[Vm-dev] [OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm] Cannot build unix sources (missing file: bld/plugins.int) (#507)

K K Subbu kksubbu.ml at gmail.com
Sat Jun 13 12:12:09 UTC 2020

On 12/06/20 11:21 pm, Christoph Thiede wrote:
> Which exact packages do I have to install?

I just installed the packages listed in the apt-get line in the 
HowToBuild document.
> |platforms/unix/config/configure| script requires |clang| to be 
> installed as noted above. At the moment I have installed |gcc (Ubuntu 
> 7.5.0-3ubuntu1~18.04) 7.5.0| and |clang version 6.0.0-1ubuntu2 
> (tags/RELEASE_600/final)|, but that clang version does not understand 
> the |no-unused-but-set-variable| flag. Could you maybe refer to a 
> specific package? :-)

I did not run the configure script (too lazy ;-). I used the script in
   $ cd build.linux64x64/squeak.cog.spur/build && ./mvm

I haven't faced this problem with the W flag. gcc's description of the 
warning suppression flags are in:


If this flag is not there in clang, perhaps you could try compiling 
without using it in CFLAGS.

HTH .. Subbu

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