<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div>Hi Eliot,<br><br></div>When generating the sources, I am getting an error for "conflicting implementations for #reinitialize". CogSSBytecodeFixup >> #reinitialize vs  CogAbstractInstruction >> #reinitialize.<br><br></div>Best regards,<br></div>Ronie<br></div><div class="gmail_extra"><br><div class="gmail_quote">2017-03-05 0:27 GMT-03:00  <span dir="ltr"><<a href="mailto:commits@source.squeak.org" target="_blank">commits@source.squeak.org</a>></span>:<br><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="margin:0 0 0 .8ex;border-left:1px #ccc solid;padding-left:1ex"><br>
Eliot Miranda uploaded a new version of VMMaker to project VM Maker:<br>
<a href="http://source.squeak.org/VMMaker/VMMaker.oscog-eem.2144.mcz" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">http://source.squeak.org/<wbr>VMMaker/VMMaker.oscog-eem.<wbr>2144.mcz</a><br>
==================== Summary ====================<br>
Name: VMMaker.oscog-eem.2144<br>
Author: eem<br>
Time: 4 March 2017, 7:26:19.274398 pm<br>
UUID: 04b5cdd0-8070-4427-8771-<wbr>913885fada41<br>
Ancestors: VMMaker.oscog-eem.2143<br>
64-bit Sista: Spur64BitMemoryManager must export fetchClassTagOf:.<br>
Check 64-bit translation for signed comparisons in SpurPlanningCompactor as well as 32-bit.<br>
Rename blockPass, saveForBlockCompile et al to compilationPass, saveForRecompile etc.  This so that RegisterAllocatingCogit can recompile when discovering a loop that needs a merge so that the register set computed at the end of a loop can be installed at the head.<br>
Refactor initializeFixupAt: into it and initializeFixup: to support RAC's recompilation.<br>
Add some inlines to eliminate some thin intermediate functions.<br>
Add support for adding #ifdef's to struct defs and use it to avoid CogSSBytecodeFixup's simNativeStackPtr and simNativeStackSize in non-Lowcode VMs.<br>
Arrange to recompile when discovering loops with merges required to jump to the head.  Installing the register set at the end of the loop at its beginning means a much faster back branch on the common path and should be a win for simple loops.<br>
Refactor resolveRegisterOrderConflictsB<wbr>etweenCurrentSimStackAnd: into it and conflictingRegistersBetweenSim<wbr>StackAnd: for use by ensureRegisterAssignmentsAreAt<wbr>HeadOfLoop:.<br>
Fix several slips where methodOrBlockNumArgs was used instead of methodOrBlockNumTemps.<br>
Nuke unused method & variable.<br>
=============== Diff against VMMaker.oscog-eem.2143 ===============<br>
Item was added:<br>
+ ----- Method: CogAbstractInstruction>><wbr>reinitialize (in category 'initialization') -----<br>
+ reinitialize<br>
+       annotation := nil.<br>
+       dependent := nil.<br>
+       operands at: 0 put: (operands at: 1 put: (operands at: 2 put: 0))!<br>
Item was added:<br>
+ ----- Method: CogBytecodeFixup class>>filteredInstVarNames (in category 'translation') -----<br>
+ filteredInstVarNames<br>
+       "Override to eliminate bcpc,"<br>
+       ^super filteredInstVarNames copyWithout: 'bcpc'!<br>
Item was changed:<br>
  ----- Method: CogBytecodeFixup class>><wbr>instVarNamesAndTypesForTransla<wbr>tionDo: (in category 'translation') -----<br>
  instVarNamesAndTypesForTransla<wbr>tionDo: aBinaryBlock<br>
        "enumerate aBinaryBlock with the names and C type strings for the inst vars to include in a BytecodeFixup struct."<br>
+       self filteredInstVarNames do:<br>
-       self allInstVarNames do:<br>
+                aBinaryBlock<br>
+                       value: ivn<br>
+                       value: (ivn = 'targetInstruction'<br>
+                                       ifTrue: [#'AbstractInstruction *']<br>
+                                       ifFalse:<br>
+                                               [#sqInt])]!<br>
-               ivn ~= 'bcpc' ifTrue:<br>
-                       [aBinaryBlock<br>
-                               value: ivn<br>
-                               value: (ivn = 'targetInstruction'<br>
-                                               ifTrue: [#'AbstractInstruction *']<br>
-                                               ifFalse:<br>
-                                                       [#sqInt])]]!<br>
Item was changed:<br>
  ----- Method: CogBytecodeFixup>>recordBcpc: (in category 'simulation') -----<br>
  recordBcpc: theBytecodePC<br>
        <inline: true><br>
        self cCode: '' inSmalltalk:<br>
                [(bcpc isNil or: [bcpc = theBytecodePC])<br>
                        ifTrue: [bcpc := theBytecodePC]<br>
                                [bcpc := bcpc isInteger<br>
                                                        ifTrue: [{bcpc. theBytecodePC}]<br>
+                                                       ifFalse:<br>
+                                                               [(bcpc includes: theBytecodePC) ifTrue: [^self].<br>
+                                                                bcpc, {theBytecodePC}]]]!<br>
-                                                       ifFalse: [bcpc, {theBytecodePC}]]]!<br>
Item was added:<br>
+ ----- Method: CogSSBytecodeFixup class>>filteredInstVarNames (in category 'translation') -----<br>
+ filteredInstVarNames<br>
+       "Override to add ifdef LowcodeVM around the native stack info.<br>
+        self typedef"<br>
+       ^super filteredInstVarNames<br>
+               copyReplaceAll: #('simNativeStackPtr' 'simNativeStackSize')<br>
+               with: #('#if LowcodeVM' 'simNativeStackPtr' 'simNativeStackSize' '#endif')!<br>
Item was changed:<br>
  ----- Method: CogSSBytecodeFixup>><wbr>reinitialize (in category 'accessing') -----<br>
        <inline: true><br>
+       targetInstruction := simStackPtr := 0.<br>
+       LowcodeVM ifTrue:<br>
+               [simNativeStackPtr := simNativeStackSize := 0]!<br>
-       targetInstruction := 0.<br>
-       simStackPtr := 0.<br>
-       LowcodeVM ifTrue: [<br>
-               simNativeStackPtr := 0.<br>
-       ]!<br>
Item was changed:<br>
  CogClass subclass: #Cogit<br>
        instanceVariableNames: 'coInterpreter objectMemory objectRepresentation processor threadManager methodZone methodZoneBase codeBase minValidCallAddress lastNInstructions simulatedAddresses simulatedTrampolines simulatedVariableGetters simulatedVariableSetters printRegisters printInstructions compilationTrace clickConfirm breakPC breakBlock singleStep guardPageSize traceFlags traceStores breakMethod methodObj enumeratingCogMethod methodHeader initialPC endPC methodOrBlockNumArgs inBlock needsFrame hasYoungReferent primitiveIndex backEnd literalsManager postCompileHook methodLabel stackCheckLabel blockEntryLabel blockEntryNoContextSwitch blockNoContextSwitchOffset stackOverflowCall sendMiss missOffset entryPointMask checkedEntryAlignment uncheckedEntryAlignment cmEntryOffset entry cmNoCheckEntryOffset noCheckEntry fullBlockEntry cbEntryOffset fullBlockNoContextSwitchEntry cbNoSwitchEntryOffset picMNUAbort picInterpretAbort endCPICCase0 endCPICCase1 firstCPICCaseOffset cPICCaseSize cP<br>
 ICEndSize closedPICSize openPICSize fixups abstractOpcodes generatorTable byte0 byte1 byte2 byte3 bytecodePC bytecodeSetOffset opcodeIndex numAbstractOpcodes blockStarts blockCount labelCounter cStackAlignment expectedSPAlignment expectedFPAlignment codeModified maxLitIndex ceMethodAbortTrampoline cePICAbortTrampoline ceCheckForInterruptTrampoline ceCPICMissTrampoline ceReturnToInterpreterTrampolin<wbr>e ceBaseFrameReturnTrampoline ceSendMustBeBooleanAddTrueTram<wbr>poline ceSendMustBeBooleanAddFalseTra<wbr>mpoline ceCannotResumeTrampoline ceEnterCogCodePopReceiverReg ceCallCogCodePopReceiverReg ceCallCogCodePopReceiverAndCla<wbr>ssRegs cePrimReturnEnterCogCode cePrimReturnEnterCogCodeProfil<wbr>ing ceNonLocalReturnTrampoline ceFetchContextInstVarTrampolin<wbr>e ceStoreContextInstVarTrampolin<wbr>e ceEnclosingObjectTrampoline ceFlushICache ceCheckFeaturesFunction ceTraceLinkedSendTrampoline ceTraceBlockActivationTrampoli<wbr>ne ceTraceStoreTrampoline ceGetFP ceGetSP ceCaptureCStackPointers ordinarySendTrampolines superSen<br>
 dTrampolines directedSuperSendTrampolines dynamicSuperSendTrampolines outerSendTrampolines selfSendTrampolines firstSend lastSend realCEEnterCogCodePopReceiverR<wbr>eg realCECallCogCodePopReceiverRe<wbr>g realCECallCogCodePopReceiverAn<wbr>dClassRegs trampolineTableIndex trampolineAddresses objectReferencesInRuntime runtimeObjectRefIndex cFramePointerInUse debugPrimCallStackOffset ceTryLockVMOwner ceUnlockVMOwner extA extB numExtB tempOop numIRCs indexOfIRC theIRCs receiverTags implicitReceiverSendTrampoline<wbr>s cogMethodSurrogateClass cogBlockMethodSurrogateClass nsSendCacheSurrogateClass CStackPointer CFramePointer cPICPrototype cPICEndOfCodeOffset cPICEndOfCodeLabel ceMallocTrampoline ceFreeTrampoline ceFFICalloutTrampoline debugBytecodePointers debugOpcodeIndices disassemblingMethod'<br>
+       classVariableNames: 'AltBlockCreationBytecodeSize AltFirstSpecialSelector AltNSSendIsPCAnnotated AltNumSpecialSelectors AnnotationConstantNames AnnotationShift AnnotationsWithBytecodePCs BlockCreationBytecodeSize Debug DisplacementMask DisplacementX2N EagerInstructionDecoration FirstAnnotation FirstSpecialSelector HasBytecodePC IsAbsPCReference IsAnnotationExtension IsDirectedSuperSend IsDisplacementX2N IsNSDynamicSuperSend IsNSImplicitReceiverSend IsNSSelfSend IsNSSendCall IsObjectReference IsRelativeCall IsSendCall IsSuperSend MapEnd MaxCPICCases MaxCompiledPrimitiveIndex MaxStackAllocSize MaxX2NDisplacement NSCClassTagIndex NSCEnclosingObjectIndex NSCNumArgsIndex NSCSelectorIndex NSCTargetIndex NSSendIsPCAnnotated NumObjRefsInRuntime NumOopsPerNSC NumSpecialSelectors NumTrampolines ProcessorClass RRRName'<br>
-       classVariableNames: 'AltBlockCreationBytecodeSize AltFirstSpecialSelector AltNSSendIsPCAnnotated AltNumSpecialSelectors AnnotationConstantNames AnnotationShift AnnotationsWithBytecodePCs BlockCreationBytecodeSize Debug DisplacementMask DisplacementX2N EagerInstructionDecoration FirstAnnotation FirstSpecialSelector HasBytecodePC IsAbsPCReference IsAnnotationExtension IsDirectedSuperSend IsDisplacementX2N IsNSDynamicSuperSend IsNSImplicitReceiverSend IsNSSelfSend IsNSSendCall IsObjectReference IsRelativeCall IsSendCall IsSuperSend MapEnd MaxCPICCases MaxCompiledPrimitiveIndex MaxStackAllocSize MaxX2NDisplacement NSCClassTagIndex NSCEnclosingObjectIndex NSCNumArgsIndex NSCSelectorIndex NSCTargetIndex NSSendIsPCAnnotated NeedsFixupFlag NumObjRefsInRuntime NumOopsPerNSC NumSpecialSelectors NumTrampolines ProcessorClass RRRName'<br>
        poolDictionaries: 'CogAbstractRegisters CogCompilationConstants CogMethodConstants CogRTLOpcodes VMBasicConstants VMBytecodeConstants VMObjectIndices VMStackFrameOffsets'<br>
        category: 'VMMaker-JIT'!<br>
  Cogit class<br>
        instanceVariableNames: 'generatorTable primitiveTable'!<br>
  !Cogit commentStamp: 'eem 2/25/2017 17:53' prior: 0!<br>
  I am the code generator for the Cog VM.  My job is to produce machine code versions of methods for faster execution and to manage inline caches for faster send performance.  I can be tested in the current image using my class-side in-image compilation facilities.  e.g. try<br>
        StackToRegisterMappingCogit genAndDis: (Integer >> #benchFib)<br>
  I have concrete subclasses that implement different levels of optimization:<br>
        SimpleStackBasedCogit is the simplest code generator.<br>
        StackToRegisterMappingCogit is the current production code generator  It defers pushing operands<br>
        to the stack until necessary and implements a register-based calling convention for low-arity sends.<br>
        SistaCogit is an experimental code generator with support for counting<br>
        conditional branches, intended to support adaptive optimization.<br>
        RegisterAllocatingCogit is an experimental code generator with support for allocating temporary variables<br>
        to registers. It is inended to serve as the superclass to SistaCogit once it is working.<br>
        SistaRegisterAllocatingCogit and SistaCogitClone are temporary classes that allow testing a clone of<br>
        SistaCogit that inherits from RegisterAllocatingCogit.  Once things work these will be merged and<br>
        will replace SistaCogit.<br>
  coInterpreter <CoInterpreterSimulator><br>
        the VM's interpreter with which I cooperate<br>
  methodZoneManager <CogMethodZoneManager><br>
        the manager of the machine code zone<br>
  objectRepresentation <CogObjectRepresentation><br>
        the object used to generate object accesses<br>
  processor <BochsIA32Alien|?><br>
        the simulator that executes the IA32/x86 machine code I generate when simulating execution in Smalltalk<br>
  simulatedTrampolines <Dictionary of Integer -> MessageSend><br>
        the dictionary mapping trap jump addresses to run-time routines used to warp from simulated machine code in to the Smalltalk run-time.<br>
  simulatedVariableGetters <Dictionary of Integer -> MessageSend><br>
        the dictionary mapping trap read addresses to variables in run-time objects used to allow simulated machine code to read variables in the Smalltalk run-time.<br>
  simulatedVariableSetters <Dictionary of Integer -> MessageSend><br>
        the dictionary mapping trap write addresses to variables in run-time objects used to allow simulated machine code to write variables in the Smalltalk run-time.<br>
  printRegisters printInstructions clickConfirm <Boolean><br>
        flags controlling debug printing and code simulation<br>
  breakPC <Integer><br>
        machine code pc breakpoint<br>
  cFramePointer cStackPointer <Integer><br>
        the variables representing the C stack & frame pointers, which must change on FFI callback and return<br>
  selectorOop <sqInt><br>
        the oop of the methodObj being compiled<br>
  methodObj <sqInt><br>
        the bytecode method being compiled<br>
  initialPC endPC <Integer><br>
        the start and end pcs of the methodObj being compiled<br>
  methodOrBlockNumArgs <Integer><br>
        argument count of current method or block being compiled<br>
  needsFrame <Boolean><br>
        whether methodObj or block needs a frame to execute<br>
  primitiveIndex <Integer><br>
        primitive index of current method being compiled<br>
  methodLabel <CogAbstractOpcode><br>
        label for the method header<br>
  blockEntryLabel <CogAbstractOpcode><br>
        label for the start of the block dispatch code<br>
  stackOverflowCall <CogAbstractOpcode><br>
        label for the call of ceStackOverflow in the method prolog<br>
  sendMissCall <CogAbstractOpcode><br>
        label for the call of ceSICMiss in the method prolog<br>
  entryOffset <Integer><br>
        offset of method entry code from start (header) of method<br>
  entry <CogAbstractOpcode><br>
        label for the first instruction of the method entry code<br>
  noCheckEntryOffset <Integer><br>
        offset of the start of a method proper (after the method entry code) from start (header) of method<br>
  noCheckEntry <CogAbstractOpcode><br>
        label for the first instruction of start of a method proper<br>
  fixups <Array of <AbstractOpcode Label | nil>><br>
        the labels for forward jumps that will be fixed up when reaching the relevant bytecode.  fixups has one element per byte in methodObj's bytecode; initialPC maps to fixups[0].<br>
  abstractOpcodes <Array of <AbstractOpcode>><br>
        the code generated when compiling methodObj<br>
  byte0 byte1 byte2 byte3 <Integer><br>
        individual bytes of current bytecode being compiled in methodObj<br>
  bytecodePointer <Integer><br>
        bytecode pc (same as Smalltalk) of the current bytecode being compiled<br>
  opcodeIndex <Integer><br>
        the index of the next free entry in abstractOpcodes (this code is translated into C where OrderedCollection et al do not exist)<br>
  numAbstractOpcodes <Integer><br>
        the number of elements in abstractOpcocdes<br>
  blockStarts <Array of <BlockStart>><br>
        the starts of blocks in the current method<br>
        the index into blockStarts as they are being noted, and hence eventually the total number of blocks in the current method<br>
  labelCounter <Integer><br>
        a nicety for numbering labels not needed in the production system but probably not expensive enough to worry about<br>
  ceStackOverflowTrampoline <Integer><br>
  ceSend0ArgsTrampoline <Integer><br>
  ceSend1ArgsTrampoline <Integer><br>
  ceSend2ArgsTrampoline <Integer><br>
  ceSendNArgsTrampoline <Integer><br>
  ceSendSuper0ArgsTrampoline <Integer><br>
  ceSendSuper1ArgsTrampoline <Integer><br>
  ceSendSuper2ArgsTrampoline <Integer><br>
  ceSendSuperNArgsTrampoline <Integer><br>
  ceSICMissTrampoline <Integer><br>
  ceCPICMissTrampoline <Integer><br>
  ceStoreCheckTrampoline <Integer><br>
  ceReturnToInterpreterTrampolin<wbr>e <Integer><br>
  ceBaseFrameReturnTrampoline <Integer><br>
  ceSendMustBeBooleanTrampoline <Integer><br>
  ceClosureCopyTrampoline <Integer><br>
        the various trampolines (system-call-like jumps from machine code to the run-time).<br>
        See Cogit>>generateTrampolines for the mapping from trampoline to run-time<br>
        routine and then read the run-time routine for a funcitonal description.<br>
  ceEnterCogCodePopReceiverReg <Integer><br>
        the enilopmart (jump from run-time to machine-code)<br>
  methodZoneBase <Integer><br>
  Cogit class<br>
        instanceVariableNames: 'generatorTable primitiveTable'!<br>
Item was removed:<br>
- ----- Method: InLineLiteralsManager>><wbr>resetForBlockCompile (in category 'compile abstract instructions') -----<br>
- resetForBlockCompile!<br>
Item was added:<br>
+ ----- Method: InLineLiteralsManager>><wbr>resetForRecompile (in category 'compile abstract instructions') -----<br>
+ resetForRecompile!<br>
Item was removed:<br>
- ----- Method: InLineLiteralsManager>><wbr>saveForBlockCompile (in category 'compile abstract instructions') -----<br>
- saveForBlockCompile!<br>
Item was added:<br>
+ ----- Method: InLineLiteralsManager>><wbr>saveForRecompile (in category 'compile abstract instructions') -----<br>
+ saveForRecompile!<br>
Item was removed:<br>
- ----- Method: OutOfLineLiteralsManager>><wbr>resetForBlockCompile (in category 'initialization') -----<br>
- resetForBlockCompile<br>
-       firstOpcodeIndex := savedFirstOpcodeIndex.<br>
-       nextLiteralIndex := savedNextLiteralIndex.<br>
-       lastDumpedLiteralIndex := savedLastDumpedLiteralIndex!<br>
Item was added:<br>
+ ----- Method: OutOfLineLiteralsManager>><wbr>resetForRecompile (in category 'initialization') -----<br>
+ resetForRecompile<br>
+       <inline: true><br>
+       firstOpcodeIndex := savedFirstOpcodeIndex.<br>
+       nextLiteralIndex := savedNextLiteralIndex.<br>
+       lastDumpedLiteralIndex := savedLastDumpedLiteralIndex!<br>
Item was removed:<br>
- ----- Method: OutOfLineLiteralsManager>><wbr>saveForBlockCompile (in category 'initialization') -----<br>
- saveForBlockCompile<br>
-       savedFirstOpcodeIndex := firstOpcodeIndex.<br>
-       savedNextLiteralIndex := nextLiteralIndex.<br>
-       savedLastDumpedLiteralIndex := lastDumpedLiteralIndex!<br>
Item was added:<br>
+ ----- Method: OutOfLineLiteralsManager>><wbr>saveForRecompile (in category 'initialization') -----<br>
+ saveForRecompile<br>
+       <inline: true><br>
+       savedFirstOpcodeIndex := firstOpcodeIndex.<br>
+       savedNextLiteralIndex := nextLiteralIndex.<br>
+       savedLastDumpedLiteralIndex := lastDumpedLiteralIndex!<br>
Item was changed:<br>
  StackToRegisterMappingCogit subclass: #RegisterAllocatingCogit<br>
+       instanceVariableNames: 'numFixups mergeSimStacksBase nextFixup scratchSimStack scratchSpillBase scratchOptStatus ceSendMustBeBooleanAddTrueLong<wbr>Trampoline ceSendMustBeBooleanAddFalseLon<wbr>gTrampoline recompileForLoopRegisterAssign<wbr>ments'<br>
-       instanceVariableNames: 'numFixups mergeSimStacksBase nextFixup scratchSimStack scratchSpillBase scratchOptStatus ceSendMustBeBooleanAddTrueLong<wbr>Trampoline ceSendMustBeBooleanAddFalseLon<wbr>gTrampoline'<br>
        classVariableNames: ''<br>
        poolDictionaries: ''<br>
        category: 'VMMaker-JIT'!<br>
  !RegisterAllocatingCogit commentStamp: 'eem 2/9/2017 10:40' prior: 0!<br>
  RegisterAllocatingCogit is an optimizing code generator that is specialized for register allocation.<br>
  On the contrary to StackToRegisterMappingCogit, RegisterAllocatingCogit keeps at each control flow merge point the state of the simulated stack to merge into and not only an integer fixup. Each branch and jump record the current state of the simulated stack, and each fixup is responsible for merging this state into the saved simulated stack.<br>
  Instance Variables<br>
        ceSendMustBeBooleanAddFalseLon<wbr>gTrampoline:              <Integer><br>
        ceSendMustBeBooleanAddTrueLong<wbr>Trampoline:               <Integer><br>
        mergeSimStacksBase:                                                                     <Integer><br>
        nextFixup:                                                                                              <Integer><br>
        numFixups:                                                                                              <Integer><br>
        scratchOptStatus:                                                                               <CogSSOptStatus><br>
        scratchSimStack:                                                                                <Array of CogRegisterAllocatingSimStackE<wbr>ntry><br>
        scratchSpillBase:                                                                               <Integer><br>
        - the must-be-boolean trampoline for long jump false bytecodes (the existing ceSendMustBeBooleanAddFalseTra<wbr>mpoline is used for short branches)<br>
        - the must-be-boolean trampoline for long jump true bytecodes (the existing ceSendMustBeBooleanAddTrueTram<wbr>poline is used for short branches)<br>
        - the base address of the alloca'ed memory for merge fixups<br>
        - the index into mergeSimStacksBase from which the next needed mergeSimStack will be allocated<br>
        - a conservative (over) estimate of the number of merge fixups needed in a method<br>
        - a scratch variable to hold the state of optStatus while merge code is generated<br>
        - a scratch variable to hold the state of simStack while merge code is generated<br>
        - a scratch variable to hold the state of spillBase while merge code is generated!<br>
Item was changed:<br>
  ----- Method: RegisterAllocatingCogit>><wbr>compileAbstractInstructionsFro<wbr>m:through: (in category 'compile abstract instructions') -----<br>
  compileAbstractInstructionsFro<wbr>m: start through: end<br>
        "Loop over bytecodes, dispatching to the generator for each bytecode, handling fixups in due course.<br>
         Override to provide a development-time only escape for failed merges due to partially implemented<br>
+        parallel move.  Override to recompile after a loop requiring a merge is detected."<br>
+       ^[| result initialOpcodeIndex initialCounterIndex initialIndexOfIRC |<br>
+          compilationPass := 1.<br>
+          initialOpcodeIndex := opcodeIndex.<br>
+          initialCounterIndex := self maybeCounterIndex."for SistaCogit"<br>
+          literalsManager saveForRecompile.<br>
+          NewspeakVM ifTrue:<br>
+                       [initialIndexOfIRC := indexOfIRC].<br>
+          [<wbr>recompileForLoopRegisterAssign<wbr>ments := false.<br>
+           result := super compileAbstractInstructionsFro<wbr>m: start through: end.<br>
+           result = 0 and: [<wbr>recompileForLoopRegisterAssign<wbr>ments]]<br>
+               whileTrue:<br>
+                       [self reinitializeAllButBackwardFixu<wbr>psFrom: start through: end.<br>
+                        self resetSimStack: start.<br>
+                        self reinitializeOpcodesFrom: initialOpcodeIndex to: opcodeIndex - 1.<br>
+                        compilationPass := compilationPass + 1.<br>
+                        nextFixup := 0.<br>
+                        opcodeIndex := initialOpcodeIndex.<br>
+                        self maybeSetCounterIndex: initialCounterIndex. "For SistaCogit"<br>
+                        literalsManager resetForRecompile.<br>
+                        NewspeakVM ifTrue:<br>
+                               [indexOfIRC := initialIndexOfIRC]].<br>
+           result]<br>
+                       on: Notification<br>
+                       do: [:ex|<br>
+                               ex tag == #failedMerge ifTrue:<br>
+                                       [coInterpreter transcript<br>
+                                               ensureCr; nextPutAll: 'FAILED MERGE IN ';<br>
+                                               nextPutAll: (coInterpreter nameOfClass: (coInterpreter methodClassOf: methodObj));<br>
+                                               nextPutAll: '>>#'; nextPutAll: (coInterpreter stringOf: (coInterpreter maybeSelectorOfMethod: methodObj));<br>
+                                               flush.<br>
+                                        ^ShouldNotJIT].<br>
+                               ex pass]!<br>
-        parallel move."<br>
-       ^[super compileAbstractInstructionsFro<wbr>m: start through: end]<br>
-               on: Notification<br>
-               do: [:ex|<br>
-                       ex tag == #failedMerge ifTrue:<br>
-                               [coInterpreter transcript<br>
-                                       ensureCr; nextPutAll: 'FAILED MERGE IN ';<br>
-                                       nextPutAll: (coInterpreter nameOfClass: (coInterpreter methodClassOf: methodObj));<br>
-                                       nextPutAll: '>>#'; nextPutAll: (coInterpreter stringOf: (coInterpreter maybeSelectorOfMethod: methodObj));<br>
-                                       flush.<br>
-                                ^ShouldNotJIT].<br>
-                       ex pass]!<br>
Item was added:<br>
+ ----- Method: RegisterAllocatingCogit>><wbr>conflictingRegistersBetweenSim<wbr>StackAnd: (in category 'bytecode generator support') -----<br>
+ conflictingRegistersBetweenSim<wbr>StackAnd: mergeSimStack<br>
+       <var: #mergeSimStack type: #'SimStackEntry *'><br>
+       | currentRegsMask mergeRegsMask potentialConflictRegMask |<br>
+       <var: #currentEntry type: #'SimStackEntry *'><br>
+       <var: #targetEntry type: #'SimStackEntry *'><br>
+       currentRegsMask := mergeRegsMask := potentialConflictRegMask := 0.<br>
+       0 to: simStackPtr do:<br>
+               [:i| | currentEntry targetEntry currentRegMask mergeRegMask |<br>
+                currentRegMask := (currentEntry := self simStack: simStack at: i) registerMaskOrNone.<br>
+                mergeRegMask := (targetEntry := self simStack: mergeSimStack at: i) registerMaskOrNone.<br>
+                (currentRegMask ~= mergeRegMask<br>
+                 and: [currentRegMask ~= 0 or: [mergeRegMask ~= 0]]) ifTrue:<br>
+                       [potentialConflictRegMask := potentialConflictRegMask bitOr: (currentRegMask bitOr: mergeRegMask)].<br>
+                currentRegsMask := currentRegsMask bitOr: currentRegMask.<br>
+                mergeRegsMask := mergeRegsMask bitOr: mergeRegMask].<br>
+       ^potentialConflictRegMask bitAnd: (currentRegsMask bitAnd: mergeRegsMask)!<br>
Item was changed:<br>
  ----- Method: RegisterAllocatingCogit>><wbr>deassignRegisterForTempVar:in: (in category 'bytecode generator support') -----<br>
  deassignRegisterForTempVar: targetEntry in: mergeSimStack<br>
        "If merging a non-temp with a temp that has a live register we can assign<br>
         to the register, but must unassign the register from the temp, otherwise<br>
         the temp will acquire the merged value without an assignment.  The targetEntry<br>
+        must also be transmogrified into an SSRegister entry, which is done in the caller."<br>
-        must also be transmogrified into an SSRegister entry."<br>
        <var: #targetEntry type: #'SimStackEntry *'><br>
        <var: #duplicateEntry type: #'SimStackEntry *'><br>
        <var: #mergeSimStack type: #'SimStackEntry *'><br>
        <inline: true><br>
        | reg |<br>
        reg := targetEntry liveRegister.<br>
        self assert: (reg ~= NoReg and: [targetEntry type = SSConstant or: [targetEntry isFrameTempVar]]).<br>
        targetEntry type = SSConstant<br>
                        [simStackPtr to: 0 by: -1 do:<br>
                                [:j| | duplicateEntry |<br>
                                 duplicateEntry := self simStack: mergeSimStack at: j.<br>
                                 (duplicateEntry registerOrNone = reg<br>
                                  and: [duplicateEntry type = SSBaseOffset or: [duplicateEntry type = SSSpill]]) ifTrue:<br>
                                        [duplicateEntry liveRegister: NoReg]]]<br>
                        [simStackPtr to: 0 by: -1 do:<br>
                                [:j| | duplicateEntry |<br>
                                 duplicateEntry := self simStack: mergeSimStack at: j.<br>
                                 (targetEntry isSameEntryAs: duplicateEntry) ifTrue:<br>
                                        [j < methodOrBlockNumTemps<br>
                                                ifTrue: [duplicateEntry liveRegister: NoReg]<br>
+                                               ifFalse: [duplicateEntry type: SSRegister; register: reg]]]]!<br>
-                                               ifFalse: [duplicateEntry type: SSRegister; register: reg]]]].<br>
-       targetEntry<br>
-               type: SSRegister;<br>
-               register: reg!<br>
Item was changed:<br>
  ----- Method: RegisterAllocatingCogit>><wbr>ensureFixupAt: (in category 'bytecode generator support') -----<br>
  ensureFixupAt: targetPC<br>
        "Make sure there's a flagged fixup at the target pc in fixups.<br>
         Initially a fixup's target is just a flag.  Later on it is replaced with a proper instruction.<br>
         Override to enerate stack merging code if required."<br>
        | fixup |<br>
        <var: #fixup type: #'BytecodeFixup *'><br>
        self assert: targetPC > bytecodePC.<br>
        fixup := self fixupAt: targetPC.<br>
        fixup needsFixup<br>
                        [fixup mergeSimStack<br>
                                ifNil: [self setMergeSimStackOf: fixup]<br>
                                ifNotNil: [self mergeCurrentSimStackWith: fixup forwards: true]]<br>
+                       [self assert: (fixup mergeSimStack isNil or: [compilationPass = 2]).<br>
-                       [self assert: fixup mergeSimStack isNil.<br>
                         self moveVolatileSimStackEntriesToR<wbr>egisters.<br>
+                        fixup mergeSimStack<br>
+                               ifNil: [self setMergeSimStackOf: fixup]<br>
+                               ifNotNil: [self assert: (self simStack: simStack isIdenticalTo: fixup mergeSimStack)]].<br>
-                        self setMergeSimStackOf: fixup].<br>
        ^super ensureFixupAt: targetPC!<br>
Item was added:<br>
+ ----- Method: RegisterAllocatingCogit>><wbr>ensureRegisterAssignmentsAreAt<wbr>HeadOfLoop: (in category 'bytecode generator support') -----<br>
+ ensureRegisterAssignmentsAreAt<wbr>HeadOfLoop: target<br>
+       "Compiling a loop body will compute a set of live registers.  The backward branch must merge<br>
+        with the head of the loop.  So it is preferrable to make the register assignments at the end of<br>
+        the loop available at the head.  To do this, simply copy the register assignments to the loop<br>
+        head's fixup in the first compilation pass and schedule a second compilation pass.  On the<br>
+        second pass the merge will occur when encountering the fixup for the loop head, using<br>
+        exactly the same code as for a merge at the end of an if."<br>
+       | conflictingRegsMask |<br>
+       compilationPass > 1 ifTrue:<br>
+               ["self deny: (self mergeRequiredToTarget: target mergeSimStack)."<br>
+                self assert: (target mergeSimStack isNil or: [self simStack: simStack isIdenticalTo: target mergeSimStack]).<br>
+                ^self].<br>
+       (self mergeRequiredToTarget: target mergeSimStack) ifFalse:<br>
+               [^self].<br>
+       "Schedule a recompile and merge the end-of-loop assignments into the head of the loop,<br>
+        giving priority to the assignments at this point, and preserving any other non-conflicting<br>
+        assignments."<br>
+       recompileForLoopRegisterAssign<wbr>ments := true.<br>
+       conflictingRegsMask := self conflictingRegistersBetweenSim<wbr>StackAnd: target mergeSimStack.<br>
+       self deny: (self register: FPReg isInMask: conflictingRegsMask).<br>
+       0 to: simStackPtr do:<br>
+               [:i| | currentEntry targetEntry |<br>
+                currentEntry := self simStack: simStack at: i.<br>
+                targetEntry := self simStack: target mergeSimStack at: i.<br>
+                currentEntry liveRegister ~= NoReg<br>
+                       ifTrue:<br>
+                               [targetEntry liveRegister: currentEntry liveRegister]<br>
+                       ifFalse:<br>
+                               [(targetEntry registerMask anyMask: conflictingRegsMask) ifTrue:<br>
+                                       [targetEntry liveRegister: NoReg]]].<br>
+       optStatus isReceiverResultRegLive ifTrue:<br>
+               [target isReceiverResultRegSelf: true]!<br>
Item was removed:<br>
- ----- Method: RegisterAllocatingCogit>><wbr>genExtJumpIfNotInstanceOfBehav<wbr>iorsOrPopBytecode (in category 'bytecode generators') -----<br>
- genExtJumpIfNotInstanceOfBehav<wbr>iorsOrPopBytecode<br>
-       "SistaV1: *     254             11111110        kkkkkkkk        jjjjjjjj                branch If Not Instance Of Behavior/Array Of Behavior kkkkkkkk (+ Extend A * 256, where Extend A >= 0) distance jjjjjjjj (+ Extend B * 256, where Extend B >= 0)"<br>
-       | reg literal distance targetFixUp |<br>
-       reg := self allocateRegForStackEntryAt: 0.<br>
-       self ssTop popToReg: reg.<br>
-       literal := self getLiteral: (extA * 256 + byte1).<br>
-       extA := 0.<br>
-       distance := extB * 256 + byte2.<br>
-       extB := 0.<br>
-       numExtB := 0.<br>
-       "Because ensureFixupAt: will generate code to merge with the target simStack when required, it is<br>
-        necessary to tease apart the jump and the merge so that the merge code is only executed if the<br>
-        branch is taken.  i.e. if merge code is required we generate<br>
-                       jump not cond Lcontinue<br>
-                       ... merge code ...<br>
-                       jump Ltarget<br>
-               Lcontinue:<br>
-        instead of the incorrect<br>
-                       ... merge code ...<br>
-                       jump cond Ltarget"<br>
-       (self mergeRequiredForJumpTo: bytecodePC + 3 + distance) ifTrue:<br>
-               [self shouldBeImplemented].<br>
-       targetFixUp := self cCoerceSimple: (self ensureFixupAt: bytecodePC + 3 + distance) to: #'AbstractInstruction *'.<br>
-       (objectMemory isArrayNonImm: literal)<br>
-               ifTrue: [objectRepresentation branchIf: reg notInstanceOfBehaviors: literal target: targetFixUp]<br>
-               ifFalse: [objectRepresentation branchIf: reg notInstanceOfBehavior: literal target: targetFixUp].<br>
-       self ssPop: 1.<br>
-       ^0!<br>
Item was changed:<br>
  ----- Method: RegisterAllocatingCogit>><wbr>genJumpBackTo: (in category 'bytecode generator support') -----<br>
  genJumpBackTo: targetPC<br>
        | target |<br>
+       "On first pass install register allocations (if any) as of the end of the loop and back up to recompile.<br>
+        One the second pass generate<br>
+                               (any merge elided because register assignments copied to loop head in first pass)<br>
-       "We generate<br>
-                               merge<br>
                                cmp stackLimit<br>
                                jumpAboveOrEqual target<br>
+                               merge from flushed (N.B. If stack was flushed before loop we could conceivably jump to the pre-loop merge code)<br>
-                               marge from flushed<br>
                                jmp target<br>
         self printSimStack; printSimStack: target mergeSimStack"<br>
        self assert: targetPC < bytecodePC.<br>
        target := self fixupAt: targetPC.<br>
+       self ensureRegisterAssignmentsAreAt<wbr>HeadOfLoop: target.<br>
-       self mergeCurrentSimStackWith: target forwards: false.<br>
        self MoveAw: coInterpreter stackLimitAddress R: TempReg.<br>
        self CmpR: TempReg R: SPReg. "N.B. FLAGS := SPReg - TempReg"<br>
        self JumpAboveOrEqual: target.<br>
        self ssFlushTo: simStackPtr.<br>
        self CallRT: ceCheckForInterruptTrampoline.<br>
        self annotateBytecode: self Label.<br>
        self flushLiveRegistersForSuspensio<wbr>nPoint.<br>
        self mergeCurrentSimStackWith: target forwards: false.<br>
        self Jump: target.<br>
        deadCode := true. "can't fall through"<br>
Item was changed:<br>
  ----- Method: RegisterAllocatingCogit>><wbr>mergeCurrentSimStackWith:<wbr>forwards: (in category 'bytecode generator support') -----<br>
  mergeCurrentSimStackWith: fixup forwards: forwards<br>
        "At a merge point the cogit expects the stack to be in the same state as mergeSimStack.<br>
         mergeSimStack is the state as of some jump forward or backward to this point.  So make simStack agree<br>
         with mergeSimStack (it is, um, problematic to plant code at the jump).<br>
         Values may have to be assigned to registers.  Registers may have to be swapped.<br>
         The state of optStatus must agree.<br>
         Generate code to merge the current simStack with that of the target fixup,<br>
         the goal being to keep as many registers live as possible.  If the merge is forwards<br>
         registers can be deassigned (since registers are always written to temp vars).<br>
         But if backwards, nothing can be deassigned, and the state /must/ reflect the target."<br>
        "self printSimStack; printSimStack: fixup mergeSimStack"<br>
        "abstractOpcodes object copyFrom: startIndex to: opcodeIndex"<br>
        <var: #fixup type: #'BytecodeFixup *'><br>
        | startIndex mergeSimStack currentEntry targetEntry writtenToRegisters |<br>
        <var: #mergeSimStack type: #'SimStackEntry *'><br>
        <var: #targetEntry type: #'SimStackEntry *'><br>
        <var: #currentEntry type: #'SimStackEntry *'><br>
        (mergeSimStack := fixup mergeSimStack) ifNil: [^self].<br>
        startIndex := opcodeIndex. "for debugging"<br>
        "Assignments amongst the registers must be made in order to avoid overwriting.<br>
         If necessary exchange registers amongst simStack's entries to resolve any conflicts."<br>
        self resolveRegisterOrderConflictsB<wbr>etweenCurrentSimStackAnd: mergeSimStack.<br>
        (self asserta: (self conflictsResolvedBetweenSimSta<wbr>ckAnd: mergeSimStack)) ifFalse:<br>
                [Notification new tag: #failedMerge; signal].<br>
+       "Compute written to registers.  Perhaps we should use 0 in place of methodOrBlockNumArgs<br>
+        but Smalltalk does not assign to arguments."<br>
        writtenToRegisters := 0.<br>
        (self pushForMergeWith: mergeSimStack)<br>
                        [methodOrBlockNumArgs to: simStackPtr do:<br>
                                 currentEntry := self simStack: simStack at: i.<br>
                                 targetEntry := self simStack: mergeSimStack at: i.<br>
                                 writtenToRegisters := writtenToRegisters bitOr: targetEntry registerMask.<br>
                                 (currentEntry reconcileForwardsWith: targetEntry) ifTrue:<br>
                                        [self assert: i >= methodOrBlockNumArgs.<br>
+                                        self deassignRegisterForTempVar: targetEntry in: mergeSimStack.<br>
+                                        targetEntry<br>
+                                               type: SSRegister;<br>
+                                               register: targetEntry liveRegister].<br>
-                                        self deassignRegisterForTempVar: targetEntry in: mergeSimStack].<br>
                                 "Note, we could update the simStack and spillBase here but that is done in restoreSimStackAtMergePoint:<br>
                                 spilled ifFalse:<br>
                                        [simSpillBase := i - 1].<br>
                                        at: i<br>
                                        put: (self<br>
                                                        cCode: [mergeSimStack at: i]<br>
                                                        inSmalltalk: [(mergeSimStack at: i) copy])"]]<br>
                        [simStackPtr to: methodOrBlockNumArgs by: -1 do:<br>
                                 currentEntry := self simStack: simStack at: i.<br>
                                 targetEntry := self simStack: mergeSimStack at: i.<br>
                                 writtenToRegisters := writtenToRegisters bitOr: targetEntry registerMask.<br>
                                 (currentEntry reconcileForwardsWith: targetEntry) ifTrue:<br>
                                        [self assert: i >= methodOrBlockNumArgs.<br>
+                                        self deassignRegisterForTempVar: targetEntry in: mergeSimStack.<br>
+                                        targetEntry<br>
+                                               type: SSRegister;<br>
+                                               register: targetEntry liveRegister].<br>
-                                        self deassignRegisterForTempVar: targetEntry in: mergeSimStack].<br>
                                 "Note, we could update the simStack and spillBase here but that is done in restoreSimStackAtMergePoint:<br>
                                 spilled ifFalse:<br>
                                        [simSpillBase := i - 1].<br>
                                        at: i<br>
                                        put: (self<br>
                                                        cCode: [mergeSimStack at: i]<br>
                                                        inSmalltalk: [(mergeSimStack at: i) copy])"]].<br>
+       "Note that since we've deassigned any conflicts beyond the temps above we need only compare the temps here."<br>
+       methodOrBlockNumTemps - 1 to: 0 by: -1 do:<br>
-       methodOrBlockNumArgs - 1 to: 0 by: -1 do:<br>
                 targetEntry := self simStack: mergeSimStack at: i.<br>
                 (targetEntry registerMask noMask: writtenToRegisters) ifTrue:<br>
                        [currentEntry := self simStack: simStack at: i.<br>
                         writtenToRegisters := writtenToRegisters bitOr: targetEntry registerMask.<br>
                         (currentEntry reconcileForwardsWith: targetEntry) ifTrue:<br>
                                [self assert: i >= methodOrBlockNumArgs.<br>
                                 self deassignRegisterForTempVar: targetEntry in: mergeSimStack]]].<br>
        optStatus isReceiverResultRegLive ifFalse:<br>
                        ifTrue: "a.k.a. fixup isReceiverResultRegSelf: (fixup isReceiverResultRegSelf and: [optStatus isReceiverResultRegLive])"<br>
                                [fixup isReceiverResultRegSelf: false]<br>
                                [fixup isReceiverResultRegSelf ifTrue:<br>
                                        [self putSelfInReceiverResultReg]]]!<br>
Item was changed:<br>
  ----- Method: RegisterAllocatingCogit>><wbr>mergeWithFixupIfRequired: (in category 'simulation stack') -----<br>
  mergeWithFixupIfRequired: fixup<br>
        "If this bytecode has a fixup, some kind of merge needs to be done. There are 4 cases:<br>
                1) the bytecode has no fixup (fixup isNotAFixup)<br>
                        do nothing<br>
                2) the bytecode has a non merge fixup<br>
                        the fixup has needsNonMergeFixup.<br>
                        The code generating non merge fixup (currently only special selector code) is responsible<br>
                                for the merge so no need to do it.<br>
                        We set deadCode to false as the instruction can be reached from jumps.<br>
                3) the bytecode has a merge fixup, but execution flow *cannot* fall through to the merge point.<br>
                        the fixup has needsMergeFixup and deadCode = true.<br>
                        ignores the current simStack as it does not mean anything<br>
                        restores the simStack to the state the jumps to the merge point expects it to be.<br>
                4) the bytecode has a merge fixup and execution flow *can* fall through to the merge point.<br>
                        the fixup has needsMergeFixup and deadCode = false.<br>
                        Merge the state into the fixup's state via mergeCurrentSimStackWith:<wbr>forwards:.<br>
        In addition, if this is a backjump merge point, we patch the fixup to hold the current simStackPtr<br>
        for later assertions. self printSimStack: fixup mergeSimStack"<br>
        <var: #fixup type: #'BytecodeFixup *'><br>
        "case 1"<br>
        fixup notAFixup ifTrue: [^0].<br>
        "case 2"<br>
        fixup isNonMergeFixup ifTrue:<br>
                                [self deny: fixup simStackPtr isNil.<br>
                                 simStackPtr := fixup simStackPtr.<br>
                                 self restoreSimStackAtMergePoint: fixup.<br>
                                 deadCode := false]<br>
                                [self flushRegistersOnlyLiveOnFallTh<wbr>rough: fixup].<br>
        "cases 3 and 4"<br>
        self assert: fixup isMergeFixup.<br>
        self traceMerge: fixup.<br>
                ifTrue: [simStackPtr := fixup simStackPtr] "case 3"<br>
+               ifFalse: [(fixup isBackwardBranchFixup and: [compilationPass > 1]) ifTrue:<br>
+                                       [fixup simStackPtr: simStackPtr].<br>
+                               self mergeCurrentSimStackWith: fixup forwards: true]. "case 4"<br>
-               ifFalse: [self mergeCurrentSimStackWith: fixup forwards: true]. "case 4"<br>
        "cases 3 and 4"<br>
        deadCode := false.<br>
        fixup isBackwardBranchFixup ifTrue:<br>
+               [self assert: fixup mergeSimStack isNil == (compilationPass = 1).<br>
+                fixup mergeSimStack ifNil:<br>
+                       [self setMergeSimStackOf: fixup]].<br>
-               [self assert: fixup mergeSimStack isNil.<br>
-                self setMergeSimStackOf: fixup].<br>
        fixup targetInstruction: self Label.<br>
        self assert: simStackPtr = fixup simStackPtr.<br>
        self cCode: '' inSmalltalk:<br>
                [self assert: fixup simStackPtr = (self debugStackPointerFor: bytecodePC)].<br>
        self restoreSimStackAtMergePoint: fixup.<br>
Item was changed:<br>
  ----- Method: RegisterAllocatingCogit>><wbr>pushForMergeWith: (in category 'bytecode generator support') -----<br>
  pushForMergeWith: mergeSimStack<br>
        "Answer if values must be pushed from simStack to merge with mergeSimStack, otherwise < 0 (the default)."<br>
        <var: #mergeSimStack type: #'SimStackEntry *'><br>
        <inline: true><br>
+       simStackPtr to: methodOrBlockNumTemps by: -1 do:<br>
-       simStackPtr to: methodOrBlockNumArgs by: -1 do:<br>
+                (self simStack: mergeSimStack at: i) spilled ~= (self simStack: simStack at: i) spilled ifTrue:<br>
-                (self simStack: mergeSimStack at: i) spilled ~=(self simStack: simStack at: i) spilled ifTrue:<br>
                        [^(self simStack: mergeSimStack at: i) spilled]].<br>
Item was added:<br>
+ ----- Method: RegisterAllocatingCogit>><wbr>reinitializeAllButBackwardFixu<wbr>psFrom:through: (in category 'compile abstract instructions') -----<br>
+ reinitializeAllButBackwardFixu<wbr>psFrom: start through: end<br>
+       "When a method must be recompiled due to moving a loop's register<br>
+        assignments to the head of a loop, backward fixups must be marked<br>
+        as such, and all but backward fixups must be reinitialized."<br>
+       <inline: true><br>
+       | descriptor nExts pc distance targetPC |<br>
+       <var: #descriptor type: #'BytecodeDescriptor *'><br>
+       pc := start.<br>
+       nExts := 0.<br>
+       [pc <= end] whileTrue:<br>
+               [byte0 := (objectMemory fetchByte: pc ofObject: methodObj) + bytecodeSetOffset.<br>
+                descriptor := self generatorAt: byte0.<br>
+                (descriptor isBranch<br>
+                 and: [self isBackwardBranch: descriptor at: pc exts: nExts in: methodObj]) ifTrue:<br>
+                       [distance := self spanFor: descriptor at: pc exts: nExts in: methodObj.<br>
+                        targetPC := pc + descriptor numBytes + distance.<br>
+                        self initializeFixupAt: targetPC].<br>
+                descriptor isBlockCreation<br>
+                       ifTrue:<br>
+                               [distance := self spanFor: descriptor at: pc exts: nExts in: methodObj.<br>
+                                pc := pc + descriptor numBytes + distance]<br>
+                       ifFalse: [pc := pc + descriptor numBytes].<br>
+                nExts := descriptor isExtension ifTrue: [nExts + 1] ifFalse: [0]].<br>
+       start to: end do:<br>
+               [:i| | fixup |<br>
+                fixup := self fixupAt: i.<br>
+                (fixup notAFixup or: [fixup isBackwardBranchFixup]) ifFalse:<br>
+                       [fixup reinitialize]]!<br>
Item was added:<br>
+ ----- Method: RegisterAllocatingCogit>><wbr>reinitializeOpcodesFrom:to: (in category 'bytecode generator support') -----<br>
+ reinitializeOpcodesFrom: start to: end<br>
+       <inline: true><br>
+       start to: end do:<br>
+               [:i|<br>
+               (self abstractInstructionAt: i) reinitialize]!<br>
Item was added:<br>
+ ----- Method: RegisterAllocatingCogit>><wbr>resetSimStack: (in category 'bytecode generator support') -----<br>
+ resetSimStack: startPC<br>
+       <inline: true><br>
+       simSpillBase := methodOrBlockNumTemps.<br>
+       simStackPtr := methodOrBlockNumTemps - 1.<br>
+       self voidReceiverResultRegContainsS<wbr>elf.<br>
+       self flushLiveRegistersForSend.<br>
+       self cCode: '' inSmalltalk:<br>
+               [0 to: methodOrBlockNumTemps - 1 do:<br>
+                       [:i|<br>
+                       (self simStackAt: i) bcptr: startPC]]!<br>
Item was changed:<br>
  ----- Method: RegisterAllocatingCogit>><wbr>resolveRegisterOrderConflictsB<wbr>etweenCurrentSimStackAnd: (in category 'bytecode generator support') -----<br>
  resolveRegisterOrderConflictsB<wbr>etweenCurrentSimStackAnd: mergeSimStack<br>
        <var: #mergeSimStack type: #'SimStackEntry *'><br>
        "One simple algorithm is to spill everything if there are any conflicts and then pop back.<br>
         But this is terrible :-(  Can we do better? Yes... Consider the following two simStacks<br>
                target:         0: | rA | __ | rB | rC | rD | <- sp<br>
                current:        0: | __ | __ | rD | rA | rC | <- sp<br>
         If we were to assign in a naive order, 0 through sp rA would be overwritten before its value in current[3] is written to rC,<br>
         and rC would be overwritten before its value in current[4] is written to rD.  But if we swap the registers in current so that<br>
         they respect the reverse ordering in target we can assign directly:<br>
                swap current[3] & current[4]<br>
                                        0: | __ | __ | rD | rC | rA | <- sp<br>
         now do the assignment in the order target[0] := current[0],  target[1] := current[1], ...  target[4] := current[4],<br>
         i.e. rA := current[0]; rB := rD; (rC := rC); (rD := rD).<br>
         So find any conflicts, and if there are any, swap registers in the simStack to resolve them.<br>
         The trivial case of a single conflict is resolved by assigning that conflict to TempReg."<br>
+       | conflictingRegsMask |<br>
+       conflictingRegsMask := self conflictingRegistersBetweenSim<wbr>StackAnd: mergeSimStack.<br>
-       | currentRegsMask mergeRegsMask potentialConflictRegMask conflictingRegsMask<br>
-          currentRegMask mergeRegMask currentEntry targetEntry |<br>
-       <var: #currentEntry type: #'SimStackEntry *'><br>
-       <var: #targetEntry type: #'SimStackEntry *'><br>
-       currentRegsMask := mergeRegsMask := potentialConflictRegMask := 0.<br>
-       0 to: simStackPtr do:<br>
-               [:i|<br>
-                currentRegMask := (currentEntry := self simStack: simStack at: i) registerMaskOrNone.<br>
-                mergeRegMask := (targetEntry := self simStack: mergeSimStack at: i) registerMaskOrNone.<br>
-                (currentRegMask ~= mergeRegMask<br>
-                 and: [currentRegMask ~= 0 or: [mergeRegMask ~= 0]]) ifTrue:<br>
-                       [potentialConflictRegMask := potentialConflictRegMask bitOr: (currentRegMask bitOr: mergeRegMask)].<br>
-                currentRegsMask := currentRegsMask bitOr: currentRegMask.<br>
-                mergeRegsMask := mergeRegsMask bitOr: mergeRegMask].<br>
-       conflictingRegsMask := potentialConflictRegMask bitAnd: (currentRegsMask bitAnd: mergeRegsMask).<br>
        conflictingRegsMask ~= 0 ifTrue:<br>
                [(self isAPowerOfTwo: conflictingRegsMask) "Multiple conflicts mean we have to sort"<br>
                        ifFalse: [self swapCurrentRegistersInMask: conflictingRegsMask accordingToRegisterOrderIn: mergeSimStack]<br>
                        ifTrue: [self assignToTempRegConflictingRegi<wbr>sterIn: conflictingRegsMask]].!<br>
Item was changed:<br>
  ----- Method: RegisterAllocatingCogit>><wbr>simSelfOnStackInReceiverResult<wbr>Reg (in category 'bytecode generator support') -----<br>
        "For assert checking only."<br>
+       methodOrBlockNumTemps to: simStackPtr do:<br>
-       methodOrBlockNumArgs to: simStackPtr do:<br>
                 (((self addressOf: simSelf) isSameEntryAs: (self simStackAt: i))<br>
                  and: [(self simStackAt: i) registerOrNone = ReceiverResultReg]) ifTrue:<br>
Item was changed:<br>
  ----- Method: Spur64BitMemoryManager>><wbr>fetchClassTagOf: (in category 'interpreter access') -----<br>
  fetchClassTagOf: oop<br>
+       <api><br>
        | tagBits |<br>
        ^(tagBits := oop bitAnd: self tagMask) ~= 0<br>
                ifTrue: [tagBits]<br>
                ifFalse: [self classIndexOf: oop]!<br>
Item was added:<br>
+ ----- Method: SpurPlanningCompactor class>><wbr>identify32BitSignedComparisons (in category 'analysis') -----<br>
+ identify32BitSignedComparisons<br>
+       "self identify32BitSignedComparisons<wbr>"<br>
+       self identifySignedComparisonsFor: #(ObjectMemory Spur32BitMemoryManager)<br>
+               noise: #('(manager bytesInObject: largestFreeChunk) >= spaceEstimate'<br>
+                               '(self classIndexOf: o*) > self isForwardedObjectClassIndexPun<wbr>'<br>
+                               'GCModeFull > 0'<br>
+                               'ReceiverIndex + (objectMemory integerValueOf: sp*) < (objectMemory lengthOf: o*)'<br>
+                               'availableSpace > 0'<br>
+                               'bytes + 2 * 8 > availableSpace'<br>
+                               'fmt* < manager firstCompiledMethodFormat'<br>
+                               'fmt* < self firstCompiledMethodFormat'<br>
+                               'fmt* <= 5'<br>
+                               'gcPhaseInProgress > 0'<br>
+                               'i <= finishIndex'<br>
+                               'numPointerSlots > 0'<br>
+                               'scavenger rememberedSetSize > 0')!<br>
Item was added:<br>
+ ----- Method: SpurPlanningCompactor class>><wbr>identify64BitSignedComparisons (in category 'analysis') -----<br>
+ identify64BitSignedComparisons<br>
+       "self identify64BitSignedComparisons<wbr>"<br>
+       self identifySignedComparisonsFor: #(ObjectMemory Spur64BitMemoryManager)<br>
+               noise: #('(manager bytesInObject: largestFreeChunk) >= spaceEstimate'<br>
+                               '(self classIndexOf: o*) > self isForwardedObjectClassIndexPun<wbr>'<br>
+                               'GCModeFull > 0'<br>
+                               'ReceiverIndex + (objectMemory integerValueOf: sp*) < (objectMemory lengthOf: o*)'<br>
+                               'availableSpace > 0'<br>
+                               'bytes + 2 * 8 > availableSpace'<br>
+                               'fmt* < manager firstCompiledMethodFormat'<br>
+                               'fmt* < self firstCompiledMethodFormat'<br>
+                               'fmt* <= 5'<br>
+                               'gcPhaseInProgress > 0'<br>
+                               'i <= finishIndex'<br>
+                               'numPointerSlots > 0'<br>
+                               'scavenger rememberedSetSize > 0')!<br>
Item was removed:<br>
- ----- Method: SpurPlanningCompactor class>><wbr>identifySignedComparisons (in category 'analysis') -----<br>
- identifySignedComparisons<br>
-       "self identifySignedComparisons"<br>
-       | vmm cg noise |<br>
-       noise := #('(manager bytesInObject: largestFreeChunk) >= spaceEstimate'<br>
-                               '(self classIndexOf: o*) > self isForwardedObjectClassIndexPun<wbr>'<br>
-                               'GCModeFull > 0'<br>
-                               'ReceiverIndex + (objectMemory integerValueOf: sp*) < (objectMemory lengthOf: o*)'<br>
-                               'availableSpace > 0'<br>
-                               'bytes + 2 * 8 > availableSpace'<br>
-                               'fmt* < manager firstCompiledMethodFormat'<br>
-                               'fmt* < self firstCompiledMethodFormat'<br>
-                               'fmt* <= 5'<br>
-                               'gcPhaseInProgress > 0'<br>
-                               'i <= finishIndex'<br>
-                               'i >= 0'<br>
-                               'numPointerSlots > 0'<br>
-                               'scavenger rememberedSetSize > 0').<br>
-       vmm := (VMMaker forPlatform: 'Cross')<br>
-                               interpreterClass: StackInterpreter;<br>
-                               options: #(ObjectMemory Spur32BitMemoryManager).<br>
-       cg := [vmm buildCodeGeneratorForInterpret<wbr>er]<br>
-                       on: Notification<br>
-                       do: [:ex|<br>
-                               ex tag == #getVMMaker<br>
-                                       ifTrue: [ex resume: vmm]<br>
-                                       ifFalse: [ex pass]].<br>
-       cg vmClass preGenerationHook: cg.<br>
-       cg inferTypesForImplicitlyTypedVa<wbr>riablesAndMethods.<br>
-       cg retainMethods: self selectors.<br>
-       cg prepareMethods.<br>
-       cg doInlining: true.<br>
-       self selectors sort do:<br>
-               [:sel|<br>
-               (cg methodNamed: sel) ifNotNil:<br>
-                       [:m|<br>
-                       m parseTree nodesDo:<br>
-                               [:node|<br>
-                               (node isSend<br>
-                                and: [(#(< > <= >=) includes: node selector)<br>
-                                and: [({node receiver. node args first } anySatisfy:<br>
-                                               [:o| (cg typeFor: o in: m)<br>
-                                                               ifNil: [true]<br>
-                                                               ifNotNil: [:t| (cg isIntegralCType: t) and: [t first ~= $u]]])<br>
-                                and: [noise noneSatisfy: [:n| n match: node printString]]]]) ifTrue:<br>
-                                       [Transcript ensureCr; nextPutAll: sel; space; print: node; flush]]]]!<br>
Item was added:<br>
+ ----- Method: SpurPlanningCompactor class>><wbr>identifySignedComparisonsFor:<wbr>noise: (in category 'analysis') -----<br>
+ identifySignedComparisonsFor: options noise: noise<br>
+       "self identify32BitSignedComparisons<wbr>"<br>
+       "self identify64BitSignedComparisons<wbr>"<br>
+       | vmm cg |<br>
+       vmm := (VMMaker forPlatform: 'Cross')<br>
+                               interpreterClass: StackInterpreter;<br>
+                               options: options.<br>
+       cg := [vmm buildCodeGeneratorForInterpret<wbr>er]<br>
+                       on: Notification<br>
+                       do: [:ex|<br>
+                               ex tag == #getVMMaker<br>
+                                       ifTrue: [ex resume: vmm]<br>
+                                       ifFalse: [ex pass]].<br>
+       cg vmClass preGenerationHook: cg.<br>
+       cg inferTypesForImplicitlyTypedVa<wbr>riablesAndMethods.<br>
+       cg retainMethods: self selectors.<br>
+       cg prepareMethods.<br>
+       cg doInlining: true.<br>
+       self selectors sort do:<br>
+               [:sel|<br>
+               (cg methodNamed: sel) ifNotNil:<br>
+                       [:m|<br>
+                       m parseTree nodesDo:<br>
+                               [:node|<br>
+                               (node isSend<br>
+                                and: [(#(< > <= >=) includes: node selector)<br>
+                                and: [({node receiver. node args first } anySatisfy:<br>
+                                               [:o| (cg typeFor: o in: m)<br>
+                                                               ifNil: [true]<br>
+                                                               ifNotNil: [:t| (cg isIntegralCType: t) and: [t first ~= $u]]])<br>
+                                and: [noise noneSatisfy: [:n| n match: node printString]]]]) ifTrue:<br>
+                                       [Transcript ensureCr; nextPutAll: sel; space; print: node; flush]]]]!<br>
Item was changed:<br>
  SimpleStackBasedCogit subclass: #StackToRegisterMappingCogit<br>
+       instanceVariableNames: 'prevBCDescriptor numPushNilsFunction pushNilSizeFunction methodOrBlockNumTemps regArgsHaveBeenPushed simSelf simStack simStackPtr simSpillBase optStatus ceCallCogCodePopReceiverArg0Re<wbr>gs ceCallCogCodePopReceiverArg1Ar<wbr>g0Regs methodAbortTrampolines picAbortTrampolines picMissTrampolines ceCall0ArgsPIC ceCall1ArgsPIC ceCall2ArgsPIC debugStackPointers debugFixupBreaks realCECallCogCodePopReceiverAr<wbr>g0Regs realCECallCogCodePopReceiverAr<wbr>g1Arg0Regs deadCode useTwoPaths currentCallCleanUpSize simNativeStack simNativeStackPtr simNativeSpillBase simNativeStackSize hasNativeFrame compilationPass'<br>
-       instanceVariableNames: 'prevBCDescriptor numPushNilsFunction pushNilSizeFunction methodOrBlockNumTemps regArgsHaveBeenPushed simSelf simStack simStackPtr simSpillBase optStatus ceCallCogCodePopReceiverArg0Re<wbr>gs ceCallCogCodePopReceiverArg1Ar<wbr>g0Regs methodAbortTrampolines picAbortTrampolines picMissTrampolines ceCall0ArgsPIC ceCall1ArgsPIC ceCall2ArgsPIC debugStackPointers debugFixupBreaks realCECallCogCodePopReceiverAr<wbr>g0Regs realCECallCogCodePopReceiverAr<wbr>g1Arg0Regs deadCode useTwoPaths currentCallCleanUpSize simNativeStack simNativeStackPtr simNativeSpillBase simNativeStackSize hasNativeFrame blockPass'<br>
        classVariableNames: 'NeedsMergeFixupFlag NeedsNonMergeFixupFlag'<br>
        poolDictionaries: 'CogCompilationConstants VMMethodCacheConstants VMObjectIndices VMStackFrameOffsets'<br>
        category: 'VMMaker-JIT'!<br>
  StackToRegisterMappingCogit class<br>
        instanceVariableNames: 'numPushNilsFunction pushNilSizeFunction'!<br>
+ !StackToRegisterMappingCogit commentStamp: 'eem 3/3/2017 10:29' prior: 0!<br>
- !StackToRegisterMappingCogit commentStamp: 'eem 2/9/2017 10:07' prior: 0!<br>
  StackToRegisterMappingCogit is an optimizing code generator that eliminates a lot of stack operations and inlines some special selector arithmetic.  It does so by a simple stack-to-register mapping scheme based on deferring the generation of code to produce operands until operand-consuming operations.  The operations that consume operands are sends, stores and returns.<br>
  See methods in the class-side documentation protocol for more detail.<br>
  Instance Variables<br>
+       compilationPass:                                                                <Integer><br>
+       currentCallCleanUpSize:                                         <Integer><br>
+       ceCall0ArgsPIC:                                                                 <Integer><br>
+       ceCall1ArgsPIC:                                                                 <Integer><br>
+       ceCall2ArgsPIC:                                                                 <Integer><br>
+       ceCallCogCodePopReceiverArg0Re<wbr>gs:                       <Integer><br>
+       ceCallCogCodePopReceiverArg1Ar<wbr>g0Regs:           <Integer><br>
+       deadCode                                                                                <Boolean><br>
-       callerSavedRegMask:                                                     <Integer><br>
-       ceEnter0ArgsPIC:                                                                <Integer><br>
-       ceEnter1ArgsPIC:                                                                <Integer><br>
-       ceEnter2ArgsPIC:                                                                <Integer><br>
-       ceEnterCogCodePopReceiverArg0R<wbr>egs:              <Integer><br>
-       ceEnterCogCodePopReceiverArg1A<wbr>rg0Regs:  <Integer><br>
        debugBytecodePointers:                                          <Set of Integer><br>
        debugFixupBreaks:                                                               <Set of Integer><br>
        debugStackPointers:                                                     <CArrayAccessor of (Integer|nil)><br>
+       hasNativeFrame                                                          <Boolean><br>
        methodAbortTrampolines:                                         <CArrayAccessor of Integer><br>
        methodOrBlockNumTemps:                                          <Integer><br>
+       numPushNilsFunction:                                                    <Symbol><br>
        optStatus:                                                                              <Integer><br>
        picAbortTrampolines:                                                    <CArrayAccessor of Integer><br>
        picMissTrampolines:                                                     <CArrayAccessor of Integer><br>
+       pushNilSizeFunction:                                                    <Symbol><br>
+       realCECallCogCodePopReceiverAr<wbr>g0Regs:           <Integer><br>
+       realCECallCogCodePopReceiverAr<wbr>g1Arg0Regs:       <Integer><br>
-       realCEEnterCogCodePopReceiverA<wbr>rg0Regs:          <Integer><br>
-       realCEEnterCogCodePopReceiverA<wbr>rg1Arg0Regs:      <Integer><br>
        regArgsHaveBeenPushed:                                          <Boolean><br>
+       simNativeSpillBase:                                                             <Integer><br>
+       simNativeStack:                                                         <CArrayAccessor of CogSimStackNativeEntry><br>
+       simNativeStackPtr:                                                              <Integer><br>
+       simNativeStackSize:                                                     <Integer><br>
        simSelf:                                                                                        <CogSimStackEntry><br>
        simSpillBase:                                                                   <Integer><br>
        simStack:                                                                               <CArrayAccessor of CogSimStackEntry><br>
        simStackPtr:                                                                    <Integer><br>
        traceSimStack:                                                                  <Integer><br>
        useTwoPaths                                                                     <Boolean><br>
+ compilationPass<br>
+       - counter indicating whether on the first pass through bytecodes in a V3-style embedded block or not.  The V3 closure implementation uses pushNil to initialize temporary variables and this makes an initial pushNil ambiguous.  With the V3 bytecode set, the JIT must compile to the end of the block to discover if a pushNil is for initializing a temp or to produce an operand.<br>
- callerSavedRegMask<br>
-       - the bitmask of the ABI's caller-saved registers<br>
+ currentCallCleanUpSize<br>
+       - the number of bytes to remove from the stack in a Lowcode call.<br>
+ ceCall0ArgsPIC ceCall1ArgsPIC ceCall2ArgsPIC<br>
- ceEnter0ArgsPIC ceEnter1ArgsPIC ceEnter2ArgsPIC<br>
        - the trampoline for entering an N-arg PIC<br>
+ ceCallCogCodePopReceiverArg0Re<wbr>gs ceCallCogCodePopReceiverArg1Ar<wbr>g0Regs<br>
+       - the trampoline for invokinging a method with N register args<br>
- ceEnterCogCodePopReceiverArg0R<wbr>egs ceEnterCogCodePopReceiverArg1A<wbr>rg0Regs<br>
-       - the trampoline for entering a method with N register args<br>
        - a Set of bytecode pcs for setting breakpoints (simulation only)<br>
+ deadCode<br>
+       - set to true to indicate that the next bytecode (up to the next fixup) is not reachable.  Used to avoid generating dead code.<br>
        - a Set of fixup indices for setting breakpoints (simulation only)<br>
        - an Array of stack depths for each bytecode for code verification<br>
+ hasNativeFrame<br>
+       - set to true when Lowcode creates a native stack frame for Lowcode callouts.<br>
        - a CArrayAccessor of abort trampolines for 0, 1, 2 and N args<br>
        - the number of method or block temps (including args) in the current compilation unit (method or block)<br>
        - the variable used to track the status of ReceiverResultReg for avoiding reloading that register with self between adjacent inst var accesses<br>
+ numPushNilsFunction<br>
+       - the function used to determine the number of push nils at the beginning of a block.  This abstracts away from the specific bytecode set(s).<br>
        - a CArrayAccessor of abort trampolines for 0, 1, 2 and N args<br>
        - a CArrayAccessor of abort trampolines for 0, 1, 2 and N args<br>
+ pushNilSizeFunction<br>
+       - the function used to determine the number of bytes in the push nils bytecode(s) at the beginning of a block.  This abstracts away from the specific bytecode set(s).<br>
- realCEEnterCogCodePopReceiverA<wbr>rg0Regs realCEEnterCogCodePopReceiverA<wbr>rg1Arg0Regs<br>
-       - the real trampolines for ebtering machine code with N reg args when in the Debug regime<br>
+ realCECallCogCodePopReceiverAr<wbr>g0Regs realCECallCogCodePopReceiverAr<wbr>g1Arg0Regs<br>
+       - the real trampolines for invoking machine code with N reg args when in the Debug regime<br>
        - whether the register args have been pushed before frame build (e.g. when an interpreter primitive is called)<br>
+ simNativeSpillBase<br>
+       - the variable tracking how much of the Lowcode simulation stack has been spilled to the real stack<br>
+ simNativeStack<br>
+       - the Lowcode simulation stack itself<br>
+ simNativeStackPtr<br>
+       - the pointer to the top of the Lowcode simulation stack<br>
+ simNativeStackSize<br>
+       - the size of the Lowcode stack so far<br>
        - the simulation stack entry representing self in the current compilation unit<br>
        - the variable tracking how much of the simulation stack has been spilled to the real stack<br>
        - the simulation stack itself<br>
        - the pointer to the top of the simulation stack<br>
        - a variable controlling whether to create two paths through a method based on the existence of inst var stores.  With immutability this causes a frameless path to be generated if an otherwise frameless method is frameful simply because of inst var stores.  In this case the test to take the first frameless path is if the receiver is not immutable.  Without immutability, if a frameless method contains two or more inst var stores, the first path will be code with no store check, chosen by a single check for the receiver being in new space.<br>
  StackToRegisterMappingCogit class<br>
        instanceVariableNames: 'numPushNilsFunction pushNilSizeFunction'!<br>
Item was changed:<br>
  ----- Method: StackToRegisterMappingCogit>><wbr>compileBlockBodies (in category 'compile abstract instructions') -----<br>
        <inline: false><br>
        | result compiledBlocksCount blockStart savedNeedsFrame savedNumArgs savedNumTemps<br>
          initialStackPtr initialOpcodeIndex initialIndexOfIRC initialCounterIndex |<br>
        <var: #blockStart type: #'BlockStart *'><br>
        self assert: blockCount > 0.<br>
        "scanBlock: in compileBlockEntry: sets both of these appropriately for each block."<br>
        savedNeedsFrame := needsFrame.<br>
        savedNumArgs := methodOrBlockNumArgs.<br>
        savedNumTemps := methodOrBlockNumTemps.<br>
        inBlock := InVanillaBlock.<br>
        compiledBlocksCount := 0.<br>
        [compiledBlocksCount < blockCount] whileTrue:<br>
+               [compilationPass := 1.<br>
-               [blockPass := 1.<br>
                 blockStart := self blockStartAt: compiledBlocksCount.<br>
                 (result := self scanBlock: blockStart) < 0 ifTrue: [^result].<br>
                 initialOpcodeIndex := opcodeIndex.<br>
                 initialCounterIndex := self maybeCounterIndex."for SistaCogit"<br>
+                literalsManager saveForRecompile.<br>
-                literalsManager saveForBlockCompile.<br>
                 NewspeakVM ifTrue:<br>
                        [initialIndexOfIRC := indexOfIRC].<br>
                 [self compileBlockEntry: blockStart.<br>
                  initialStackPtr := simStackPtr.<br>
                  (result := self compileAbstractInstructionsFro<wbr>m: blockStart startpc + (self pushNilSize: methodObj numInitialNils: blockStart numInitialNils)<br>
                                                through: blockStart startpc + blockStart span - 1) < 0 ifTrue:<br>
                  "If the final simStackPtr is less than the initial simStackPtr then scanBlock: over-<br>
                   estimated the number of initial nils (because it assumed one or more pushNils to<br>
                   produce an operand were pushNils to initialize temps.  This is very rare, so<br>
                   compensate by checking, adjusting numInitialNils and recompiling the block body.<br>
                   N.B.  No need to reinitialize the literalsManager because it answers existing literals."<br>
                  initialStackPtr = simStackPtr]<br>
                                [self assert: (initialStackPtr > simStackPtr or: [deadCode]).<br>
+                                compilationPass := compilationPass + 1. "for asserts"<br>
-                                blockPass := blockPass + 1. "for asserts :-("<br>
                                 blockStart numInitialNils: blockStart numInitialNils + simStackPtr - initialStackPtr.<br>
                                 blockStart fakeHeader dependent: nil.<br>
                                 self reinitializeFixupsFrom: blockStart startpc + blockStart numInitialNils<br>
                                        through: blockStart startpc + blockStart span - 1.<br>
                                 self cCode: 'bzero(abstractOpcodes + initialOpcodeIndex,<br>
                                                                        (opcodeIndex - initialOpcodeIndex) * sizeof(AbstractInstruction))'<br>
                                        inSmalltalk: [initialOpcodeIndex to: opcodeIndex - 1 do:<br>
                                                                        [:i| abstractOpcodes at: i put: (CogCompilerClass for: self)]].<br>
                                 opcodeIndex := initialOpcodeIndex.<br>
                                 self maybeSetCounterIndex: initialCounterIndex. "For SistaCogit"<br>
+                                literalsManager resetForRecompile.<br>
-                                literalsManager resetForBlockCompile.<br>
                                 NewspeakVM ifTrue:<br>
                                        [indexOfIRC := initialIndexOfIRC]].<br>
                compiledBlocksCount := compiledBlocksCount + 1].<br>
        needsFrame := savedNeedsFrame.<br>
        methodOrBlockNumArgs := savedNumArgs.<br>
        methodOrBlockNumTemps := savedNumTemps.<br>
Item was added:<br>
+ ----- Method: StackToRegisterMappingCogit>><wbr>initializeFixup: (in category 'compile abstract instructions') -----<br>
+ initializeFixup: fixup<br>
+       "Initialize a fixup.  These are the targets of backward branches.  A backward branch fixup's<br>
+        simStackPtr needs to be set when generating the code for the bytecode at the targetPC.<br>
+        Initially a fixup's target is just a flag.  Later on it is replaced with a proper instruction."<br>
+       <var: #fixup type: #'BytecodeFixup *'><br>
+       <inline: true><br>
+       fixup<br>
+               becomeMergeFixup;<br>
+               setIsBackwardBranchFixup!<br>
Item was changed:<br>
  ----- Method: StackToRegisterMappingCogit>><wbr>initializeFixupAt: (in category 'compile abstract instructions') -----<br>
  initializeFixupAt: targetPC<br>
        "Make sure there's a flagged fixup at the targetPC in fixups.<br>
+        These are the targets of backward branches.  A backward branch fixup's simStackPtr<br>
-        These are the targets  of backward branches.  A backward branch fixup's simStackPtr<br>
         needs to be set when generating the code for the bytecode at the targetPC.<br>
         Initially a fixup's target is just a flag.  Later on it is replaced with a proper instruction."<br>
-       <returnTypeC: #'BytecodeFixup *'><br>
        | fixup |<br>
-       <var: #fixup type: #'BytecodeFixup *'><br>
        fixup := self fixupAt: targetPC.<br>
+       self initializeFixup: fixup!<br>
-       fixup<br>
-               becomeMergeFixup;<br>
-               setIsBackwardBranchFixup.<br>
-       ^fixup!<br>
Item was changed:<br>
  ----- Method: StackToRegisterMappingCogit>><wbr>maybeCompilingFirstPassOfBlock<wbr>WithInitialPushNil (in category 'debugging') -----<br>
        "For assert checking; or rather for avoiding assert fails when dealing with the hack for block temps in the SqueakV3PlusClosures bytecode set."<br>
+       ^inBlock = InVanillaBlock and: [methodOrBlockNumTemps > methodOrBlockNumArgs and: [compilationPass = 1]]!<br>
-       ^inBlock = InVanillaBlock and: [methodOrBlockNumTemps > methodOrBlockNumArgs and: [blockPass = 1]]!<br>
Item was changed:<br>
  ----- Method: StackToRegisterMappingCogit>><wbr>ssFlushAll (in category 'simulation stack') -----<br>
+       <inline: true><br>
        self ssFlushTo: simStackPtr nativeFlushTo: simNativeStackPtr!<br>
Item was changed:<br>
  ----- Method: StackToRegisterMappingCogit>><wbr>ssFlushTo: (in category 'simulation stack') -----<br>
  ssFlushTo: index<br>
+       <inline: true><br>
        self ssFlushTo: index nativeFlushTo: simNativeStackPtr.!<br>
Item was changed:<br>
  ----- Method: StackToRegisterMappingCogit>><wbr>traceMerge: (in category 'simulation only') -----<br>
  traceMerge: fixup<br>
        <cmacro: '(ign) 0'><br>
+       | index original |<br>
-       | index |<br>
        (compilationTrace anyMask: 16) ifTrue:<br>
                [index := (fixups object identityIndexOf: fixup) - 1.<br>
+                (fixup isBackwardBranchFixup and: [compilationPass > 1 and: [(original := fixup simStackPtr) < 0]]) ifTrue:<br>
+                       [fixup simStackPtr: simStackPtr].<br>
+                [coInterpreter transcript<br>
+                               ensureCr;<br>
+                               print: index; nextPut: $/; print: index + initialPC;<br>
+                               nextPut: $:; space.<br>
+                               fixup printStateOn: coInterpreter transcript.<br>
+                               coInterpreter transcript cr; flush]<br>
+                       ensure: [original ifNotNil: [fixup simStackPtr: original]]]!<br>
-                coInterpreter transcript<br>
-                       ensureCr;<br>
-                       print: index; nextPut: $/; print: index + initialPC;<br>
-                       nextPut: $:; space.<br>
-                       fixup printStateOn: coInterpreter transcript.<br>
-                       coInterpreter transcript cr; flush]!<br>
Item was changed:<br>
  ----- Method: VMStructType class>>printTypedefOn: (in category 'translation') -----<br>
  printTypedefOn: aStream<br>
        aStream nextPutAll: 'typedef struct '.<br>
        self needsTypeTag ifTrue:<br>
                [aStream nextPutAll: self structTagName; space].<br>
        aStream nextPut: ${; cr.<br>
        self instVarNamesAndTypesForTransla<wbr>tionDo:<br>
                [:ivn :typeArg| | type |<br>
+               ivn first == $#<br>
+                       ifTrue: [aStream nextPutAll: ivn]<br>
+                       ifFalse:<br>
+                               [type := typeArg.<br>
+                                #(BytesPerWord BaseHeaderSize BytesPerOop) do:<br>
+                                       [:sizeConstant| | index sizeConstantSize |<br>
+                                       (type notNil<br>
+                                       and: [(index := type indexOf: sizeConstant ifAbsent: 0) > 0]) ifTrue:<br>
+                                               [sizeConstantSize  := VMBasicConstants classPool at: sizeConstant.<br>
+                                               type := (type at: index + 1) = sizeConstantSize ifTrue:<br>
+                                                                       [type := type copyReplaceFrom: index to: index + 1 with: #().<br>
+                                                                        type size = 1 ifTrue: [type first] ifFalse: [type]]]].<br>
+                                type ifNotNil:<br>
+                                       [type isArray<br>
+                                               ifTrue:<br>
+                                                       [aStream tab: 1.<br>
+                                                        aStream nextPutAll: type first.<br>
+                                                        (type first last isSeparator or: [type first last = $*]) ifFalse:<br>
+                                                               [aStream tab: 2].<br>
+                                                        aStream nextPutAll: ivn.<br>
+                                                        type last first isSeparator ifFalse:<br>
+                                                               [aStream space].<br>
+                                                        aStream nextPutAll: type last]<br>
+                                               ifFalse:<br>
+                                                       [aStream tab: 1.<br>
+                                                        aStream nextPutAll: type.<br>
+                                                        (type last isSeparator or: [type last = $*]) ifFalse:<br>
+                                                               [aStream tab: 1].<br>
+                                                        aStream nextPutAll: ivn]].<br>
+                                aStream nextPut: $;].<br>
+                aStream cr].<br>
-               type := typeArg.<br>
-               #(BytesPerWord BaseHeaderSize BytesPerOop) do:<br>
-                       [:sizeConstant| | index sizeConstantSize |<br>
-                       (type notNil<br>
-                       and: [(index := type indexOf: sizeConstant ifAbsent: 0) > 0]) ifTrue:<br>
-                               [sizeConstantSize  := VMBasicConstants classPool at: sizeConstant.<br>
-                               type := (type at: index + 1) = sizeConstantSize ifTrue:<br>
-                                                       [type := type copyReplaceFrom: index to: index + 1 with: #().<br>
-                                                        type size = 1 ifTrue: [type first] ifFalse: [type]]]].<br>
-               type ifNotNil:<br>
-                       [type isArray<br>
-                               ifTrue:<br>
-                                       [aStream tab: 1.<br>
-                                        aStream nextPutAll: type first.<br>
-                                        (type first last isSeparator or: [type first last = $*]) ifFalse:<br>
-                                               [aStream tab: 2].<br>
-                                        aStream nextPutAll: ivn.<br>
-                                        type last first isSeparator ifFalse:<br>
-                                               [aStream space].<br>
-                                        aStream<br>
-                                               nextPutAll: type last;<br>
-                                               nextPut: $;;<br>
-                                               cr]<br>
-                               ifFalse:<br>
-                                       [aStream tab: 1.<br>
-                                        aStream nextPutAll: type.<br>
-                                        (type last isSeparator or: [type last = $*]) ifFalse:<br>
-                                               [aStream tab: 1].<br>
-                                        aStream<br>
-                                               nextPutAll: ivn;<br>
-                                               nextPut: $;;<br>
-                                               cr]]].<br>
                nextPutAll: ' } ';<br>
                nextPutAll: self structTypeName;<br>
                nextPut: $;;<br>
        self name ~= self structTypeName ifTrue:<br>
                [(self withAllSuperclasses copyUpThrough: (self class whichClassIncludesSelector: #structTypeName) theNonMetaClass) do:<br>
                         aStream cr; nextPutAll: '#define '; nextPutAll: structClass name; space; nextPutAll: self structTypeName].<br>
                 aStream cr].<br>
        aStream flush!<br>