On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 10:41 PM, K. K. Subramaniam <kksubbu.ml@gmail.com> wrote:
On Monday 14 Feb 2011 4:49:33 pm Steve Thomas wrote:
> In the class additionsToViewerCategoryFraction I added a "slot" using:
> (slot st1 'The quantity of Steve parts' Number readWrite Player
> getMajorTicks Player setMajorTicks:)
> The part I was missing was I had to to Etoys-Scripting Player the
> getMajorTicks and
> setMajorTicks Methods.
> I also found I can use command instead of slot.
slot refers to property values and you need getter methods (for ReadOnly) and
getter/setter for ReadWrite property. command refers to actions. In your
methods, you can access the morph involved in the player using:
   self costume renderedMorph

The tricky part is that you have to choose unique names for slots, commands,
getters and setters. This is because Player uses a flat name space for all
slot/command names and methods. This may look simple, but you could have
packages loaded from outside that could introduce name clashes.
So do all names have to be unique or the category/name combination? 

BTW, I mistook you for another Steve in my earlier reply. Sorry.
There's another?!? ;)

