What's wrong with keeping them instance-side?

On Tue, Mar 25, 2008 at 5:41 PM, itsme213 <itsme213@hotmail.com> wrote:
I have some methods that currently refer to iVars, called from other methods
of the same class. I need similar functionality in other classes, not
related by inheritance, and want to keep it DRY.

If I move the iVar references into explicit method args they can be easily
re-located and shared.

Is it then good or bad practice to take a such collection of related
state-independent methods (they don't depend on any iVar) and put them on
the class-side of some suitable class?

My options and concerns:
- I could move them up the hierarchy on the instance side but sometimes hit
single inheritance limits
- I could use traits for these but am unclear about the future of traits in
- I can put on the class side and call easily from instance-side methods,
but is this OK practice?



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