[Vm-dev] Re: buildspurtrunkvmmakerimage StackInterpreterSimulator trunk50 incompatible image format

Ben Coman btc at openinworld.com
Sun May 22 17:02:15 UTC 2016

On Mon, May 23, 2016 at 12:51 AM, Ben Coman <btc at openinworld.com> wrote:
> Having run buildspurtrunkvmmakerimage.sh
> and opened the produced SpurVMMaker.image
> trying to start the simulator like...
>    (StackInterpreterSimulator new openOn: 'trunk50.image') test.
> produces an "Error: Incompatible image format"
> However the following works...
>    (StackInterpreterSimulator new openOn: 'Squeak4.5-13680.image') test
> How do I get the simulator working with a Spur image?
> VMMaker.oscog-tfel.1864 is loaded.
> cheers -ben

Whoops. Sorry for the noise.  I should pay attention to *all* the
windows that were open when the  SpurVMMaker.image started.  I had
just read the overview which directed me to read the
StackInterpreterSimulator class comments.  To answer my own question,
now in the "VM Simulation Workspace" window I see...
   "Run the Stack VM simulator on a Spur image (by default the Spur
trunk 4.6 image,
    complex options are in the Cog example below)"
   [| cos |
   cos := StackInterpreterSimulator newWithOptions:
                            #(ObjectMemory Spur32BitMemoryManager).
   cos desiredNumStackPages: 8.
   cos openOn: 'trunk50.image'.
   cos openAsMorph; run].

which works fine.

cheers -ben

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