[Webteam] Fixed: "Error: Attempt to evaluate a block that is already being evaluated"

Ken Causey ken at kencausey.com
Sat Oct 16 21:45:25 UTC 2010


That error "Error: Attempt to evaluate a block that is already being
evaluated" came up again and so I decided to take a look.  I'm almost
certain the cause is that you defined a #startUp method on SpEnvironment
class that is meant to be executed whenever the image starts up.  This
is fine and good except that the way this mechanism works a message
#startUp: with a boolean argument indicating whether or not this is a
true startup (aka resuming) indicated by true, or whether this is simply
after a snapshot is made, indicated by false, is sent.  Sort of odd I
guess but the same mechanism is used for quitting and snapshotting.
Behavior defines #startUp: to simply send #startUp and so your existing
implementation worked but it was also being called after a snapshot and
not a true restart.

So I defined #startUp: on SpEnvironment class that only takes the action
if the argument is true.  I left the old #startUp for now, though it
should no longer be used and I left a browser open on the added method
so you can look at it and modify as appropriate if you like.  I did not
update any packages so you will want to take care of that also.

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