[Wxsqueak] WxSqueak Constants

Rob Rothwell r.j.rothwell at gmail.com
Sat Jan 10 15:58:43 UTC 2009

On Sat, Jan 10, 2009 at 9:18 AM, Rob Gayvert <rtg at rochester.rr.com> wrote:

> Rob Rothwell wrote:
> All of the wx classes inherit from WxBase, which has WxConstants as a pool
> dictionary. There's a bit of magic here, in that WxConstants is actually
> loaded at startup from the VM, so that it gets the correct values of these
> constants for the current platform (e.g., some values are different for
> Windows vs OS X).

Ok...so if I want to add my own menu Id's, say, I would use the traditional
method of, say, #fileDoSomethingNew...

Always the magic...!

>> Also, I am just trying to learn how to get around in WxSqueak by creating
>> a simple tabbed editor.  I can't figure out which event lets me know I have
>> switched tabs (pages) so I can give the focus to the text editor without
>> having to click in the edit window as well.  Any hints?  The wxWidgets
>> documentation indicates a *EVT_NOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGED* message, so I was
>> looking for something like wxEvtNotebookPageChanged, but it doesn't exist.
>>  Just not implemented?
> Figuring out which events to use is one of the hardest parts of using
> wxWidgets, especially if you're not using a GUI builder. In this case the
> documentation references the *macro* EVT_NOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGED, but the
> actual event is wxEVT_COMMAND_NOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGED (you have to keep in
> mind that the manual is written for C++ programmers).
> Take a look at the controls sample, in particular
> WxControlsSamplePanel>>setupEvents.

Late last night (or early this morning), I did find the controls sample, and
tried something like:

    panel on: #wxEvtCommandNotebookPageChanged send: [:evt | tc setFocus. tc
setInsertionPoint: 0. evt skip],  but still the notebook tab retains the
focus.  You're right about searching for the proper events; it's VB6 all
over again!

Sometimes the most basic questions are the hardest, especially when they
> reveal weaknesses in the framework ;)

On the "VB6" note, how would you recommend wiring controls to your model?  I
was thinking about doing something like Aida does with the concept of
WebElements.  You know, create something like a wxCheckBoxElement that does
the event handling for you and wires the value of the check to your domain
model, and then being able to build new elements containing other elements.

Otherwise, it DOES feel very much like standard Windows event driven
programming with your code spread out all over the place...

However, since I have a background with windows controls, understanding the
widgets is easier for me than Morphic widgets, or VW controls, so I think I
could actually wrap my mind around wiring a real model to a view--I just
thought I'd ask if you found something worked better in your experience!

Thank you,

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