
I have a junior question when using collection to store/get my own defined element.
My elements is defined as below:

Object subclass: #MyItem
    instanceVariableNames: 'subItems'
    classVariableNames: ''
    poolDictionaries: ''
    category: 'MyTest'

Where the subItems instance var is also a collection.

But I don't know how to store/get such kind of MyItem by using collection, I think I need deep copy an element when add it to the collection.

I don't think the following code works.

|temp coll|
temp := MyItem new.
temp addSubItem: 'hello'; addSubItem 'world'; yourself.
coll := OrderedCollection new.
coll add: temp

How can I add the deep copied element to my collection and retrieve it later? shall I overload the #copy method?

Best regards and thanks