
the classes of the receiver and arguments are ASSUMED to be as documented,
and are not checked: if an object of the wrong class is used, the results are
undefined and almost certainly very harmful! SmallInteger Arithmetic and Bit Manipulation

    SmallInteger ilpSiAddFailing: aSmallInteger => aSmallInteger
        Add the receiver and argument.  Fail if the result overflows the
        SmallInteger range.
    SmallInteger ilpSiAddNoFail: aSmallInteger => aSmallInteger
        Add the receiver and argument, modulo the SmallInteger range.
    SmallInteger ilpSiSubtractFailing: aSmallInteger => aSmallInteger
        Subtract the argument from the receiver.  Fail if the result
        overflows the SmallInteger range.
    SmallInteger ilpSiSubtractNoFail: aSmallInteger => aSmallInteger
        Subtract the argument from the receiver, modulo the SmallInteger
    SmallInteger ilpSiMultiplyFailing: aSmallInteger => aSmallInteger
        Multiply the receiver and argument.  Fail if the result overflows the
        SmallInteger range.
    SmallInteger ilpSiMultiplyNoFail: aSmallInteger => aSmallInteger
        Multiply the receiver and argument, modulo the SmallInteger range.
    SmallInteger ilpSiDivFailing: aSmallInteger => aSmallInteger
        Divide the receiver by the argument rounding towards -oo.  Fail if
        the argument is zero.
    SmallInteger ilpSiDivNoFail: aSmallInteger => aSmallInteger
        Divide the receiver and argument rounding towards -oo.  The behavior
        is undefined if the argument is zero.
    SmallInteger ilpSiQuoFailing: aSmallInteger => aSmallInteger
        Divide the receiver by the argument rounding towards 0.  Fail if the
        argument is zero.
    SmallInteger ilpSiQuoNoFail: aSmallInteger => aSmallInteger
        Divide the receiver and argument rounding towards 0.  The behavior is
        undefined if the argument is zero.
    SmallInteger ilpSiModFailing: aSmallInteger => aSmallInteger
        Take the receiver modulo the argument.  Fail if the argument is zero.
    SmallInteger ilpSiModNoFail: aSmallInteger => aSmallInteger
        Take the receiver modulo the argument.  The behavior is undefined if
        the argument is zero. [3]

    SmallInteger ilpSiBitAnd: aSmallInteger
        Bitwise-and the receiver and argument. Cannot fail.
    SmallInteger ilpSiBitOr: aSmallInteger
        Bitwise-or the receiver and argument. Cannot fail.
    SmallInteger ilpSiBitXor: aSmallInteger
        Bitwise-exclusive-or the receiver and argument. Cannot fail.

    SmallInteger ilpSiBitShiftLeftFailing: aSmallInteger
        Bit-shift the receiver left argument number of positions.  Fail if
        the result overflows the SmallInteger range.  The behavior is
        undefined if the argument is negative or zero.
    SmallInteger ilpSiBitShiftLeftNoFail: aSmallInteger
        Bit-shift the receiver left argument number of positions.  Discard
        bits outside the SmallInteger range.  The behavior is undefined if
        the argument is negative or zero.
    SmallInteger ilpSiBitShiftRightNoFail: aSmallInteger
        Bit-shift the receiver left argument number of positions.  Discard
        bits outside the SmallInteger range.  The behavior is undefined if
        the argument is negative or zero. Integer Comparisons

    SmallInteger ilpSiLessThanNoFail: aSmallInteger
    SmallInteger ilpSiGreaterThanNoFail: aSmallInteger
    SmallInteger ilpSiLessEqualNoFail: aSmallInteger
    SmallInteger ilpSiGreaterEqualNoFail: aSmallInteger
        Compare two SmallIntegers and answer true or false. Indexing

    anObject ilpAtNoFail: aSmallInteger
        Answer the slot at the one-relative index aSmallInteger in anObject. 
        Perform no bounds or indexability checks.  Do not account for any
        named instance variables in anObject.  The behavior is undefined if
        anObject is not a pointer object or if aSmallInteger is not in the
        range 1 to the number of slots in anObject.

    anObject ilpAtNoFail: slotIndex
        Answer the slot at the zero-relative index slotIndex in anObject. 
        slotIndex is an operand encoded in the bytecode (suggested range 0 to
        255).  Perform no bounds or indexability checks.  Do not account for
        any named instance variables in anObject.  The behavior is undefined
        if anObject is not a pointer object or if aSmallInteger is not in the
        range 1 to the number of slots in anObject.

    anObject ilpAtNoFail: aSmallInteger put: aValue
        Assign to the slot at the one-relative index aSmallInteger in
        anObject with aValue.  Perform no bounds, indexability or
        immutability checks.  Do not account for any named instance variables
        in anObject.  The behavior is undefined if anObject is not a pointer
        object, is immutable, or if aSmallInteger is not in the range 1 to
        the number of slots in anObject.  The assignment is store-checked.

    anObject ilpAtNoFail: slotIndex put: aValue
        Assign to the slot at the zero-relative index slotIndex in anObject,
        which is below aValue, the top of stack.  slotIndex is an operand
        encoded in the bytecode (suggested range 0 to 255).  Perform no
        bounds, indexability or immutability checks.  Do not account for any
        named instance variables in anObject.  The behavior is undefined if
        anObject is not a pointer object, is immutable, or if aSmallInteger
        is not in the range 1 to the number of slots in anObject.  The
        assignment is store-checked. No-Check Inst Var Stores [2]

The optimizer may be able to identify stores of immediate data (typically
SmallIntegers and Characters) to instance variables in sufficient cases that
it may be profitable to provide a no-check inst var store bytecode that
eliminates the unnecessary store check for an immediate. Instance Creation

These bytecodes enable more efficient instance creation by avoiding checks on
the class receiver and more efficient initialization by eliminating store
checks.  A bytecode that ensures a given amount of new space is available is
provided to ensure that the instance creation bytecodes cannot fail.

    aSmallInteger ilpEnsureNewSpaceSlots
        If the amount of eden newSpace from which to allocate is less than
        aSmallInteger provoke a scavenge.  This bytecode is a suspension
        point, or rather, the preceding bytecode, such that when execution
        resumes after the current process is suspended it does so at the
        ensureNewSpaceSlots bytecode.  i.e. execution only proceeds from the
        bytecode when sufficient newSpace is available.  If insufficient
        newSpace exists after a scavenge (for example, because newSpace is
        smaller than aSmallInteger) behaviour is undefined.  It is assumed
        that the optimizer will be informed as to the capacity of newSpace
        and to the per-instance overhead in the underlying VM and will hence
        generate viable values of the operand aSmallInteger.
    aBehavior ilpPointerNew: numFields
        numFields is an operand encoded in the bytecode itself (suggested
        range 0 to 255).  Replace the object on top of stack with a pointer
        instance having numFields slots initialized with nil and a class
        field of aBehavior.  The behaviour is undefined if insufficient
        allocatable newSpace is available, or if aBehavior is not a valid
        pointer behavior.

    aBehavior {numFields objects} pointerNewInitializing: numFields
        numFields is an operand encoded in the bytecode itself (suggested
        range 0 to 255).  Replace the object numFields down the stack
        (aBehavior) with a pointer instance having numFields slots and a
        class field of aBehavior.  The fields of the instance are initialized
        with the numFields objects on the stack, the top-most being assigned
        to the last slot in the new instance.  This bytecode enables the
        elimination of store-checks on instance initialization.   The
        behaviour is undefined if insufficient allocatable newSpace is
        available, or if aBehavior is not a valid pointer behavior.

    aBehavior ilpByteNew: numBytes
        numFields is an operand encoded in the bytecode itself (suggested
        range 0 to 255).  Replace the object on top of stack with a byte
        instance having numFields bytes initialized with zero and a class
        field of aBehavior.  The behaviour is undefined if insufficient
        allocatable newSpace is available, or if aBehavior is not a valid
        non-pointer behavior.

3.4.4 Register Allocation in N-code

While the extended bytecode set is still a stack-based one, temporary
variables on the stack have a priority, implicit in their position on the
stack, that should be used as a hint by the VM's code generator as to which
temporaries should be allocated to registers.  The highest priority temporary
is the last temporary variable on the stack, and the lowest priority is the
first temporary (also the first argument).  The optimizer is then free to put
temporaries used with the highest dynamic frequency in the last temporaries,
and the VM is free to house as many high-priority temporaries in registers as
it can fit in the available registers of the underlying processor.  The
optimizer will emit the temporary initialization code before any other to
simplify enabling the VM's code generator to avoid initializing temporaries
with nil when other initial values are available.

It is still required that temps are initialized to permit easy conversion
from stack activations to context objects within the VM.  The optimizer has
to be able to determine which temporaries are live at each point in execution
so that it can define suitable variable descriptors for dynamic
deoptimization.  But the VM is being kept unaware of the dynamic
deoptimization representations so that this burden may be carried entirely at
the image level.  Hence when a stack activation is reified as an
OptimizedContext there can not be any undefined slots below the top of stack
so as to protect the garbage collector from bogus pointers.

Experimental versions of HPS include bytecodes for explicitly allocating and
deallocating registers.  The temporary priority policy above is more easily
portable than these explicit bytecodes.  After all, how many registers should
the optimizer try and allocate given that it does not know how many are
available?  The Animorphic bytecode set appears to include bytecodes that
allocate or deallocate a given number of temporaries, presumably to be used
to reduce temporary initialization overhead at the start of a method by
restricting the use of a set of temporaries to a subset of the method.  I'm
not at all sure if this is better or worse than the temporary register
priorities scheme.

3.5 Initial Floating-Point Unboxing Scheme

While it should be a goal to unbox floats in pointer instances this sketch
ignores that possibility for now.  Smalltalk imposes no restriction on the
type of object stored an a pointer instance variable.  Therefore any unboxing
scheme needs to be per-instance, not just per-class (although one could
imagine a scheme that used anonymous behaviors to distinguish instances of a
class that contained unboxed data from instances of the same class that did
not).  At least in the HPS memory manager such flexibility poses a problem
and I would like to make immediate progress.  So this unboxing scheme only
handles unboxing within an OptimizedContext, being rather analogous to a
floating-point co-processor unit.

An OptimizedContext has two stacks, one for normal objects, and one for raw
data. The raw stack is organized as a number of slots large enough to hold
the largest floating-point format supported by the Smalltalk VM.  The size of
an OptimizedContext's stack is zero by default.  If non-zero its size is
defined by information in the context's OptimizedMethod, e.g. either a field
in the header, or some initial bytecode (analogous to pushCopiedValues at the
start of a copying block) that specifies the number of slots.  The stack can
be implemented as a pair instance variables in OptimizedContext that are
normally nil, but otherwise contain a suitably large ByteArray and a raw
stack pointer.  Whenever an OptimizedMethod that specifies a non-empty raw
stack is activated the initial contents are undefined and the stack pointer
is 0 (1 relative), i.e. there is no support for floating-point arguments.  It
is assumed that in-lining will reduce the demand for floating-point parameter
passing enough for it to be lived without.

A set of in-line primitives can access the raw stack as IEEE floating-point
data, moving values between the raw stack and the pointer stack or object
fields.  The primitive set would be extended to support unboxed access to
fields in pointer instances if and when required.  On Smalltalks with
different sized floating-point classes (VisualWorks supports 32-bit Float and
64-bit Double) the primitive set may provide access to each float size.  Here
we sketch only a set for 64-bit Double floating-point values.  If the set
handles multiple sizes of data, each slot can hold only one instance of a
small value.

The set of raw stack primitives are stack based because it is much easier to
map a stack-based addressing scheme with a finite sized stack onto a register
set than it is to map a register-based scheme onto a stack, and the infamous
x86 floating-point processor, which is stack-based, is likely to remain an
important target for users of this system.

The raw stack could also be used to optimize integer arithmetic, supporting
arithmetic on untagged 8, 16, 32 and 64-bit widths as in Java.  Rather than
waste time specifying this I'll leave open the possibility of adding a set of
bytecodes to allow 64-bit arithmetic and conversion to and from tagged and
boxed SmallIntegers and LargeIntegers on the normal stack.

3.5.1 Raw Stack Data Movement

    rawSetStackPointer: n
        increase the raw stack pointer by n slots.  May only be used once
        before any other raw bytecodes.  The values of the slots between 1
        and n remain undefined.
        push the top element of the raw stack onto the raw stack.  The
        results are undefined if the value on top of stack is not a Double.
    rawPushTempDouble: n
        push the n'th double in the raw stack on the top of the raw stack,
        0-relative.  The results are undefined if the value in the slot is
        not a Double.
    rawPopTempDouble: n
        pop the top of the raw stack into the n'th slot on the raw stack. 
        The results are undefined if the value on top of stack is not a
    rawPushLitDouble: n
        push the value of the n'th method literal, which must be an instance
        of Double, on the raw stack.
        pop the Double off the top of the normal stack and push its value on
        top of the raw stack
        pop the double value on top of the raw stack and push a new instance
        of Double with this value onto the normal stack. (* 9)
    aByteObject rawPushDoubleAtNoFail: aSmallInteger
        index the ByteArray below top of stack on the normal stack with the
        SmallInteger on top of the normal stack taken as a one-relative byte
        index and push the double value on the raw stack.  The results are
        undefined if the object below top of stack is not bytes and suitably
        large or if the index is not a SmallInteger or out of bounds, or if
        the index is not one plus a multiple of the size of a Double.
    aByteObject rawPopDoubleAtPutNoFail: aSmallInteger
        pop the double value on top the raw stack into the slot in the
        ByteArray below top of stack on the normal stack indexed by the
        SmallInteger on top of the normal stack taken as a one-relative byte
        index.  The results are undefined if the object below top of stack is
        not bytes and suitably large or if the index is not a SmallInteger or
        out of bounds, or if the index is not one plus a multiple of the size
        of a Double.

3.5.1 Raw Stack Arithmetic and Comparison

        Perform the arithmetic operation on the top two elements on the stack
        (last argument on top), popping the elements and pushing the result. 
        Use IEEE semantics, where overflows produce infinities, and NaNs are
        contagious.  The results are undefined if the top two elements are
        not Doubles.

        Perform the comparison operation on the top two elements on the stack
        (last argument on top), popping the elements and pushing the boolean
        result on the normal stack.  Use IEEE semantics, where comparison
        with NaNs answer false.  The results are undefined if the top two
        elements are not Doubles.

        Pop the top element off the raw stack and push a boolean on the
        normal stack, true if the element is an IEEE NaN, false otherwise.
        Pop the top element off the raw stack and push a boolean on the
        normal stack, true if the element is an IEEE Inf, false otherwise.
        Pop the top element off the raw stack and push a boolean on the
        normal stack, true if the element is either an IEEE NaN or an IEEE
        Inf, false otherwise.

The above set should allow reasonably efficient floating-point code to be
generated for floating-point operations on floating-point data in byte
objects.  So provided the Smalltalk programmer is willing to use byte objects
to hold floating-point values boxing overhead can be eliminated.  To provide
the same benefits for pointer-objects, and in particular heterogeneous
pointer objects (where not all fields may be floats) is left for future work
(e.g. any immediate response you all might have).

4.  Coordinating Optimization and Normal Execution.

The system so far described executes a mixture of unoptimized and optimized
ncode until a counter trips, causing a send-back that invokes the optimizer,
whereupon the optimizer performs some analysis, possibly computing some new
optimized code, and returns back to normal mixed-mode execution.  The
optimizer uses standard reflective facilities to analyse the state of
mixed-mode execution, implying that state remains stable during analysis. 
Since the optimizer is running on the same VM some mechanism must be provided
to ensure that stability.  Since the optimizer is a complex piece of code
some form of interactive development is essential if it is to be implemented
quickly.  This section discusses these two aspects.

4.1 Stabilizing the Underlying Execution State

As mentioned above, it is assumed that the underlying VM maintains a set of
executable native code methods.  It is further assumed that the amount of
space the VM is willing to allocate to these nmethods is finite and that
occasionally normal execution is paused while a subset of nmethods are
discarded to make room for new ones as execution requires.  Once the
optimizer is invoked when a counter trips, the optimizer may have to examine
an arbitrarily large call graph which could include the callees of the
current method's caller, the callee's callees and so on to an arbitrary
depth.  For the optimizer to be able to analyse the current execution state
this subset of the call graph must remain fixed and undisturbed so that the
optimizer can extract valid send type information.  The system must somehow
arrange to leave this subset undisturbed while the optimizer is running
extracting this information.

If it was the VM's responsibility to mark the set of nmethods the VM might
mark too large a set, leaving insufficient room for the optimizer's own code
to run efficiently.  Were it the optimizer's responsibility there could be a
race condition between the compilation to ncode of the optimizer's vcode as
it traverses the call-graph and the call graph itself, with ncode reclamation
being provoked before the optimizer finished its traversal.

To avoid either of these pathologies the system needs to provide some
headroom for the execution of the optimizer, such that while the optimizer is
extracting information the set of nmethods being examined does not change.  A
simple model for such a scheme is that there are two nmethod arenas, one used
for normal code and the other solely for the optimizer.  When a counter trips
the VM arranges to flip arenas, executing the optimizer's code only within
the second arena, and arranging that no loop counters are compiled into
nmethod in the optimizer arena.  When the optimizer is done and returns
control back to the VM, the VM flips back to the normal arena.  This flipping
should be extremely cheap to implement, being only the swapping of pointers
to the ncode allocation pool, and the test during every vmethod compilation
of whether to include counters or not.

We assume that in production the optimizer's vcode exists in the form of
OptimizedMethods, that will be compiled to ncode on first use into the
optimizer's arena, devoid of loop counters.  The optimizer's arena will not
be disturbed during execution of code in the normal arena.  So on subsequent
use the optimizer will run at full speed.  The optimizer's arena needs only
to be large enough to run the optimizer, which may  be less than that of the
normal arena.  In a production system one could even imagine the optimizer's
code being pre-compiled and pre-optimized, hidden within the VM.

Another issue is invoking the optimizer in a natively multithreaded
environment.  How should the optimizer be made reentrant?  How can the set of
nmethods remain stable while other threads are potentially executing the same
code?  This I'm leaving to future work.  For the moment I'm presuming a
single-threaded VM and that on invoking the optimizer the VM shuts out all
other threads by raising the priority of the optimizer to the highest
priority, guaranteeing stability while it runs.

4.2. Development and Bootstrapping

A crucial objective of this design is to support rapid implementation by
facilitating implementation in Smalltalk using the normal  interactive
programming environment.  To facilitate this the architecture supports
running code to be optimized in a sand box that provides the optimizer with
input execution state to optimize and allows the Smalltalk level to intercede
in method binding in the sand boxed code to simulate binding to optimized
methods without affecting the code for the development system [1].  During
interactive development of the optimizer the functions of the two nmethod
arenas are different.  Normal execution begins in the initial arena without
including loop counters in nmethods.  Instrumented code can only be produced
using a special primitive that runs a block within the second arena.  As the
block runs any vmethods bound to are compiled to distinct nmethods in the
instrumented arena that include invocation and loop counting code.  For
example the primitive's signature might be
    CompiledBlock executeInstrumented

When the counters in this arena trip execution resumes in the normal arena
with a send-back of loopCountReached, conditionalCountReached or
sendCountReached as appropriate. [2] [3]

The VM arranges that sends in the sand boxed code call-back into Smalltalk a
little like a doesNotUnderstand: that specifies what message is being sent. 
The Smalltalk code then binds the send to a suitable vmethod and returns. 
The method bound to could be an optimized method created previously during
the running of the sand box.  The Smalltalk level maintains a faked set of
method dictionaries that provide a simulation of the binding behaviour in the
deployment context where as the system optimizes normal methods are replaced
by optimized methods over time.

Now the normal Smalltalk programming environment can be used to interactively
develop the optimizer, to the degree that the VM can insulate the system from
the effects of bugs in the code produced by incorrect versions of the
optimizer.  For example, the VM could send-back on detecting an invalid
sequence of bytecodes in an OptimizedMethod, or could trap crashes in the
VM's code generator but would not be able to prevent a crash if incorrect
optimized code corrupted the heap.

To bootstrap the system the development time scheme can be used to provide
the optimizer with a training set, running the optimizer on itself.  The
optimizer is run in the instrumented arena on some training sets.  The
optimizer runs in the normal arena, optimizing itself based on the execution
state in the instrumented arena.  The optimizer is bootstrapped only to gain
performance.  The optimizer could function unoptimized, but if it is worth
its salt, optimizing itself will mean it can work at least three to five
times harder, or rather shorter.

In production much instantiation in the optimizer's arena could be done via
stack allocation, eliminating all store checks and garbage collection, simply
throwing away the allocation zone after optimization.  The optimizer's code
can be checked statically to ensure it makes no assignments to objects
outside its allocation domain, and the result OptimizedMethod could quickly
be copied into the normal heap.

5. Image-level Facilities Not Involving the VM

In this design a number of facilities that would have to be implemented in
the VM have been moved up entirely to the image level.  The two important
ones are the deoptimization of optimized activations into deoptimized
optimizations and the maintenance of dependency information so that optimized
code can be discarded when the unoptimized code upon which it depends is

5.1 Deoptimization

There needs to be a way to map an activation of an optimized method into an
equivalent set of unoptimized activations at each suspension point in an
optimized method.  This supports both interactive debugging and
reoptimization when e.g. a typeCaseAndTrap traps with a previously
unencountered class.  In conversations with David Griswold I think I'm right
in thinking that the compact encoding of the necessary scope descriptors
which map back variable locations in optimized code into variable locations
in unoptimized code is an important space saving issue.  In any case that's
all I need say about it here, except that as part of the development
methodology we can do a lot to ensure its correctness.

Recall that Mario Wolczko has indicated deoptimization a bug-prone area. 
During development we can test that each piece of optimized code the
optimizer produces correctly deoptimizes at all suspension points by
simulating execution of the optimized code with a single pass analogous to
the single pass that the VM's code generator makes to produce ncode  As a
single pass is made through the optimized method a simulated stack is filled
with markers representing the results of evaluating the method.  Every time a
suspension point is encountered deoptimization is attempted and each
deoptimized method is similarly symbolically executed, and the corresponding
activations compared.  If they differ there is a bug in deoptimization.  If
they agree there may still be bugs in the deoptimizer, but not with the case
in question.

5.2 Maintaining Dependencies

Last but not least we must consider how optimized code is maintained in the
running system.  When the optimizer constructs an activation of an optimized
method with which to resume execution it will also put the optimized method
in a method dictionary or block closure somewhere so that on a subsequent
send or block activation the optimized code will be used in place of the
optimized code.

Smalltalk environments typically do not replace activations of methods that
are redefined with their redefinitions, because it is in general an
unsolvable problem to map the execution state of the previous version into an
equivalent activation of the new method.  Instead these activations remain
and in the debugger show up as unbound methods.  But optimized code is
different.  It includes inlined copies of code that, were the code
unoptimized, would not be executed when redefined because sends would bind to
the fresh definition of a method.  Luckily this process is trivial to
implement given deoptimization because when a new method is installed in a
method dictionary any activations of optimized code will be at suspension
points (in a single threaded system (* 10)).

So the system needs to maintain a map from unoptimized methods to optimized
methods and must be able to enumerate activations of optimized methods when
unoptimized methods are redefined.  Again David Griswold has indicated that
the efficient encoding of this dependency information is an important
consideration.  The map from unoptimized to dependent optimized methods can
be a single system-wide global optimized for compactness.  Presumably the
enumeration of optimized activations can be done with the usual allInstances
and allOwners facilities.  If this proves to be too slow then we'll need to
think of something cleverer.

Ian Piumarta points out that the obvious way to represent this dependency is
with the unoptimized methods.  For example, when an unoptimized method is
inlined into some optimized method the unoptimized method could be wrapped by
an object that references the unoptimized method and each of the optimized
methods into which it is inlined.  The wrapper could replace the method in
the method dictinary holding the method.  The VM would be modified to
indirect through such wrappers.  The set of wrappers could be maintained ina
global, supporting fast enumeration of inlined and inlinees.  The image-level
method dictionary maintennance code could then easily check for a method
having been inlined by searching the method dictionaries from the point of
definition up the class hierarchy. [3]

A. Footnotes

(* 1)  (this changes style half way through where I pasted in a mail message
I had handy)

Because an Open PIC is specific to a particular selector both the selector
and the part of the hash function derived from it are constants, yielding
slightly faster code and less register pressure. Further, Open PICs
conveniently disambiguate full PICs.  Without Open PICs a full Closed PIC
might just invoke all N cases or might invoke more than N, we can't tell. 
But these two facets are dull.

The interesting fact is that once execution has settled down Open PICs are
the only source of lookups that remain in the program, and that these
megamorphic sends tend to be sends in abstract superclasses high in the
hierarchy, because of course these sends are the ones inherited by lots of

Simmons, Gittinger and myself all realised that this has implications for the
first-level method lookup cache policy.  Consider he open PIC sends 

A classic is Object copy:
        ^self shallowCopy postCopy

a send of copy somewhere will probably be specific, but within the single
copy method the send of shallowCopy and of postCopy will likely end up being
open because it is inherited by most classes in the system.

So in a stable state where all caches are "hot" the only class hierarchy
lookups being done are from open PICs when the method cache hash table lookup
fails.  But tragically (because this is a character flaw of open PICs) these
lookups are the most expensive, because they tend to be resolved towards the
roots of the class hierarchy, meaning that many classes get traversed in each

The blue-book method lookup algorithm inserts the result of the lookup under
the message's selector and the receiver's class.  So imagine a series of
lookups to nil, true and false.  For the first send the method dictionary
search in UndefinedObject misses, the method dictionary search in Object
succeeds, and a cache entry gets added for UndefinedObject.  For the send to
true, the method dictionary search in True misses, the method dictionary
search in Boolean misses, the method dictionary search in Object succeeds,
and a cache entry gets added for True.  For the send to false, the method
dictionary search in False misses, the method dictionary search in Boolean
misses, the method dictionary search in Object succeeds, and a cache entry
gets added for False.

Now you will have realized the obvious optimization.  On finding a method,
enter the hit in the cache for each class on the receiver's class's
superclass chain.  On each step up the class hierarchy check the method
lookup cache for the current class.

Now the above reduces.  For the first send the method dictionary search in
UndefinedObject misses, the cache lookup for Object fails, the method
dictionary search in Object succeeds, and cache entries gets added for
UndefinedObject, and Object.  For the send to true, the cache lookup and
method dictionary search in True and in Boolean miss, the cache lookup in
Object succeeds, and cache entries get added for True and Boolean.  For the
send to false, the method dictionary search in False misses, the cache lookup
in Boolean succeeds, and a cache entry gets added for False.  That's four
method dictionary searches down from eight.

In fact, this one change in the first-level method lookup cache policy
doubled the performance improvement we saw from implementing PICs.  In the
non-I/O subset of the standard Smalltalk macro benchmarks the performance
improvement due to PICs increased from about 15% to about 30%.

(* 2) To ensure that infrequently executed code is not optimized eventually
by invocation counters eventually tripping, counters can decay, e.g.
exponentially. The thesis discusses policies for when and how to decay.

(* 3) the thesis discusses pause clustering as a metric that computes
perceived pauses rather than real-time pauses.  The user may perceive a burst
of several short pauses as a single longer distracting pause.  Pause
clustering gives us means to deal with perceived pauses and hence better
engineer the system for interactive use.

(* 4) In initial tests of counts on x86 and PPC there was no significant
performance difference between 16-bit and 32-bit counts, even on PPC, so
saving the space seems fine.

(* 5) HPS folds stack overflow checking into event checking by having a
method check for interrupts implicitly in its stack overflow check.  By
setting the value in the variable or register holding the stack limit to a
value that always causes the stack overflow check to fail allows stack
overflow processing to check for events.

(* 6) in-line caches are voided when the method cache is cleared (Blue Book
primitive 89) or the method cache entries for a specific selector are cleared
(in HPS this is Behavior>>#flushVMmethodCacheEntriesFor:) or when reclamation
of native methods causes native methods to be discarded, clearing check
entries at sends that link to them.

(* 7) e.g. in HPS, after a stack segment overflow, the return address points
to a trampoline that causes a return to cross stack segment boundaries. [2]

(* 8) At least in HPS the existence of two copies of the method with
different code raises a problem.  HPS avoids mapping native PCs to bytecode
PCs in stable contexts by allowing stable contexts to represent native PCs as
negative integers, positive ones indicating bytecode PCs.  To map a stable
context's native PC to a bytecode PC (e.g. at snapshot or debug time) the
system re-translates its bytecoded method.  But with the hybrid scheme we
potentially have two different forms of a native method, uninstrumented and
instrumented, but the stable context only refers to the bytecoded method.  A
simple fix would be to tag the negative native pc, e.g. doubling it and
setting it to odd to mark the PC of an intrumented method.  Such a scheme can
easily provide a few tag bits. [2]

(* 9) This could be replaced by a byte instance creation primitive followed
by rawPopDoubleAtPutNoFail:.  But this feels ugly.

(* 10) and in a multi-threaded system it would be simple to block until all
threads executing Smalltalk code advanced to a suspension point.

(* 11) On a 600MHz PIII with conditional counters inlined into the code, the
computational subset of the macro benchmarks slowed down by 53%, but with
out-of-line counters the slowdown was only -10%.

(* 12) One would have to provide some means of both recording the choice of
which methods to instrument and "replaying" this choice.

B. References

[Tabatabai98] Ali-Reza Adl-Tabatabai, Michael Cierniak, Guei-Yuan Lueh,
Vishesh M. Parikh, James M. Stichnoth, "Fast, Effective Code Generation in a
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SIGPLAN Notices 33(5), May 1998.

[Arnold00] Matthew Arnold, Stephen Fink, Vivek Sarkar, Peter F. Sweeney, "A
Comparative Study of Static and Profile-Based Heuristics for Inlining", in
Proceedings of ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Dynamic and Adaptive Compilation and
Optimization (Dynamo '00), published as SIGPLAN Notices, 35(7), July 2000.

[Arnold01] Matthew Arnold and Barbara Ryder, "A framework for reducing the
cost of instrumented code.", in SIGPLAN 2001 Conf. on Programming Language
Design and Implementation, SIGPLAN Notices, ?(?), pp168-179, June 2001. [2]

[Arnold02] Matthew Arnold, Michael Hind, Barbara G. Ryder, "Online
Feedback-Directed Optimization of Java, in SIGPLAN 2002 Conf. on
Object-Oriented Programming Languages, Systems and Applications, SIGPLAN
Notices, ?(?), pp111-129, Nov 2002. [2]

[Hölzle91] Urs Hölzle, Craig Chambers, and David Ungar. Optimizing
Dynamically-Typed Object-Oriented Languages with Polymorphic Inline Caches.
In ECOOP'91 Conference Proceedings, Geneva, 1991. Published as Springer
Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science 512, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1991.

[Hölzle92] Urs Hölzle, Craig Chambers, and David Ungar. Debugging Optimized
Code with Dynamic Deoptimization. In Proceedings of the SIGPLAN `92
Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, p. 32-43. 
Published as SIGPLAN Notices 27(7), July 1992.

[Hölzle94] Urs Hölzle, "Adaptive Optimization for Self: Reconciling High
Performance with Exploratory Programming", available on the web as

[Krasner83] Smalltalk-80 Bits of History, Words of Advice, Glenn Krasner, Ed.
 Addison Wesley, 1983. [2]

[Ungar83] David M. Ungar. "Berkeley Smalltalk: Who Knows Where the Time
Goes?" in [Krasner83], pp 189-206 (in particular p191) [2]

[Wolczko96] Mario Wolczko.  Private Communication. 

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