Hi Hernán,


I tried this already and was really confused by it.  I used a paste up and two text fields.  I found the method valueAtCursor which returned the active text field, and by following what the code was doing with tab I found this method.  I expected that setting the keyboard focus through an inspector that something would happen.  Nothing did, even valueAtCursor didn’t change.  I noticed that moving my mouse stole the cursor but I figured that since valueAtCursor didn’t change that it didn’t work the way I expected it too and there was more to the story then I understood.  There was a bunch of other code besides this method, so I figured there had to be an easier way!  


I would seem to me that having the mouse steal focus would be a disaster for forms and business UI’s where using a mouse in most cases is not recommended is there a way to turn that off or disable it while in a Morphic? (Until another Morphic is selected) 


Is the answer for Marcus use MVC or wxSqueak? 




Ron Teitelbaum


From: Hernan Tylim [mailto:htylim@gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, May 09, 2006 4:21 PM
To: Ron@usmedrec.com; The general-purpose Squeak developers list
Subject: Re: Beginners Unanswered Questions


Hi, about this one:

On 5/9/06, Ron Teitelbaum <Ron@usmedrec.com> wrote:

ActiveHand newKeyboardFocus: aTextMorph.

ActiveHand is a global which points to the HandMorph instance of the active world (you can also access this instance from inside any Morph with Morph>>activeHand)

BTW, when dealing with keyboard focus remember that Squeak has a "keyboard focus follows mouse" policy. So even if you are setting it up programatically any other morph might steal your keyboard focus. (try it with a browser, start typing inside the text pane and move your mouse to any of the upper lists).
