[partial fix] XRC restore view

Steven Swerling sswerling at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 17 22:42:48 UTC 2005

Rob Gayvert wrote:
> Steven Swerling wrote:
>> Hi Rob,
>> I wanted to work on the problem of WxMorphic panels surviving an image 
>> save, and it seems that it doesn't work even for regular wx browsers. 
>> Wasn't that working before?
>> Does it work for you, or did I manage to break something?
> Yes, it was working in 0.3, but it's definitely busted now, even for the 
> simplest workspace. I'll have to track down what changed for the worse.

This is not the proposed fix, per se, but it will definitely get you 
going in the right direction.

When WxStyledTextCtrlXmlHandler takes a look at the XML node for 
WxPluggableTextView, it says it can handle it (using 
#isOfClass:classname). But in #doCreateResource, it's hardwired to use 
WxStyledTextCtrl.  I fixed it in the following (probably unacceptable) way:

===1. Add an iv called "subclassToUse" to WxStyledTextCtrlXmlHandler
===2. #canHandle looks like this:
canHandle: xmlNode

	"Transcript show: 'WxStyledTextCtrlXmlHandler.canHandle'; cr."

	WxStyledTextCtrl withAllSubclassesDo: [:cls |

		(self isOfClass: xmlNode classname: cls wxClassName) ifTrue: [
			subclassToUse _ cls.


===3. #doCreateResource looks like this:
	ctrl := subclassToUse
		parent: self getParentAsWindow
		id: self getID
		position: self getPosition
		size: self getSize
		style: (self getStyle: 'style' defaults: wxTabTraversal)
		name: self getName.
	ctrl setText: (self getText: 'value').
Note that connectEvents is still not working but I haven't figured out 
why yet, it looks like the hookup is happening when you step through 

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