Hi Darren.

The "Main Form" is where you develop.

This is a little confusing to new's (i'm new, and happened to me at first). The Squeak Environment (Smalltalk Environment) where you develop is the end user app.

About the GUI's, you can use MORPHIC: http://wiki.squeak.org/squeak/30 for example, or Tweak: http://tweakproject.org/ for example

Web interface is a good alternative (if you like it), Seaside is a great framework for this: http://seaside.st/

Ask all you need, and be patiente, squeak/smalltalk is all diferent to "normal" develop.


El 20/05/2007, a las 22:55, Darren White escribió:

This is my first post here. I have been exploring the squeak environment and smalltalk syntax for a few weeks now. Usually when learning a new programming language I create a small programs such as a contacts list. First I may do it with a console front end then play around with a GUI and widgets.

I have got to the stage with squeak where I want to do that but I can't see how to proceed. For a console type program how do I proceed and for a GUI program what is the main form/frame/window to hold the components. So the main thing I'm stuck with is the user interface, I have read enough to know how to create classes and their method bodies (though my code may be bad at this stage :-) ).
Any advice would be most welcome, I can't wait to get stuck in!

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