Uhmm. To me, there are several kinds of newbie and my newbiness is more on computer science in general as I start to know squeak a bit. That's why I find more approriate to post general questions (like XML processing) here instead of the dev list where subjects are very sharp and where people will probably find trivial all sax and dom related problem and where I might have had a response like use a SAX parser and instead here I have more comprehensible response that can be used by others too (Also, I'd like to thanks you Ron for your time on this list on a lot of points ;) ).

I think here the difference mainly comes from the fact I use squeak as a dev envrionment without using etoys at all as all projects (.pr) stuff... and one other list may be too much ;)

see you


Hi John,

Personally I think that each person is trying to get started in their own
way.  For programmers Sax and Dom are newbie activities.  For others it
might not be.  I would be happy to help you with the newbie activities you
are interested in.  I had to look up Tamagotchi to know what it was, but it
looks pretty interesting.