Hi, I'm attempting to load SanstoneGOODS package.  However, it says that I'm missing several dependencies.  For example, I'm getting the following error messages:

Begin Error:

This package depends on the following classes:
You must resolve these dependencies before you will be able to load these definitions: 
  SDCheckPointer classSide>>startUp:
  SDGoodsStore classSide>>defaultHost
  SDGoodsStore classSide>>defaultPort
  SDGoodsStore classSide>>host
  SDGoodsStore classSide>>host:
  SDGoodsStore classSide>>initialize
  SDGoodsStore classSide>>port
  SDGoodsStore classSide>>port:
  SDGoodsStoreTests classSide>>isAbstract

Select Proceed to continue, or close this window to cancel the operation.  

END Error:

Shouldn't Monticello load these dependencies automatically?

