callback strangeness?

Rob Gayvert rtg at
Tue Mar 15 16:21:26 UTC 2005

Cees de Groot wrote:

> Ok, what I just found out (probably the last bit for a while...) is 
> that  this happens when I add an item to the list while I am looking 
> at it  'through' a WxListCtrl (or better, my pluggable descendant of it).
> The code in question shows the results of a p2p search. Items are 
> slowly  dripping in. I start the search, then navigate to the list 
> which shows one  found item. Then I wait a bit, move the mouse - a 
> second hit shows up  (refresh issue?) and immediately afterwards the 
> assert triggers and the  whole thing crashes and burns (it hits on a 
> nested/re-enterered assert()  so it really barfs instead of just 
> politlely popping up the wx assert  dialog).

Hmm, this sounds like a different problem. To verify that it's not a 
problem with #setCallbackFlags, try setting "Wx debugCallbacks: true". 
This will write some callback detail to the file wxsqueak.log.  If you 
see a line with "...setCallbackFlags...<your class>...flags=0" then 
there is still a problem. If the flags are not zero, the problem is 
likely elsewhere.

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