Win VM modifications

Andreas Raab andreas.raab at
Thu Mar 3 09:04:07 UTC 2005

> wrote:
>>     while(PeekMessage(&msg,stWindow,0,0,PM_NOREMOVE))
>>        GetMessage(&msg,stWindow,0,0);
> It's been ages since I chatted in C with the Win32 API, but this wouldn't 
> harm regular Squeak at all, would it?

We just tried it, and no, it wouldn't harm regular Squeak at all. But it 
does seem to harm Areithfa Ffenestri support (see quite severely.

Just out of curiosity: Why does wxSqueak have problems with the code that's 
in the VM right now? It is the common application mainloop so unless 
wxSqueak implements its own mainloop there should be no reason to modify the 
above. And I couldn't possibly imagine that you got the VM to work with 
anything but the mainloop in interp.c ;-)

  - Andreas

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