[Webteam] Contacting the Board (and maybe Box-Admins)

Ken Causey ken at kencausey.com
Tue Dec 18 20:40:53 UTC 2007

Related to my thread started earlier I'm no a cleanup campaign and one
of the things I'm trying to cleanup are over a hundred thousand
unmoderated messages sitting around that no one wants to moderate (and I
fully understand since I do this job on two lists twice a week myself).

For most lists it's a relatively simple issue, reject messages from
non-subscribers in the future and I delete the old messages.  However
there are exceptions.  One of those is the Board mailing list.  The
Board needs to be contactable as a group.  However no one on the Board
has the time to look through the gobs and gobs of spam for the rare
valuable message.

Craig and I spoke about this on IRC and he brought up the idea of a web
form with a captcha.  Obviously the ideal location for such a thing
would be on www.squeak.org.  Does anyone have the time to implement such
a thing?  I think I might be able to provide a shortcut on the captcha,
so don't sweat that one too much.  If you would like more information
let me know or come and chat on #squeak.


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