First question, where is the best place to search this mailing list. I know the question I am about to ask has been asked before but I can't seem to find a link in the mailing list to use search from?

How much of this article from 2006 still rings true.
"Relational Databases

So, on to relational databases. Squeak has ODBC support, but it's single threaded and blocks the VM when querying, so while it works for demos and low traffic apps against pretty much any database, I wouldn't try anything too big with it; it just can't scale. Blocking the whole VM, every time you run a query, just leaves me feeling a bit dirty and not too proud of whatever I just wrote."

I assume GLORP is dead . Obviously the main result retrieved was seaside and gemstone. I thought Pharo was like seaside until I read the website tonight
