[Webteam] Re: [squeak-dev] Demo of squeak.org on Aida/Scribo ready

Janko Mivšek janko.mivsek at eranova.si
Wed Mar 19 18:15:18 UTC 2008

Dear Squeakers,

Demo of new squeak.org on http://squeaksite.aidaweb.si:9000 has now also 
more public editing rights. Just login as:


...and you should have Edit link up-right or edit icon below central 
text. Clicking on it should open a WYSIWYG editor of content.

If you'll got a message "Please wait, page is currently locked by user: 
Demo user", then someone else is just editing that page. Wait for 
message: "Page is now released and ready to edit" or go back and select 
other page and try editing it.. Also, editing on IE6 is not supported 
yet, while IE7 is.

Try also uploading some image in below box, then simply drag it into the 
text and resize it by dragging borders. Simply isn't it?

That's it, I think you can now see how easy is to maintain Scribo based 
website and therefore I think it will also be easy to delegate some 
maintenance duties to broader public. Of course there are still other 
things to finish like RSS reader etc etc, soon, a day or two...

I hope that now you are convinced that with Aida/Scribo and vibrant 
community behind which is able to deliver, a Squeak website would be in 
safe hands and that you'll accept my offer.

Best regards

Janko Mivšek wrote:
> Dear Squeakers,
> As promised I prepared a demo of current Squeak website migrated to 
> Aida/Scribo CMS. I migrated both design and first level of content to 
> show, how flexible is Scribo in dealing with both different design and 
> things like Url format in case of SmallWiki. You can see demo here:
>     http://squeaksite.aidaweb.si:9000
> Demo is actually pretty complete, what is still missing is a dynamic 
> tree  menu on the left (currently is static) and some other minor 
> things. In any case with this demo I convinced even myself that moving 
> Squeak website is definitively possible and it will open further 
> improvements on content, spreading authoring to more people, adding more 
> dynamic content, etc etc.
> I hope that you are now a bit more convinced that two days ago...:)
> Best regards
> Janko

Janko Mivšek
Smalltalk Web Application Server

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