To answer the question about the scripter...

It seems that a proper 'player' is not created when creating a script via dropping a tile onto the desktop from the viewer. The tiles themselves work, but seem to be disconnected from generating an etoys script for the player. That's the best way I can describe it. Normally in Etoys, for new scripts, a shorthand way to do this without simply creating a new script from the scripts category of the viewer is to simply drag and drop any assignment tile or command out onto the desktop and a script is generated with that tile as the first instruction...doing this in 5.2 alpha (the latest one I d/l last night updated this month) starts a scriptor but creates an error dialog along with it and the script doesn't seem to work correctly.  Dropping more tiles into the scripter creates identical errors to the initial one. However, typing up code into it when switching to a text based scripter works fine, even so far as to properly understand Etoys scripting such as 'self getWidth + 1' and such. However, running it as tile doesn't seem to work. I'm fairly sure this is likely known to whomever is doing the porting/updating so that's why I didn't go into details.  I was really just happy the viewers properly work and that so far my Etoys projects seem to load pretty well. If anyone is needing projects for testing, I can supply quite a few of them and will sort out which ones actually don't properly load in Etoys 5 itself (I have had a few that somehow my project broke itself and Etoys stopped loading it properly) as well as ones that do. I've been creating, I suppose, larger projects in Etoys for the last year or two, things that are more than simply showing a math concept or simple story, but things that use multiple books talking to each other, using books as databases, and action oriented graphical effects and game frameworks/tests.  I haven't gotten a chance to really see which ones work and which ones Squeak 5.2 doesn't like, but when I get a chance to, I'll try to separate them out and make them available for the devs if they need more projects to test for bugs and the like.  

But so far, I've tested a marginally complicated project that has a book as a database with images and links between pages and such and it seems to load fine, but I haven't done any edits to it to see if 'messing around' with it will break anything.  I'm pretty good at breaking stuff though.  Seems to be my special gift.  :p

At any rate, whatever shape 5.2 takes and whether it's going to be a new Etoys or simply Etoys+Squeak, it's appreciated very much. Etoys hits that 'sweet spot' of flexibility, useability and approachability, I think which is why I use it and hate things like HTML/CSS/Javascript for mocking up shouldn't take 3 languages and syntax differences to describe a single thing...but that's a rant I'm sure I don't need to spout here...

Peace and keep on truckin' at your own pace.  :)

On Sun, Aug 26, 2018 at 3:31 PM, Chris Muller <> wrote:
+1.  It's really great to get feedback from the *USER* side!  Feedback
from someone who does not consider themself a coder is GOLD for those
who do to understand what is important for true users of Etoys.  You
are a quintessential member of the group I've advocated for in squeak-dev
on a continuing basis, thanks!  :-)   My only question is, does Bert
or someone understand what you mean by "other than the Etoys scriptor
needing to be in text rather than tile," and, is that an easy fix we
could still get into 5.2?

  Chris Muller
On Sun, Aug 26, 2018 at 4:03 PM Ron Teitelbaum <> wrote:
> Hi Jeremy,
> Very nice email.  Thank you for taking the time to write it!  It is a wonderful community!
> All the best,
> Ron Teitelbaum
> On Sun, Aug 26, 2018 at 1:50 PM Jeremy Landry <> wrote:
>> I just gave the latest beta 5.2 a look last night and I'm rather psyched about work that's been done. I personally am not a 'coder', I don't like 'writing' code, etc. and so I've been mostly using the Etoys distribution as it allows me to get straight into the visual and motion design work that I'm actually interested in. I had heard that Etoys was going to be merged back into squeak, making the eye halo actually feel logical to even be included again and when I tried version 5.0 a while back, it was still largely under construction/on the to-do list. However last night, other than the Etoys scriptor needing to be in text rather than tile, I was very very happy and impressed at the same time and I just wanted to thank everyone who's work and contributions towards this goal has gotten it to this point now. Even if for some extremely unlikely reason that Squeak dev completely stopped tomorrow morning, what is there is already nice.
>> Really, everyone has outdone themselves on squeak 5.x and this is just me saying thanks and letting you know at least one person out in the wilderness appreciates it.
>> I apologize for cluttering up the mailing list with kudos and congrats, but I was really yelling at my screen last night saying the explicit versions of 'hooray' and thought afterwards, 'I should write a polite and publicly acceptable version of how I feel and pass that to those responsible' so here I am.
>> Again, thanks and stellar work.
>> Peace
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