Hi Chris,

Using Connectors release 5.2, for Squeak 5.2, that solved it.

thank you


On 7/11/19 6:02 PM, Chris Cunningham wrote:

I just tried your methods and see that it works in my image.  Rooting around, I see that I made a change to NCLineMorph to comment out a check for balloonCanvas or postscritpCanvas, and instead just claim the canvas isn't one of those.  With this change, I can see the connector; without, I cannot.

I haven't figured out why this change is needed, and so haven't pushed it into the main repository.  I have attached a changeset with just this change that should (I hope) make it work for you.


On Thu, Jul 11, 2019 at 3:25 AM Nicola Mingotti <nmingotti@gmail.com> wrote:

I am just starting with Squeak, it is something completely different from all other programming languages/environments I saw before. Very interesting.

I am using Squeak 5.2 for Linux (under FreeBSD-12 Linux compatibility layer), it works.

Coming to the question. I found this package called Connectors. I tried to connect some Morphs with "Curvy Arrow" and it all works fine, clicking on the GUI. But, if I try make a connector from the Workspace I can't see the line and I don't understand well what happens.

For example, If i run this code
https://wiki.squeak.org/squeak/1773  -----
green := Morph new
         color: Color green;
          position: 100@200;

red :=   Morph new
          color: Color red;
          position: 100@300;

c2 := NCAAConnectorMorph new
          connectStartTo: green ;
          connectFinishTo: red ;
I see the two rectangles but I don't see the connector.

I tried to inspect madly the "c2" object but I can't find how it is different from a Curvy Arrow that is actually displayed.

I installed Connectors via SqueakMap, the latest release I saw (I can't see the number now, probably because the package is already installed).

Any ideas ?


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