On Jan 29, 2008 4:40 AM, Herbert König <herbertkoenig@gmx.net> wrote:
Hello LoneHunter01,

L> I'm trying to do basic i/o using Squeak and I've looked through my browser,
L> but I can't seem to find anything that allows simple (keyword: simple)

reply := FillInTheBlankMorph request: 'What is your real name' initialAnswer

For more browse the class side of FillInTheBlankMorph or ask here, if
you can't make sense of this sentence.

It would be better to use ToolBuilder classes for user interfaces. That way, you can run your application on Morphic, MVC, Tweak or any other UI that comes along.

Sorry I don't have Squeak available to give exact results at this time, but I believe that in recent images there should be a class called something like UIManager with methods to do things like this.

There's also a class called FillInTheBlank which does the same job as the FillInTheBlankMorph, but I'd discourage people from using it directly.

