[Webteam] No local hourly snapshots

Ken Causey ken at kencausey.com
Fri Mar 7 21:29:08 UTC 2008

Perhaps I'm just being silly but I'm not comfortable with being
consistently above 90% filesystem usage on box2 and I foresee a need for
more filesystem space in the next few months.  So I decided to remove
the 6 'hourly' snapshots being made each day and for now there will just
be daily snapshots (a weeks worth).  As far as I'm aware Goran continues
to be running his regular remote backups.  While I'm on the subject
another remote backup would really be nice.  Requirements include 100MB+
diskspace and the ability to backup on a regular schedule (using

Once the election is over and the new Board is settled in I plan to make
it a priority to get better connected to our current financial status so
we can plan better for upgrades/etc.

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