On 20.04.2010, at 22:10, Bruno Giacomelli wrote:
Which are the best classes to manipulate video media in Squeak? I'm planning to make a little video player application with Squeak and didn't find nothing really useful at Google (I'll try harder).

What do you mean by "manipulate"?

There is VideoFlow which is pretty cool (scroll down to the screenshots):

If it's just for playback, the only cross-plattform option right now is MPEG for which we have a general plugin. For Mac and Windows, the Sophie folks made nice players via FFI, based on QuickTime I think. On Linux there is a GStreamer plugin. 

For camera access, there is Scratch's x-platform CameraPlugin. Etoys on Linux uses a V4L plugin. For Windows there is a "DShowVideoDecoderPlugin". 

- Bert -