I just started with the game tutorial and was able to figure out how to 
> add the Laser-Game-Model etc to the system browser but how do I add the 
> subclasses such as BlankCell, Grid, MirrorCell, TargetCell?
> Any help on how to use the System Browser would be great.

When you select the Laser-Game-Model category, you see a class
creation template on the bottom pane of the Browser. Fill it out
as shown, then right-click and press "accept" (or press the
keystroke alt-s/cmd-s, depending on platform)

I am CC'ing this to Stephan; Stephan, could you add these
instructions to page

Great I got the message on how to do the subclass but how do you create a new protocol?  tests etc etc In the tut on game.

Sorry if I am a pain but I would real like to learn this and the game tut is got me very interested.  Any help is great
