At the moment, i just put the classes in a MC repository here [for a nascent port of Scratch to current Smalltalks]:

If you have a SqueakSource account, i could add you as a developer.
Maybe there is some code missing, i didn't check everything.
You should be able to load this package in a fresh Squeak 4.1 image (just reload it twice because there is some initialization problem that need to be fixed ...)

Beware, nothing is working ;-) and there is no tests at all ...

My SqueakSource account is "Clinton Blackmore" / "CWB".

Incidentally, Serge, seeing as you are interesting in robotics, I
thought it'd be worth mentioning that an important aim of my project is
to allow children to program their LEGO Mindstorms Robots in a
Scratch-like environment.  I am close now to being able to take a stack
of Scratch blocks and export them as real Java code, which could, in
turn, be compiled with LeJOS and uploaded to a Mindstorms NXT robot
running custom firmware.

Looks interesting, do you have more information about that ?

I've finished enough code to have something to show.  Please take a look at:


Serge Stinckwich
UMI UMMISCO 209 (IRD/UPMC), Hanoi, Vietnam
Every DSL ends up being Smalltalk
