On Sat, Mar 29, 2008 at 5:48 PM, cdrick <cdrick65@gmail.com> wrote:
not really necessary...

I once find that by myself by exploring the morph model in an opened
monticello browser...

That makes sense...

I center click to open halos on morph until plugableListMorphPlus is
selected, then debug icon, then inspect model and it open an inspector
on aMCWorkingCopy...

1.  I center click twice until I have selected pluggableListMorphPlus
2.  debug>inspect model
3.  Which gives me a MCWorkingCopyBrowser
4.  Ok...If I "explore" workingCopy...
Then I chose explore and look for the monticello
version string (wich is called ancestorString).

Whereas I would have struggled to find allManagers and would have had a hard time getting past:

(workingCopy ancestors at: 1) name, which of course doesn't always work!

Not easy but I start to get used to find such information...  just
need to be well awake ;)

Man.  "Zen and the art of Smalltalk Programming... "

You guys are amazing!
