XRC-related question

Cees De Groot cdegroot at gmail.com
Wed Jul 27 16:24:26 UTC 2005

On 7/27/05, Rob Gayvert <rtg at rochester.rr.com> wrote:
> >Got my 'message dialog with check box' component now. And my first XRC UI!
> Very cool, and definitely a Good Thing.
Well, never content to let software just work, I upped the complexity a bit :)

I have painted a XRC with a custom object on it - my particular flavor
of a pluggable list.

WxXmlResourceHandler subclass: #DGVPluggableListXmlResourceHandler ....
canHandle: xmlNode
	^self isOfClass: xmlNode classname: DGVPluggableList
	| list |
	list := DGVPluggableList ....

and #initializeStyles, and class #new just the same as the sample. The
top-level object I need to get from the XRC is a frame, so:

res := WxXmlResource new.
res initAllHandlers.
res addHandler: DGVPluggableListXmlResourceHandler new.
res loadFromString: self class resourceText.
view _ WxFrame new.
res loadFrame: view parent: nil name: 'frame'.

but this results in a Wx error dialog 'Subclass 'DGVPluggableList' not
found for 'listCtrl', not subclassing!'. So it seems that a step is
missing to register my pluggable list class with Wx or something like

(I like XRC so far. UI's look much better with a bit trial and error
in wxGlade than when you have to manually specify them...)

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