> the problem here is that HTTPSocket httpGet: '' return
> a RWBinaryOrTextStream.
> To get the string, you need to send the message contents to the stream.
> (HTTPSocket httpGet: 'json url') contents


just getting back to this..

my question is.. how do i know what part of the stream to look at? as
in, how would i know that contents is the part i am interested in?


oh.. and i am reading the docs about streams again...

thanks again!

Not sure I understand... :)

A stream encapsulates a collection and provide facilities to navigate forward, backward, etc... (strings are collection - direct string manipulation aren't efficient)...  So you use a stream to manipulate efficiently your string, and to get the string back (or whatever collection that was associated to the string), you send the message #contents.

If you se the class comment of Stream 
"I am an abstract class that represents an accessor for a sequence of objects. This sequence is referred to as my "contents"."


