[Vm-dev] Successfully built VM on OS X 10.11.6 (15G18013)

Eliot Miranda eliot.miranda at gmail.com
Thu Mar 15 04:04:25 UTC 2018

Hi Tim,

    good to hear.  Skip to the bottom:

On Wed, Mar 14, 2018 at 12:58 PM, Tim Johnson <digit at sonic.net> wrote:

> Hi Eliot,
> I’ve successfully built the VM on the OS X revision described in the
> subject line.  (Hooray!)  It was indeed easy and not scary or intimidating
> at all.
> Steps taken:
> 1. googled "cog blog squeak”
> 2. visited "compiling the VM" at
>         http://www.mirandabanda.org/cogblog/compiling-the-vm/
> (#2 note:   http://wiki.squeak.org/squeak/6202 was not immediately
> helpful as far as compiling the VM -- maybe could contain link to the above)
> 3.  followed instructions from “compiling the VM":
>         % cd ~/src
>         % git clone http://www.github.com/OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm
> oscogvm
>         % cd oscogvm
> 4.  opened & began following README.md  (Eliot Miranda / August 2017)
> misty:src tcj$ cd oscogvm/
> misty:oscogvm tcj$ ./scripts/updateSCCSVersions
> No stash found.
> misty:oscogvm tcj$ cd build.macos32x86
> 5.  opened & began following HowToBuild
> 6.  followed code-signing instructions in step 1
>         decided on self-signed certificate
>         created in keychain utility per:
>                 https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/
> Security/Conceptual/CodeSigningGuide/Procedures/
> Procedures.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40005929-CH4-SW4
>         added export SIGNING_IDENTITY="tcj Code Signing" to ~/.bash_profile
>         sourced ~/.bash_profile
> 7.      continued to follow instructions:
>         % cd squeak.cog.spur
>         % ./mvm -A
>         entered keychain password for code-signing 3 times, a’la note in
> README.md #1a
>         dutifully ignored various frightening warnings about deprecations
> etc.
> 8.  ka-blang!  success!
>          open ./Squeak.app
> Couldn’t have any been clearer.
> One future direction I may explore: adding older SDKs a’la the
> instructions in “HowToBuild”.
> I know that an old way to add SDKs would have involved opening an Xcode
> project file and adding “frameworks" via the Xcode GUI.  It looks like the
> modern build system seems to not use `xcodebuild` or Xcode project files
> anymore.  I also want to make sure that the Info.plist in the app bundle
> reflects the lowest SDK used;  right now it lists 10.9.0 and I’m not sure
> if this hard-coded or generated.
> One place I got curious because I’m on a sort-of holiday, but decided to
> walk slowly away from:  the old (e.g. Squeak Cog 4.0.3248) Mac OS VM’s
> “Squeak DoIt” entry in OS X’s “Services” menu, which is now gone.

So all that's needed is to update the Info.plist?  If so, the template
Info.plist is in platforms/iOS//vm/OSX/Squeak-Info.plist (and the others
for Pharo & Newspeak are similarly named).  Feel free to fix it and submit
a pull request, or ... (I find the pull request support on github isn't,
ahem, simple).

> It used to live in Info.plist, now it doesn’t.  It seemed to be rather
> clumsy before (launching a new VM rather than communicating with an
> existing one) and may have involved an extended clipboard plugin so I’ve
> decided this is a bee’s nest I will refrain from poking.  I’ll stop
> considering how far Squeak can dive into NSPasteboard.  It’s not
> important.  Just a whim.  On with my day.
> Thanks,
> Tim

best, Eliot
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