A tip for integrating Squeak into your non-Squeak work.

Use it for tools, reports, and other little bits of glue. People don't think of Squeak as a great glue language, but I've had excellent results.

Since there is almost no OS integration, you can install Squeak merely by unzipping a file. Unlike a lot of other languages that need a shell (and is often locked down) Squeak does not.

I use Seaside to develop little desktop applications at work. I put a one-click install on a local file server, Since one-click only requires extracting to a folder, even our relatively locked down users at work can extract a ZIP to a folder. I put two icons in the folder. One to start the server (minimized) and one that is just a URL to localhost.

I have dozens of unsophisticated, regular users and none of them complain about Squeak's looks. In fact, since I import our corporate brand CSS, it all looks very official.

On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 9:06 AM, Ryan Zerby <tahognome@gmail.com> wrote:
You've hit on a lot of my exact reasons.  When I make an application,
it would be nice to be able to show it to my friends, and there is
zero chance that they will actually install squeak.  I can get away
with this for some things by using the webbased squeak app... but not
for desktop things. I like writing casual games and the AI applicable
to them.

I could live with Squeak being an island if I were able to use it for
my day-to-day internet use. From what I've seen, squeak doesn't even
have a usable webbrowser... I  can't read the newbies list from inside
squeak, nor can I search the web for documentation and such.

So, I can't really run outside of squeak, and I can't really run
inside of squeak, but have this weird hybrid.
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