<< Todd said:
A deck, hand, pile, all can be implemented as just an
OrderedCollection.  You might start with a Deal or BridgeRound or
something.  It might have some methods like:

       | hands deck |
       deck := Card bridgeDeck shuffled asOrderedCollection. "just like
       north := OrderedCollection new.
       south := OrderedCollection new.
       east := OrderedCollection new.
       west := OrderedCollection new.
       trick := OrderedCollection new.

-- snip -- >>

Todd, thanks for writing that up. I found it really interesting to see how you tackled the problem.  I think it would be great if - as time permits - the experts of the list could take a problem - nice simple ones would be good, and show how you might solve it.  It is also very interesting to see how you refine/modify each others' solutions.
