[Webteam] Re: Keywords (was Google stats: Top search queries)

Klaus D. Witzel klaus.witzel at cobss.com
Sat Nov 22 10:11:27 UTC 2008

Here we go, and thanks to Karl and Brad for their suggestions.

'Smalltalk, Slang, Squeak, VM, Plugins, FFI, Image, Sources, Changes,
  Classes, Objects, Messages, Methods, Closures, Traits, Exupery,
  Browsers, Compilers, Debuggers, IDE, Monticello, SUnit, Refactoring,
  BitBlt, OpenGL, Sound, Canvas, Morphs, Tweak, FreeType, Sockets,
  ChangeSets, Repositories, SqueakMap, SqueakSource,
  Etoys, SqueakLand, Croquet, Scratch, XO, OLPC,
  Seaside, Aida, Magma, OODB, Glorp, ORM,
  Tutorials, Books, Examples, Wiki, Documentation, Projects, Bugs,
  Animation, Fun, Education, Research, Industry, Robots,
  Foundation, Community, People, Donations, Mailing Lists, IRC, RSS,
  Conferences, Jobs, Merchandise, Buttons, T-Shirts,
  Download, Distributions, Platforms, Installation, Linux, Mac, Windows,
  Algol, Simula, Lisp, Prolog, Java, Python, Ruby'

Intentionally left out: Application, Development, Web (too noisy IMO).  
Will check with AdWords how/what is improved by these keywords.

OT: wish you'd trade the "generator" crap for a valuable "powered by" link  
to your site, since in the world wide web a backlink is worth more than  
1000 times an essentially pointless proprietary $FrontPage$ "extension".

Thanks again Janko.


"If at first, the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it".  
Albert Einstein

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