Morphic for WxSqueak updated (v.0.02alpha), new demo, more screenshots

Steven Swerling sswerling at
Wed Mar 16 15:00:45 UTC 2005

Doug Way wrote:
  > Heh, running the demo now, I noticed that if I pick up a card in the
> FreeCell window and drop it, the card appears momentarily in the other
> (native) window.  So at least that proves it's all running in one image.
> ;-)

Yeah, there a some places where code directly talks to Display of the 
Input sensor that I haven't got around to patching. But I want to keep 
patches to system a mimimum, let things settle down in Morphic land. So 
when items slide to trash, or when the marque sizing rectangle appears, 
I haven't yet made the effort to make sure it happens on the correct 
display. Likewise, although I haven't looked deeply into it, I think the 
"swapbuffers" primitives for Wonderland/B3D assume the squeak display, 
so those primitives would need to be augmented to receive the 
appropriate device context to swap into.

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