>> Wouldn't you rather debug in Smalltalk than any other system? It's not as if any other language would make that >> simpler.

That was not my point. My point was crystal clear, that making an application of the magnitude of blender is no small feat. Unlike other open source software , Blender is taken very seriously by professionals because it has not only a team of  40 developers ( more or less) but many of those people working on Blender are neither new to 3d nor mere students with just a few month in their back. They are people that know what they are doing and how they will do it. Further a huge difference is that blender did not start as open source it started as a commercial product that later , much , much later became open source. So its not just another open source product that some random guy started it , with just a group of enthusiastic people who were just introduced to the concept of 3d. It was made by a company with years of experience in professional 3d . 

The debugger won't give you the experience needed to build something like blender. You can certainly build a 3d with a sizable group of students. Even in that case it will take years. It took blender 12 years to reach the status it is now. 

About debugger, I clear stated my preference on smalltalk IDE and its live environment nothing more to add. Lisp also seems to follow the same guidelines with flexible debugger and live coding abilities. 

>> It's true that people favor popular languages. That's what the term "popular" means. It's also true, however, that >> people with Smalltalk experience usually have a much better grip on OO design than those who only know the >> more popular languages.

I thought his goal was to produce pro coders that will throw to the market. So It was my belief that he should invest in languages with job prospects. But it seems this is not the goal and he aims for something more freestyle in terms of teaching , so smalltalk will be perfect for his needs. 

My issue with smalltalk is severe lack of documentation , buggy libraries (had several issues with morphic crashing squeak) and generally a very small community . 

Other than that, I find Squeak amazing product and that is why I consider it , together with lisp for a major project I am planning. If I believe squeak did suck, I would not be here in the first place. And I don't believe that is the fault of the community that the above weaknesses exist. More or less all programming languages that are not that popular have them. 

I just love the graphical nature of st , the live coding, the DSL abilities, the community of polite people (contrary to lisp community which I had to face arrogance more than I expected) and general a product that is both mature and way ahead its time. I even consider making my project in both lisp and squeak / pharo ( though a smalltalk only version is not excluded either as I have my reservation about usefulness and necessity of lisp ) as I would love to gives this way my support to the community and make this product a little more popular and taken more seriously.