[Vm-dev] re: Simulating the Cog V3 VM

Laura Perez Cerrato lauraperezcerrato at gmail.com
Mon May 16 17:15:17 UTC 2016

I thought I'd share how things are coming along since the other day,
since you've all been so welcoming :) First of all, thanks for that!
As a newbie VM developer you've been of so much help.

After loading the fix Elliot uploaded earlier, everything seems to be
working as expected. A debbuger pops up whenever a redraw is issued
(from my understanding), displaying the message "Error: inconsistent
values: 2047 vs 0", which is triggered by calling BalloonArray>>at:.
However, I've noticed that there's a comment in that message stating
"Debug only..." on top of the error block, so I guess everything's
working fine. Proceeding performs the redraw accordingly. So, besides
this minor annoyance, the simulator seems to be working ok.

I've also tried generating the source for JPEGReadWriter2 only using
the snippet provided in one of the workspaces and compiling the
resulting sources; which also seems to be working accordingly.

I've noticed that building the Spur VMMaker image by means of the
scripts provided now fails when trying to automatically load all the
necessary packages to have a working VM simulation environment: when
initializing the last version of OSProcess, a debugger pops up
alerting that primitiveChangeClassTo: failed. Proceeding seems to
continue the package loading without further issues. On first starting
the image, the same debugger pops up. Proceeding then again seems to
have no effect in the things I've tried so far.

I'll now work on trying to debug my modifications to the plugin from
the VM simulator.

I also thought I'd share a bit more about the project I'm working on.
I'm working with Juan at Satellogic on satellite imagery processing.
As we mostly work with 8-bit deep images and currently the plugin only
supports writing 32-bit deep images to disk, we found adding support
for such a feature would come handy in time.

My apologies if my messages seem odd; I'm not used to participating in
mailing lists. I hope I can contribute something more valuable in the
future :)
-Laura Perez Cerrato

On 12 May 2016 at 12:23, Laura Perez Cerrato
<lauraperezcerrato at gmail.com> wrote:
> Craig,
> Thanks for the offering! If you could point me in the right direction
> in order to take this approach I'd greatly appreciate it. Is there any
> documentation available on the subject?
> -Laura Perez Cerrato
> On 12 May 2016 at 10:23, Craig Latta <craig at blackpagedigital.com> wrote:
>> Hi--
>>      Eliot writes:
>>> The system is designed for one to be able to Instantiate a plugin and
>>> use it in objects in the current image by using an InterpreterProxy
>>> instance to interface the plugin code with ordinary Smalltalk
>>> objects.  But I've never done this so I can't help.  Perhaps
>>> someone with experience of dong this can provide help.
>>      I've done this, for network access used by remote messaging between
>> two simulators on different machines (or a simulator and a normal
>> system). I originally took the LargeIntegerPlugin simulator support as
>> my example, but have worked with this technique extensively since then.
>> Laura, I'd be happy to help if you'd like.
>>      thanks,
>> -C
>> --
>> Craig Latta
>> Black Page Digital
>> Amsterdam
>> craig at blackpagedigital.com
>> +31   6 2757 7177 (SMS ok)
>> + 1 415  287 3547 (no SMS)

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