
Thanks, I was able to file out SerialPort from Squeak into Cuis.  I tried this code in a workspace:

| port oc |
port := (SerialPort new) openPort: 'COM4'.
oc := OrderedCollection new.
port nextPutAll: '>01100'.
oc add: port readString.
oc add: port readString.
oc add: port readString.
port close.

Some data was sent out as indicated by an LED at the connection.  Unfortunately, the response was empty strings which is incorrect based on the off shelf software.  I tried adjusting the baud rate but that did not help.  Any suggestions?  Thank you.

Also, I'm interested in hooking the serial port code up to an application window like the original.  Can you please point me to a tutorial to learn how?  Eventually I want to migrate from simple text response to tables or graphs.



> "To access IO device, use FFI" 
sounds like good advice but without more details I can't do it.  Can you refer me to a tutorial on using FFI?

Kirk Fraser