
I think this could be a bug in TextEditor>>#enclose:. On a Qwerty keyboard, everything might work as expected. But for example on a Qwertz keyboard, none of '{}|"<>' is entered by holding shift and pressing one of the keys for '[]\'',.'.

But I do not really understand this method fully: When is this shift transformation ever used? At least in my image (running on Win10), KeyboardEvent>>#keyCharacter always respects the shift state and directly returns $( or similar values. Disabling this section does not appear to change any observable behavior. Is this OS specific or even keyboard layout specific, or is #enclose: out of date?

In case the section is still relevant: Does Squeak currently has any logic regarding the local keyboard layout? If not, a simple approach might be to introduce a keyboard layout preference and to define a default dictionary for these shift replacements per keyboard layout.

Looking forward to your answers :)



Von: Beginners <beginners-bounces@lists.squeakfoundation.org> im Auftrag von K K Subbu <kksubbu.ml@gmail.com>
Gesendet: Montag, 5. August 2019 07:55 Uhr
An: A friendly place to get answers to even the most basic questions about Squeak.; Nicola Mingotti
Betreff: Re: [Newbies] BUG in keyboard sequence for commenting region ?
On 05/08/19 9:30 AM, Nicola Mingotti wrote:
> I am using Squeak5.2, in MacOS.
> According to Help -> Keyboard Shortcut:
> ----
> Ctrl-'        Toggle enclosure within double-quotes
> Cmd-' Toggle enclosure within single-quotes
> ----
> Neither of those works. The only way to make a selected part of text
> commented is to press Shift+' . This sequence does not toggle, it
> just quotes the region.
> I may have installed a nasty package because I am pretty sure I was
> able to comment/uncomment regions a few days ago.
> Do you observe the same behavior ?

I am unable to reproduce this in Squeak 5.2-18231 (Linux 64b). Alt-'
(Alt in Linux = Cmd key in Mac) works as expected. Ctrl-' is treated
like alt-shift-' (alt-").

> Post Scriptum: Can you tell me where this is implemented and save m
> X hours of digging ?:)  I would like to change it a bit.

TextEditor>>enclose: handles this action. This method is invoked from a
lookup table cmdMap initialized in TextEditor

BTW, you may want to keep the following code snippets handy in a
workspace to debug keyboard events:

HandMorph showEvents: true
HandMorph showEvents: false

HTH .. Subbu
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