I am having difficulty getting the following example to work using either delay or step:

aMorph := Morph new.
aMorph position: (100@100).
aMorph openInWorld.
30 timesRepeat: [aMorph position: aMorph position +(1@0). Transcript show: 'test '; cr.].
(aMorph position) >= (120@100) ifTrue: [aMorph color: Color yellow].
Transcript show: 'position: ', aMorph position; cr.

For example:

aMorph := Morph new.
aMorph position: (100@100).
aMorph openInWorld.
delay := Delay forMilliseconds: 20.
[30 timesRepeat: [aMorph position: aMorph position +(1@0). delay wait.].] fork.
(aMorph position) >= (110@100) ifTrue: [aMorph color: Color yellow].
Transcript show: 'position: ', aMorph position; cr.

In the first example the morph moves, changes color, and the Transcript shows its final position. However, in the second example the morph moves but does not change color and the Transcript shows its starting position.