I fixed a problem in the installer.
When user installs squeak to a folder which name contains space letter, the Windows short cut such as:
squeak.exe folder name\xxxx.image
will failed to parse the full path. Add quote mark will solve this problem.
Please get the latest one from:

Best regards.


On 10/16/06, Xinyu Liu <liuxinyu95@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi people,

I create a one click setup for newbies.
It will do the following things after run:
1. download SqueakVM from ftp.squeak.org
2. download 3.9 images, soruces ftp.squeak.org
3. extract all things
4. create shortcut in desktop and program menu.

I found the download process may cost some time, because there is only one download session.
The installer can work only in Windows. It can be get from:


I created it with NullSoft installation system scripts. I shared the script code here:
You can change it when 3.9 package updates.

Have fun with 3.9!

Best regards.