Many thanks for your info Dave!

I'll try to install it using the 32 bits vm manually. any news i'll let the list know about it. :)



On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 9:02 PM, David T. Lewis <> wrote:
On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 08:28:39PM -0300, Leandro Juarez wrote:
> Hi. I'm having little trouble trying to install the squeakVM (4.0) on Ubuntu
> 64bits. i just tried from the testing channel only.
> deb x main
> deb-src x main
> on the ubuntu repository there's only version 3
> any idea how/where to download?
> many thanks in advance.

Hi Leandro,

There is a brand new Unix VM that has just been released, and that
contains many improvements. I suggest that you go to this web site
and download the latest version:

This updated version of the VM has not yet made its way into general
distribution, but I think that you will find it to be the best available

This VM is compiled as a 32-bit executable, which means that you will
need to install various 32-bit runtime libraries on your system in
order for everything to work. The VM can of course also be compiled
as a 64-bit executable, but some of the features for multimedia do
not yet work in 64-bit mode, so overall it is best to use the 32-bit
VM even if you are on a 64-bit Ubuntu system.


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Leandro Juarez