How would that work for horizontal bar charts in which bars with no hits would be displayed the same as bars with a single hit?

On Wed, May 24, 2017 at 11:19 PM, Ralph Boland <> wrote:
I just attempted to draw a rectangle with dimensions  3@3 corner: 9@3.
Nothing gets drawn.  The reason that nothing is drawn is that the width of
the rectangle is 0.  This makes sense for real numbers but for a pixelated
screen or other display medium the dimensions of the rectangle
should be 1 x 7  not  0 x 6!?.  This is 7 pixels needed to draw, not 0.

The same issues occur for the height of the rectangles.

I would think that the way things work would cause all kinds of problems
but since Rectangles are pretty basic, either I am wrong,
or every bit of Squeak code using rectangles has adjusted accordingly.

Please clarify.

How do Java and other languages handle this?

Ralph Boland
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