[Vm-dev] BUG? A problem with callbacks that shows up in 64bits (but is on 32bits too)

Eliot Miranda eliot.miranda at gmail.com
Tue Mar 14 15:46:39 UTC 2017

Hi Esteban, Hi Igor, Hi All,

On Fri, Mar 10, 2017 at 7:35 AM, Esteban Lorenzano <estebanlm at gmail.com>

> Hi,
> I’m tumbling into an error in Pharo, because we use callbacks intensively,
> in Athens(cairo)-to-World conversion in particular, and people is sending
> always their crash reports… we made the whole conversion a lot more robust
> since problems started to arise, but now I hit a wall I cannot solve: I
> think problem is in something in callbacks.
> And problem is showing very easy on 64bits (while in 32bits it takes time
> and is more random).

 I responded in the "image not opening" thread, but it's the same problem.
I really want to hear what y'all think because I'll happily implement a
fix, but I want to know which one y'all think is a good idea.  Here's my
reply (edits between [ & ] to add information):

On Mon, Mar 13, 2017 at 9:11 PM, Eliot Miranda <eliot.miranda at gmail.com>

I'm pretty confident [I know] this is to do with bugs in the Athens surface
code which assumes that callbacks can be made in the existing copyBits and
warpBits primitive.  They can't do this safely because a GC (scavenge) can
happen during a callback, which then causes chaos when the copyBits
primitive tries to access objects that have been moved under its feet.

I've done work to fix callbacks so that when there is a failure it is the
copyBits primitive that fails, instead of apparently the callback return
primitive.  One of the apparent effects of this fix is to stop the screen
opening up too small; another is getting the background colour right, and
yet another is eliminating bogus pixels in the VGTigerDemo demo.  But more
work is required to fix the copyBits and warpBits primitives.  There are a
few approaches one might take:

a)  fixing the primitive so that it saves and restores oops around the
callbacks using the external oop table [InterpreterProxy>>addGCRoot: &
removeGCRoot:].  That's a pain but possible. [It's a pain because all the
derived pointers (the start of the destForm, sourceForm, halftoneForm and
colorMapTable) must be recomputed also, and of course most of the time the
objects don't move; we only scavenge about once every 2 seconds in normal

b) fixing the primitive so that it pins the objects it needs before ever
invoking a callback [this is a pain because pinning an object causes it to
be tenured to old space if it is in new space; objects can't be pinned in
new space, so instead the pin operation forwards the new space object to an
old space copy if required and answers its location in old space, so a
putative withPinnedObjectsDo: operation for the copyBits primitive looks
withPinnedFormsDo: aBlock
<inline: #always>
self cppIf: SPURVM & false
[| bitBltOopWasPinned destWasPinned sourceWasPinned halftoneWasPinned |
 (bitBltOopWasPinned := interpreterProxy isPinned: bitBltOop) ifFalse:
[bitBltOop := interpreterProxy pinObject: bitBltOop].
(destWasPinned := interpreterProxy isPinned: destForm) ifFalse:
[destForm := interpreterProxy pinObject: destForm].
(sourceWasPinned := interpreterProxy isPinned: sourceForm) ifFalse:
[sourceForm := interpreterProxy pinObject: sourceForm].
(halftoneWasPinned := interpreterProxy isPinned: halftoneForm) ifFalse:
[halftoneForm := interpreterProxy pinObject: halftoneForm].
aBlock value.
 bitBltOopWasPinned ifFalse: [interpreterProxy unpinObject: bitBltOop].
destWasPinned ifFalse: [interpreterProxy unpinObject: destForm].
sourceWasPinned ifFalse: [interpreterProxy unpinObject: sourceForm].
halftoneWasPinned ifFalse: [interpreterProxy unpinObject: halftoneForm]]
ifFalse: [aBlock value]
   and tenuring objects to old space is not ideal because they are only
collected by a full GC, so doing this would at least tenure the bitBltOop
which is very likely to be in new space]

c) fixing the primitive so that it uses the scavenge and fullGC counters in
the VM to detect if a GC occurred during one of the callbacks and would
fail the primitive [if it detected that a GC had occurred in any of the
surface functions].   The primitive would then simply be retried.

d) ?

I like c) as it's very lightweight, but it has issues.  It is fine to use
for callbacks *before* cop[yBits and warpBits move any bits (the
lockSurface and querySurface functions).  But it's potentially erroneous
after the unlockSurface primitive.  For example, a primitive which does an
xor with the screen can't simply be retried as the first, falling pass,
would have updated the destination bits but not displayed them via
unlockSurface.  But I think it could be arranged that no objects are
accessed after unlockSurface, which should naturally be the last call in
the primitive (or do I mean showSurface?).  So the approach would be to
check for GCs occurring during querySurface and lockSurface, failing if so,
and then caching any and all state needed by unlockSurface and showSurface
in local variables.  This way no object state is accessed to make the
unlockSurface and showSurface calls, and no bits are moved before the
queryDurface and lockSurface calls.

If we used a failure code such as #'object may move' then the primitives
could answer this when a GC during callbacks is detected and then the
primitive could be retried only when required.

[Come on folks, please comment.  I want to know which idea you like best.
We could fix this quickly.  But right now it feels like I'm talking to

> Here is the easiest way to reproduce it (in mac):
> wget files.pharo.org/get-files/60/pharo64-mac-latest.zip
> wget files.pharo.org/get-files/60/pharo64.zip
> wget files.pharo.org/get-files/60/sources.zip
> unzip pharo64-mac-latest.zip
> unzip pharo64.zip
> unzip sources.zip
> ./Pharo.app/Contents/MacOS/Pharo ./Pharo64-60438.image eval "VGTigerDemo
> runDemo"
> eventually (like 5-6 seconds after, if not immediately), you will have a
> stack like this:
> SmallInteger(Object)>>primitiveFailed:
> SmallInteger(Object)>>primitiveFailed
> SmallInteger(VMCallbackContext64)>>primSignal:andReturnAs:fromContext:
> GrafPort>>copyBits
> GrafPort>>image:at:sourceRect:rule:
> FormCanvas>>image:at:sourceRect:rule:
> FormCanvas(Canvas)>>drawImage:at:sourceRect:
> FormCanvas(Canvas)>>drawImage:at:
> VGTigerDemo>>runDemo
> VGTigerDemo class>>runDemo
> UndefinedObject>>DoIt
> OpalCompiler>>evaluate
> OpalCompiler(AbstractCompiler)>>evaluate:
> [ result := Smalltalk compiler evaluate: aStream.
> self hasSessionChanged
>         ifFalse: [ self stdout
>                         print: result;
>                         lf ] ] in EvaluateCommandLineHandler>>evaluate:
> in Block: [ result := Smalltalk compiler evaluate: aStream....
> BlockClosure>>on:do:
> EvaluateCommandLineHandler>>evaluate:
> EvaluateCommandLineHandler>>evaluateArguments
> EvaluateCommandLineHandler>>activate
> EvaluateCommandLineHandler class(CommandLineHandler class)>>activateWith:
> [ aCommandLinehandler activateWith: commandLine ] in
> PharoCommandLineHandler(BasicCommandLineHandler)>>activateSubCommand: in
> Block: [ aCommandLinehandler activateWith: commandLine ]
> BlockClosure>>on:do:
> PharoCommandLineHandler(BasicCommandLineHandler)>>activateSubCommand:
> PharoCommandLineHandler(BasicCommandLineHandler)>>handleSubcommand
> PharoCommandLineHandler(BasicCommandLineHandler)>>handleArgument:
> [ self
>         handleArgument:
>                 (self arguments
>                         ifEmpty: [ '' ]
>                         ifNotEmpty: [ :arguments | arguments first ]) ] in
> PharoCommandLineHandler(BasicCommandLineHandler)>>activate in Block: [
> self...
> BlockClosure>>on:do:
> PharoCommandLineHandler(BasicCommandLineHandler)>>activate
> PharoCommandLineHandler>>activate
> PharoCommandLineHandler class(CommandLineHandler class)>>activateWith:
> [ super activateWith: aCommandLine ] in PharoCommandLineHandler
> class>>activateWith: in Block: [ super activateWith: aCommandLine ]
> Any idea?
> thanks!
> Esteban

best, Eliot
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