
I think that a simpler way it to use the "pickup" halo and move it to the desired position.

Best regards, Lukas

On Sat, Sep 27, 2008 at 12:28, Zulq Alam <me@zulq.net> wrote:
Hi Mark,

Not sure if this is the best way but you can change the order of the tools flap by modifying Flaps(class)>>#defaultsQuadsDefiningToolsFlap. When you are done do: "Flaps replaceToolsFlap".

Note that the current order may not match the defaults defined in #defaultsQuadsDefiningToolsFlap. I suspect this is because the flap object has evolved to it's current state. This was the case in my image.


Mark Volkmann wrote:
Is there an easy way to change the order of the buttons on the Tools flap?
It seems like they should either be in alphabetical order or in order by how frequently they are used.
To my beginner eyes it doesn't seem that either is the case since Browser is at the bottom.

Mark Volkmann

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