Hello again,

I am making some slow progress. Well, I managed to run an example :)

I run on one image the OldSocket example remoteTestServerUDP and on a second the remoteTestClientUDP. I hope that is the right direction so far.
my transcript tells me that server and client endpoints are created, and some packets are sent.

I get the following message:
4000 bytes/packet, 117packets/sec, 2370 packets dropped.

he shouldn't drop packages, shouldn't he?

Further, the image running the server is not responsive any more (does not react to anything). Is that how it is supposed to work?

Thanks for your help.

2009/6/6 Markus Gaelli <gaelli@emergent.de>

Am 05.06.2009 um 21:26 schrieb Martin Bleichner:

Hi Markus,

when I try out the example i get.
MessageNotUnderstood: MIMEDocument >>upToEnd
the example should run through, shouldn't it?

right, also examples should be tested first... ;-)

Ok, with the following (replace upToEnd with contents and omit the closing of the (non)stream:

       | args result resultStream |
       args := Dictionary new.
       args at: 'arg1' put: #('val1' );
                at: 'arg2' put: #('val2' );
       resultStream := HTTPClient httpPostDocument: 'http://www.squeaklet.com/cgi-bin/thrd.pl' args: args.
       result := resultStream contents.
       Transcript show: result;

it kind of works. Modulo that squeaklet.com is not there anymore so you don't get any specific answers.
If I were you I'd probably go for the udp solution mentioned by others.

It would be great though to have some kind of Etoyish solution for your problem (think lightweight open croquet for etoys) with udp or osc or anything under the hood) so this is a very interesting question!



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